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Rex Havoc

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Everything posted by Rex Havoc

  1. I think the first one is the most important. If you miss the first kick it will lower your confidence, and make the rest of the kicks harder.
  2. Got mine yesterday and it was packaged just like the photos. I was really impressed with the box.
  3. Would you be able to message me your contact info.
  4. I updated my address months ago, but my tickets look like they are still being sent to my old address. Trying to take care of that today.
  5. I totally would have brought him if he was older. He’s going to be a huge Bulls fan.
  6. How was the turnout? I haven’t missed one of these in years, but my wife and I had our first baby on Sunday. He left the hospital wearing a USF outfit. The black uniforms look great! Any idea how much one of those jerseys costs?
  7. We were in 123 the past few years, and moving to 122 this season. I love the end zone for that reason.
  8. Thanks man I appreciate it. I love seeing kids at the games...they really are the future of USF Football. People forget our program is realitvely new.
  9. I’m sitting here in the hospital waiting for my wife to deliver our first baby (Tyler). I keep imagining bringing him to games once he’s old enough. That alone really excites me about the future. I didn’t grow up a Bulls fan, so I look forward to bringing him to USF events. The last 9 plus months have totally changed my outlook on things. Yes it would be nice to be in a better conference, but I’m still looking forward to making memories as a family. USF has given me a great career and I’ll support the Bulls forever. He will be leaving this hospital wearing USF gear.
  10. I totally agree with how you feel. I love going to games and meeting up with old friends. Yes it would be nice to be in a better conference, but we still have fun.
  11. I think the jerseys are nice. As long as we win in them, that’s all that matters to me.
  12. Always look forward to this! Our group of 6 will be there.
  13. Gotta check your sources before you post something like that. Everyone is in a hurry to be the first to report something.
  14. She has done an amazing job as president of USF!
  15. This seems like a great hire. I like how he knows everyone, and is well respected.
  16. I did St. Petersburg College, then USF. I’m glad I did because it prepared me for USF. At 18 I don’t think I would have done well in classes with 200 or more students. SPC taught me how to be a quality student, and USF prepared me for my career. This is huge news for USF and all alumni.
  17. He needs to take the money and start his professional career. If he turns this down, he is only 1 injury away from throwing away millions. Hopefully he is seeking quality financial advice from someone outside the family. Like cophbulls stated some parents have unrealistic expectations of their child's value/skill level. My siblings and I played lots of competitive sports, and unfortunately many parents see their child as a golden ticket. It's sickening how much pressure some parents put on their children to be successful. I've seen numerous parents take all the fun out of playing a sport. They pressure their children until the kid pretty much snaps and ends up hating the game and their parents. If the kid happens to be talented enough to make it professionally...out come the "friends and family" wanting their piece of the pie.
  18. I agree that Yuengling is a well recognized brand. People all over know what Yuengling is. This name definitely beats a name like the CFE Federal Credit Union Arena.
  19. He is still my favorite Bulls player. Guy always gave 100% effort and he truly loves USF.
  20. I’ve played sports pretty much my entire life, and know what happens if you don’t listen to the coach...you don’t see the field again. QF might have suggested changing the offense, but the decision was made by the coaches.
  21. That really was a stupid idea to put him back in. Coaches are paid to make decisions, not let their players say what is going to happen.
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