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Everything posted by bullsfan27

  1. Don't all hockey teams do this as a way to give the home team the edge to make sure come playoff games they are playing in front of fans cheering the home team
  2. I read the Taggart wants to name the starter before fall practice. Wouldn't he be better to wait until a few days before our first game
  3. The more telling stretch will be the 6 game stretch where we play 3 against Houston at home then go to ucf for 3. Finish 3-3 and we will be on track
  4. http://m.gousfbulls.com/mobile/ViewArticle.dbml?DB_OEM_ID=7700&ATCLID=209986922
  5. I was sitting right next to the Louisville band and security was almost ready to throw them out. Security apologized to us and said something to the band director while points out band members that were really acting classless
  6. Anyone know who is coming in next year for the ladies that could bring size down low
  7. That's about the 4th travel the haven't called on Louisville but they can call it on us
  8. Courtney is a warrior she'll be fine. We have to knock down more shots the 2nd half and take care of the ball. Most of our turnovers were due to us trying to split a double team by drinking between 2 defenders. We need to pass out on those situations and slow down to wait for the game to come to us not force it. Rebounding is hurting us but that is mainly due to Louisville height
  9. One of louisvilles big is in foul trouble early. Might become a factor
  10. We will have to shoot the ball a lot better than we did against LSU and not just only the 3 ball. We won't be able to afford leaving any points off the board due to missed FT's or layups. Hopefully Williams just had an off night shooting and comes out on fire tonight but she has been struggling lately with her jumpshot. Hopefully they worked with her and she comes out on fire and the rest of the team catches on and shots Louisville out of the building.
  11. Huge news Dayton just knocked off kentucky so if we beat Louisville we get a 7 seed in Albany instead of a 2
  12. Courtney needs to slow it down a bit. She's been going way to fast which is why she's missed most of her shots
  13. We are currently 3rd favorite behind the field and Princeton. We have a solid grip on florida and Connecticut in terms of voting. http://espn.go.com/espn/fp/flashPollResultsState?sportIndex=womenbb&pollId=4749444
  14. I'm thinking they put us in UCONN to guarantee 2 teams from the AAC couldn't make it to the final 4 and/or title game since that would make the power 5 look really bad
  15. We have a very favorable path to the elite 8 before facing UCONN which I would have preferred to face in the final 4 or title game but now we could shock them and keep them away from tampa. We can do it the the elite 8 matchup would be a huge challenge
  16. Hopefully if we do get the 7th seed we get to host otherwise our path might be difficult especially if we have to go to tally and play FSU. Now if the 3 seed is Iowa than it might not be so bad since Iowa is a much easier matchup than FSU. I'm just hoping to avoid the 8/9 since that would force us to go through with Maryland, UCONN, SC, or ND at their place. I've heard we a projected as a 6 or 7 maybe even as high as a 5 but that is unlikely. Hopefully the #25 ranking helps the seeding
  17. Seeing that you're in Lutz, I can understand why you'd selfishly want to host the first game but it's not ideal seeding for least resistance through the rounds. Let's say the 3 seed is Duke and were the 6. Now u have to play them on their home court but if we got the 7 with Louisville the 2 we would get them on our court and get the home crowd. That's y if given the option I'd prefer having round 2 at home then play the 3 seed on a neutral court. It has nothing to do with where I live I just feel that if we are going to get either duke or Louisville it rather face Louisville knowing we might get the extra boost from a home crowd than having to possibly play Duke at their place then play Louisville on a neutral court. I think we could beat Duke but if prefer that one to be a neutral court game. Now if the 3 seed is Iowa or some other school that we wouldn't have much of a problem beating them but our matchup with Duke could be a problem for us since we lack size Got ya, that's a way to look at it. Hope we get a good seed in an easier region. Here is a projected bracket that I'm looking at. IF we get the 6 we would have a relatively easy game in round 1 but round 2 we get duke at their place. round 3 we get baylor in okc which would basically be a home game for baylor and if we were able to stun baylor we would get south carolina or stanford in the elite 8 before most likely facing notre dame in the final 4 and uconn in the title game. However if we get the 7 we might have a tougher 1st round game but it would be a home game and if promote right we could pack the house for both games. If we get past louisville and say nebraska we could get some help as texas/ganzaga might knock off 3 seed oregon state who recently lost to a sub 500 colorado team in the pac-12 tourney. In the elite 8 we might get maryland but on a neutral site across country or kenctucky/unc if they stun maryland which would leave us with uconn in the final 4 and nd in the title game at home. I just think the path as the 7 might just be easier but if we have to play the 6 seed path I think we can do it but it would be a lot tougher. Either way I'll be cheering them on all the way http://espn.go.com/ncw/bracketology
  18. Seeing that you're in Lutz, I can understand why you'd selfishly want to host the first game but it's not ideal seeding for least resistance through the rounds. Let's say the 3 seed is Duke and were the 6. Now u have to play them on their home court but if we got the 7 with Louisville the 2 we would get them on our court and get the home crowd. That's y if given the option I'd prefer having round 2 at home then play the 3 seed on a neutral court. It has nothing to do with where I live I just feel that if we are going to get either duke or Louisville it rather face Louisville knowing we might get the extra boost from a home crowd than having to possibly play Duke at their place then play Louisville on a neutral court. I think we could beat Duke but if prefer that one to be a neutral court game. Now if the 3 seed is Iowa or some other school that we wouldn't have much of a problem beating them but our matchup with Duke could be a problem for us since we lack size
  19. I'll be there hoping for a #7 seed with Louisville but I'll take anything as long as we get in
  20. Year 1 under Antigua was not good but what can u expect with a team having only 3 guys with d1 experience on the roster. Next year we should be a little better but we won't be tourney bound. I'm think we will win around 12 games next year. Antigua is going to get some good players in here we just need to let him work and build the team up. Duke, kentucky, and the other big name schools weren't built to their level overnight. It took some of those schools 10+ years to get there so it will take time for us to get there as well.
  21. Any thoughts on this. http://www.voodoofive.com/2015/3/12/8197957/i-love-you-college-basketball-but-you-suck-right-now-lets-change-some
  22. If we get 1st round we would also get the 2nd round as well. They'll probably have a package deal for both rounds and if we don't make it to round 2 they'll refund for the 2nd game.
  23. Honestly, I'd rather them be a 7 seed in Tallahassee, though it's for selfish reasons (I'd love to go to a game, and Tally's a LOT closer than Tempe. If fsu beats nd tomorrow could fsu jump nd for a 1 seed or is fsu too far out of the 1 slot
  24. Jenkins now with a double double. She's making a statement tonight
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