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Everything posted by gibbsak

  1. both pi calls looked iffy. The one against USF did not have a good replay to tell.
  2. Bear picked on the line, but said he thinks we win straight up. Mentioned who we lost to, and our upsets. I'm with hm. Not this again. Bear's record not great.
  3. Agree stats could use some work, but team found a way to win. That is what matters today.
  4. this didn't bother me. Simple math means we would have been down either way if they had scored a TD. Taggart put faith in Tom Allen and Defense. And you could see how excited they both were at the end. I think his play calling has improved, but still needs some 3rd quarter work. Seems like we struggle to adjust to the other defense's adjustments when starting up the second half.
  5. It will be wild. They put up 30 points today. Edit: We need to go for the kill in that one.
  6. Offering an extension before it was earned was what killed our budget with Holtz.
  7. Just dont guarantee salary without requiring results.
  8. ucf has me slightly worried. One of tthose "we can go 1-11 as long as 1 is USF" scenarios. I think we get it done, but that would be an embarrassment.
  9. Wish I could. Been way too long for me. Last one I made was 2009 @ FSU.
  10. Tough one. I think yes, but agree that it depends on what the losses look like. I think ECU will be winnable, but tough coming off their loss to UConn. Taggart has taken at least 2 winnable scenarios and turned then into losses this year, so we'll see.
  11. I think he is just bad at play calling. Sure he opened up a little in our wins, but there were some questionable play calls that reminded me of our early season struggles.
  12. d been on the field llong. Looking winded. Tackling needs work. Step up, can get it done
  13. Like seeing receiver mad he couldn't go further, rather than just happy to make the catch.
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