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Everything posted by Calibull

  1. yawn... this is old. Flowers is the starter... nothing any of you can actually do about it except gripe and complain. I'm pretty sure some of you thought Bobby was a better option than BJ was at one point. I'd wager on that actually.
  2. I think some of the argument also stems from what you've said. Are we actually running a system that benefits QF? Or is it the same system as last year disguised as something new? Last I checked last year we weren't running a ton of read option, bubble screens, or triple option... all of which we ran the past 2 games. In principle it is the same as in a run first offense. But we haven't gotten a delay of game penalty this season, we are seeing way more snaps, we actually have more yardage through 2 games, and when the players execute, we move the ball. It's a power running spread. I kept telling people it isn't a passing spread. It is an effective offense when it is being executed, we will get better at that as the season goes. We're going into the 3rd game of running this offense, it will improve a lot as the season goes. That's kinda how these things work. You don't start another QB shuffle... that's stupid. It's funny because many criticized the guy for not choosing a QB, now they criticize him for not choosing the QB they want to run HIS offense.
  3. And Flowers is the starter. Not Bench... because the coaches think he's better for this system. I'm good with that.
  4. It's always fun to see a guy openly hate a college kid who plays for his alma mater. I don't hate any of these kids. I think Bench is a solid backup and I genuinely hope he doesn't play except in mop-up because that implies if he's playing, we're far ahead. I want what's best for the team and I think the coaches know best. The same people have been bashing the Flowers kid since spring... based off a few practices they "watched." I think it's ridiculous assertion that the kid can't win games.... I think it's equally absurd to think that the coaches have something personal against Bench. I mean conspiracies etc... it's crazy. It's also personal for them and it's easy to see. I mean he's not that good. He's "OK"... that's just being real.
  5. The butthurt is strong amongst Bench lovers. He's still on the BENCH.... nice namesake for him. Hopefully he won't play at all this season... except in mop-up....
  6. Steven Bench has never won a game in college and has proven to be easily flustered when pressured and is a turnover machine. Steven Bench is an athletic Bobby Eveld... and by athletic I mean he runs faster.
  7. LIKE has nothing to do with it, only winning. If your starting QB can't win winnable games, he should be replaced. Anyone who says FSU wasn't winnable is giving them far too much credit. and it has everything to do with who you like... because stats aren't with you and his performance doesn't support your argument.
  8. LIKE has nothing to do with it, only winning. If your starting QB can't win winnable games, he should be replaced. Anyone who says FSU wasn't winnable is giving them far too much credit. That would be Bench. Correct me if I'm wrong but Bench has lost every start he's started... Also against FSU, Bench would have gotten raped. Those plays where Flowers was scrambling around, Bench would have been sacked. And no doubt in my mind he would have thrown more than 2 picks if he'd started. When he's under pressure, he cracks like a frail egg. If you have not noticed that, you really don't no crap about football. Bench is not good and is where? On the bench.
  9. LOL... everyone griped and moaned that Taggart needed to settle on a QB. In year three he did... now everyone wants him to change because it's not the guy they like. Like they know more than the coaching staff. I find that hilarious.
  10. Bench is in the perfect spot for him if we expect to win... on the bench.
  11. Bench is spending his senior year on the sideline and I find that comforting.
  12. I mean you take back a couple of dropped passes and that int and it's a completely different game.
  13. Do you think we will lose to Maryland or something? We shouldn't but with Taggart u never know I have no problem with the way Taggart coached today. He put the guys in a position to win. We didn't hit plays because we have a young inexperienced QB. We faced a NFL secondary in the waiting. I mean the play calling wasn't bad... we got some bad breaks and missed on some opportunities. I don't see anything wrong with the way he coached them.
  14. Do you think we will lose to Maryland or something?
  15. This offense is based on wearing you down. We should move the ball a lot better in the second half. FSU defense is starting to bend.... This team is better than many of you thought.... and they're getting better.
  16. We are better than FSU. We are back to where we were in 2010 at least! Flowers = Grothe 2.0
  17. Like I said... some of you are in for a reality check! We are ******* good!
  18. What it would make many wonder what that post Winston era is going to be like... it would make a statement also that USF is finally back. But it wouldn't be anything that put us in the top 20... it would certainly send FSU out of the top 20.
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