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Roaming Bull

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Everything posted by Roaming Bull

  1. If he does that there will only be like 100 pages or so. It will be like starting all over again.
  2. You worry too much. Things will be fine. QF will finish up here before departing for the Manitoba Bombers. QF, Super Butter Bean Kean, and Chris are all the qbs we need.
  3. What are you talking about Chris Oladokun is still on the roster!
  4. Congratulations to QF! His world will never be the same. Has anyone begun prepped him on his Canadian options yet?
  5. Yea that's not really what I was going for. I think there is more to being a head coach than just knowing one side of the ball, but the focus here would be adjustments. Dungy seemed to know how to out coach opponents, and how to make adjustments in game. CWT needs to figure out how to get away from the scripts and make adjustments in game. I'm not sure what other connects Harlan could pull in that could help him in this area, but it would help him (and our program) get to next level. If we want to win big games and do big things that is the next step. CWT is doing a heck of a job and I look forward to watching him going forward.
  6. Just take CalTrains. The drive from SF to SJ can be brutal. Traffic on 101 is awe inspiringly slow at times and even when it's good it is crappy. SFO has a shuttle to the Millbrae station from there it's easy to get down to SJ
  7. Unless the tickets are that much cheaper flying into San Francisco, San Jose is the best option. There are plenty of cool places to visit in the area. Big Sur, Santa Cruz, the missions, and more. The drive down Pacific 1 from San Francisco to Santa is awesome.
  8. I was thinking of the guy who was part of his interview process, but if you believe that Ditka could help him out I guess they can try that angle.
  9. CWT is willing to learn and is trying. I wonder if a certain Super Bowl winning coach would consider doing some consultant work to help him along in his development? It could help round him out and maybe help learning how to adjust in game. Maybe if he gave up calling plays he would be faster to call adjustments?
  10. DJ, Mack , and Adams will be men amongst boys again in the AAC games. Things will get better.
  11. Well hopefully this next man up thing go better than our next game up façade.
  12. Opponents to villains/siths? FSU=Count Dooku?
  13. I guess it's time to make a run at Saban. Miles will be s backup and who else should we schedule interviews for? Harbaugh, Spurrier? Remember budgets are for losers and you're doing something wrong if you're not paying former coaches who have left the program.
  14. So have heard about Mack's eye injury? Will he be playing next year with a eyepatch? One eyed Mack in Pirate Stadium?
  15. no logic zone right now. This game hurt our feels. You take those words back and pick up a torch or pick fork like the rest of us.
  16. He played LB in hs and don't think he's ready to play with the weight at this level
  17. I didn't know it was basketball season already
  18. The mean level has slowly been drawn out of this team over the last few games. These guys aren't flying, hitting, or playing tough. This d is looking Coshesque. So, yes going for the easy fix did hurt us. I'm just not sure how bad it will hurt us in conference play.
  19. It wasn't just the d that whole team and coaching staff got "Rick rolled" and had no idea how to handle the situation. The d couldn't stop anyone and o couldn't move the ball. And the coaches couldn't adjust to get guys in the right position to be effective
  20. Rewatching some of the game that pick midway through the 2nd unhinged Flowers. I also feel like the team was in different formations. Taggart said we weren't going to change things because that's how you get beat, and it looks like he made changes. Also he should have never changed tempo. If the d can't stop them we needed to keep scoring. There is so much that went wrong in that game. I hope we don't play Houston of we play like that. It would be really embarrassing. Not sure where this team is at after that. Is there that much seperation between P5 teams or P5 vs G5? Our team did not look prepared and even Taggart looked unhinged in the footage.
  21. I am very upset and if I wasn't heading to a wedding I would commence speaking upset jibberish
  22. stupid, stupid, stupid are these slips or are they taking shots at us? We will let the product on the field speak for us though
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