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Everything posted by Calibull

  1. Even if it is approved now he will be required to set because the 2015-2016 school year has started. Once the season starts if the waiver is approved, he'll be given an additional year but will not be eligible to play this season. That's why he tweeted what he did earlier today about having to wait and good things. But here is a yahoo sports article that explains it a little. Enjoy... http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/ncaaf-dr-saturday/ncaa-drops-immediate-eligibility-hardship-waiver-for-transfers-191437627.html
  2. Please disregard my post... that was in reference to ECU... in this... I do agree with you. I share the same sentiments you do.
  3. Not to be too specific but Kurt Benkert, the guy who got hurt, beat out Kody Keith and Kemp... Cody Keith was never a highly recruited QB and is on his third school (he was even rated out of high school)... Benkert.. the guy who went down was the best of those qbs. None of these guys were "highly touted" and judging by the ECU board, the others aren't any good. If you think guys were bad about Bench and Flowers prospects... randomly take a trip to one of their boards, unless one of these guys just does something crazy, they are looking at a Bobby Eveld and Matt Floyd type qb. So while I'm not putting a lot of onus into what his going on at other schools... this is a significant injury for them. The guy starting now didn't beat out two highly touted players.
  4. I think Flowers is going to blossom (<-just worked out that way.. lol) and our offense is going to move the ball. I'm ready for some football now. Next Saturday a lot of questions will be answered. Good stuff though... Lets do this #ALLIN #GOBULLS I have a keg of the kool aid...
  5. I thought it was a good read and wanted to share it. Any thoughts? Especially the last line... http://www.bradenton.com/2015/08/28/5962617/college-football-preview-kinnan.html
  6. Did the changed culture have anything to do with 5 net rushing yards in a home shutout to a rival in his 24th game? I keep hearing about effort and culture, but I am waiting for the most important thing, results. It was the second year of a three year project. So yeah, it did help us. The defense played a hell of a game despite the offensive woes. If we had any semblance of an offense we could have won... but we had a weak oline and no QB. This year will be the judge... and when we win, it will be interesting to see your reaction.
  7. if a person is hit by a car at 100 mph, they will likely die.
  8. Yeah... they only travelled like 9 or 10 guys, right? Depth could have been an issue, too. I like the trajectory of this team... they are trending in the right direction. Do I expect a miracle season? No... but we should be competitive.
  9. I'm not sure I understand. Is this directed at those posters who somehow see Bench as a much better option when there is no clear evidence? People see what they want to see and that includes the loonies in here that think there is some conspiracy to keep Bench off the field. nothing about a career 45% completion rate after 164 pass attempts with a QB rating below 100 says starter material as a senior. Nah. He's saying that people that think Bench is better are no different than people (like you) that are convinced that Flowers is better. Everyone has their opinion. Everyone tries to change the opinion of those that don't agree with them. No one will be successful. His is completely right about this, of course. What Bourbon Bull is leaving out of his argument is twofold. 1. There is the possibility that one group or the other will be able to crow about how right they were. I think the much more likely scenario is that we will continue with two QBs throughout the season and neither will really prove much. It won't be until next year when AW gets on the field that the QB controversy will be settled and everyone will agree we have a quality QB. 2. We are all bored out of our minds waiting for the season to start, and this can be entertaining. It's all in good fun, as long as we are attacking arguments and not impugning the character of our fellow posters. I'm not convinced Flowers is better. I do believe if you are going to run the Qb more then he is more effective. I said previously that if we get behind and need to pass then they should bring in Bench but right now Flowers is a better runner than Bench is a passer. I think both will play a lot this year and i will be behind whoever is on the field. I find the whole conspiracy thing to be absolutely moronic though. I don't think they'll share anywhere near equal time. I actually think Flowers is better than Bench. He's better than Bench was as a soph and is already ahead of him and Bench is a senior. Nothing against Bench, this offense is suited specifically for Flowers skill set and in this offense, he has shown the coaches he's a better for what this offense wants to do. People keep arguing about what the QBs do best vs what this offense needs the QBs to do best. The writing was on the wall when they announced they were switching offenses.
  10. I sincerely doubt that CWT is the first coach to ever call a freshman "real special" so that's not a big deal at all .... The big deal would be, and this is the way the post read, if the Q&A at Beef's went like this: Bulls fan: "Coach, Bench banged up his knee last year. Is it fully healed? CWT: "Have you all seen Quinton play? He's real special". Bulls fan: " Uh, okay. Has Mike bulked up any since his freshman year?" CWT: Have I mentioned Flowers yet? He's going to be real special." Really? That isn't close to what the poster said. Are you sure you are a moderator here? You pick your nose at me, call another poster a liar and now completely misrepresent what he posted. Apis, Trip has lost his marbles, can you help him get a grip? In all honesty... he did make it seem that way. Actually, what I got out of it was a lot more like: Nobull: Hey coach, who is going to start White or Bench? Coach: That Flowers kid is really special If that's how it happened, it would be funny in a sense. I'd think it was a subconscious admission of the state of the qbs as he saw it at that time.... But still, I think what you said implies the same thing that trip said... he just added lines and details... but basically the same implication. Not even close. Trip's interpretation makes it sound like Taggart over and over again ignored the question to pump Flowers. That is unrealistic. The poster said he asked about White and Bench and got a response about Flowers. My interpretation sounds a lot closer to what was presented, and isn't at all absurd, but would show a bias towards QF. Trip's argument really isn't logical anyway. Trip is arguing that Taggart is an almost inhuman paragon of fair play and rigidly adheres to objective criteria and doesn't ever look at a player and imagine what could be. I think he was being purposely overboard with that. Exaggerating a bit for effect. But text is open to the mood of the reader. So the tone a person sets to it can determine how they read it... also the individual's bias...
  11. I sincerely doubt that CWT is the first coach to ever call a freshman "real special" so that's not a big deal at all .... The big deal would be, and this is the way the post read, if the Q&A at Beef's went like this: Bulls fan: "Coach, Bench banged up his knee last year. Is it fully healed? CWT: "Have you all seen Quinton play? He's real special". Bulls fan: " Uh, okay. Has Mike bulked up any since his freshman year?" CWT: Have I mentioned Flowers yet? He's going to be real special." Really? That isn't close to what the poster said. Are you sure you are a moderator here? You pick your nose at me, call another poster a liar and now completely misrepresent what he posted. Apis, Trip has lost his marbles, can you help him get a grip? In all honesty... he did make it seem that way. Actually, what I got out of it was a lot more like: Nobull: Hey coach, who is going to start White or Bench? Coach: That Flowers kid is really special If that's how it happened, it would be funny in a sense. I'd think it was a subconscious admission of the state of the qbs as he saw it at that time.... But still, I think what you said implies the same thing that trip said... he just added lines and details... but basically the same implication.
  12. I sincerely doubt that CWT is the first coach to ever call a freshman "real special" so that's not a big deal at all .... The big deal would be, and this is the way the post read, if the Q&A at Beef's went like this: Bulls fan: "Coach, Bench banged up his knee last year. Is it fully healed? CWT: "Have you all seen Quinton play? He's real special". Bulls fan: " Uh, okay. Has Mike bulked up any since his freshman year?" CWT: Have I mentioned Flowers yet? He's going to be real special." Really? That isn't close to what the poster said. Are you sure you are a moderator here? You pick your nose at me, call another poster a liar and now completely misrepresent what he posted. Apis, Trip has lost his marbles, can you help him get a grip? In all honesty... he did make it seem that way.
  13. More or less than Holtz hated recruiting for USF? Can't wait to find this post next year when Asianti Woulard leads USF to its first bowl game in years. I can't wait to find this post when we make a bowl this season.
  14. "The final 20 minutes of Wednesday's practice (the only portion open to reporters) included new starting QB Quinton Flowers finding Rodney Adams down the right side in single coverage for a 40-yard TD." Promising... Also, those SMU highlights... they actually showed some pretty nice passes. This kid can throw.
  15. More or less than Holtz hated recruiting for USF? I'd say more, because Bench is the closest thing we have to Drew Brees yet CWT continues to let him ride the, uh, bench. There must be a hate burning white-hot there. Did we recruit another guy named Bench? Because if you think SB reminds you of Brees... I'm going to assume you're either joking or don't know a lot about football. It appears the butthurt is strong in this thread. You're right, Brees isn't a defensive tackle/quarterback (DTQB), he's more of a partially short QB (PSQB). Since Bench can run the football, and thrown the football, he's probably more like Colin Kaepernick circa 2012-2013. It's all moot because Coach Taggart is going to build a time machine to go back in time and prevent Bench from being born.
  16. More or less than Holtz hated recruiting for USF? I'd say more, because Bench is the closest thing we have to Drew Brees yet CWT continues to let him ride the, uh, bench. There must be a hate burning white-hot there. Did we recruit another guy named Bench? Because if you think SB reminds you of Brees... I'm going to assume you're either joking or don't know a lot about football. It appears the butthurt is strong in this thread.
  17. ECU just lost their starting QB for the season to an ACL injury and the guy the brought in to compete and back him up is not eligible... Not saying I'm smiling... I'm just saying things appear to be lining up.
  18. Flowers certainly wasn't helped by the drops... but all things considered, he is our best option. He's going to do well... Clearly the kid has an arm.
  19. I was thinking Thomas and Brown would likely back up Bayes. Black is playing "Bull" or whatever, the hybrid LB/DE spot, and Holman I took to be your stereotypical MLB type, so I'd see him backing up Sanchez before Bayes. Danny Thomas is listed as Sanchez's backup... the #2 Mike LB... I think the "Stinger" could actually be played by Bayes, Brown, Thomas, and Gary.... It appears Thomas is capable of playing both. In terms of Black, I saw that he also played both positions in the spring... I think some of these parts are pretty interchangeable. Except maybe the Mike... I'm not sure where he's playing.
  20. "The things I showed the coaches was my running ability," Flowers said. "I'm very mobile with my legs, I can do a lot of things with my legs. I've got speed, I've got things some of the (running) backs can do like Marlon Mack." QF
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