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Everything posted by bullsfan27

  1. Coach Heath has been hired at BC as an assistant coach. Hope he does well there http://www.bcinterruption.com/boston-college-basketball/2015/6/15/8786301/report-boston-college-basketball-hires-arkansas-south-florida-stan-heath
  2. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/sports/ucf-knights/os-ucf-todd-stansbury-ad-oregon-state-20150618-story.html
  3. He's heading to a community college in mississippi http://www.si.com/college-football/2015/06/17/fsu-qb-john-franklin-transfers-east-mississippi-community-college?xid=si_ncaaf
  4. If we go after any of those guys, our aim is too low. We should go after Urban Meyer or Mark Helfrich. Maybe if the Philly Eagles have another bad year, Chip Kelly will be available. It is too low. We just shot low with Taggart and the return has not been great. Go get a guy who has won and proved he can win in college football over a period of time. Hopefully none of the talk even matters and Taggart is the guy, but I'm certainly not holding my breath. Like Skip? Yup. Like Skip. I can't stand Skip Holtz, and don't think he is a very good coach, but I'd rather bring in a guy who has won somewhere consistently instead of someone who had a career record of 16-20 at Western Kentucky. What Taggart managed to do there was impressive, but does that mean he's ready to take the step that he was hired for here? Doesn't look like it. As much as the Holtz years pain me and I think he's most at fault for our downfall, I still think at the time it was a solid hire. I was skeptical from the get go with Taggart and 2 years in I still am skeptical. With skip if you actually go back and look altho eh numbers he was winning only 33% of the games against the teams we faced while at ECU (7-21). He might have done better now since we are basically in CUSA 2.0
  5. They just revealed that bishop played with a torn groin and Johnson played with a broken wrist. Makes you wonder what would have happened had Johnson and bishop been healthy throughout the entire finals would the outcome be different
  6. He says he is looking for serious playing time and he would definitely get that here if he can show he is better than both flowers and bench which wouldn't be too hard so I say see if he has any interests
  7. can someone explain to me why the lightning kept shooting low on crawford when they could have easily scored by going high on him especially on the stamkos breakaway where he tried to go low on crawford when all he had to do was go high after crawford after he played on the ice
  8. Didn't Butch Davis actually express interest in coaching at USF? That would be very interesting Yes he did. USF never gave him to time of day. We shall see if that changes Under Harlan all options will be on the table and I think he will talk to Davis if he needs a new coach next season. Gruden, dungy, and leavitt will never happen.
  9. Cooper might want to give serious thought to changing the lines up to try and throw curveballs at Chicago. Seems to me Crawford is very comfortable so we have to make him uncomfortable to force game 7
  10. I don't think it was supposed to surprise people but the numbers might surprise some people
  11. I wanted to get everyone's thought on this article from espn. It's about how the big name athletic programs cover up crimes ranging from minor to major criminal offenses. FSU leads the country with 70% of cases not being prosecuted or being thrown out while Florida has a 56% rate to lead the entire country. http://espn.go.com/espn/otl/story/_/id/13065247/college-athletes-major-programs-benefit-confluence-factors-somes-avoid-criminal-charges
  12. Now the lightning will need to play desperate hockey in chicago and bishop will need to be the bishop form game 5 and 7 against the rangers in game 6 and 7 against the blackhawks. Did anyone else notice how chicago in the first few games tried to hurt bishop maybe its time for the lighting to try and hurt crawford or at least get in his head to take him out of his game
  13. Bishop out tonight. Sounds like they are letting bishop rest for game 5 or something is wrong with bishop
  14. I think so ... It is. As a matter of fact the last 5 teams the Lightning have faced are 5 of the original 6(Bruins, red wings, Canadiens, Rangers, and Blackhawks)
  15. I never really thought about this. That's pretty crazy.... and horrible. FAMU will end that streak. They are maybe the worst college team in the US. If we win by less than 3 TDs, we will NOT win more than 4 games...and Taggart gets fired. Flag this post, and if we don't cover 21 points, we're done. If we can't dominate FAMU the season is over before it starts and it would be conceivable Taggart doesn't last the season. I'd like to think we can destroy them but SMU was historically bad and we squeaked out a win. If we don't dominate FAMU taggart might be fired that night especially if we lose to them
  16. That is a huge win as it guarantees a split in chicago and gives the lightning home ice advantage. I'd love to see them take both in chicago and end it in 5 but getting the guaranteed split is huge
  17. Anyone else think that the lightning are trying to throw off chicago with the bishop situation.
  18. If they add Florida to the big 12 it will be both usf and ucf. They won't add only one when they add nothing individually but add value with both together
  19. Lightning gave game 1 away. they should have stayed aggressive and never gone to a prevent. who ever invented the prevent defense in any sport should be castrated from coaching as it never wins any games
  20. Anyone know how ties will be handled if multiple team are tied to the point where more than 8 teams are in the top 8
  21. That was great, after game four, I thought the Lightning were done. Bishop has been beyond pathetic tonight. Hopefully the decent Bishop (and defense) show up Friday! Game 5 bishop better show up Friday or it's going to be another long night
  22. We're in heading to Gainesville to play fau. Matched with Florida and Florida am
  23. Bishop looked great tonight. Will need to replicate this performance to close them out Tuesday night
  24. Would this be for all sports except football or would it include football as well
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