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Everything posted by zarnozdabull

  1. Except it really wasn't up to us whether or not to play them. If became a thing after the Big East imploded and the AAC was created. We literary had no choice. If the Big East with WVU UL Pitt was still around we probably would never have played them.
  2. That is the most painful aspect of everything. Our future looks terrible right now.
  3. Woah woah woah. Slow down with the insults. They have TWO whole victories over FBS teams.
  4. I mean, throwing hard Fs around on an email is probably not the smartest idea in the world? Remember the importance of holding people accountable for their emails.
  5. We are lucky to have a natural rival in a Power 5 conference
  6. Very true ^ Maybe a little kick in the ass is what we were missing. I do think we had a spoiled fanbase. We literary went 4-7 the year before we joined the Big East , wonder how many Kanigits were asking "Withdraw USF's Big East invitation?"
  7. 9 point underdogs at home against Tulsa coming off a bye week. Jesús.
  8. If we lose to Tulsa with a bye in between, shut down the program.
  9. You shouldn't do this to yourself. Not good for the psyche when reality happens. The talent on defense is god awful and the talent on O are basically all freshmen and mangham. We will not beat Houston, Tulane, or UCF. 3 win season coming in hot.
  10. Crazy how fast and how far UCF’s athletics has surpassed USF’s in a short time span
  11. I still get a sense of smug coming from our fanbase even though we have never won the overall trophy against UCF once and they have left us in the dust. I hate UCF. The mere appearance of their logo anywhere pisses me off. So if we want to celebrate beating their assess, it is totally fine with me.
  12. Yeah IDGAF if it's freaking Al Capone giving money to USF to build this OCS. Just give me tailgating on campus dammit. The day it gets announce, all of these I Hate USF people will come flocking back. I hope Vinik is involved somehow too, what he could do for that area would be crazy awesome.
  13. If CJS shows a hint, just a hint, of killer instinct against Tulsa it will be an improvement.
  14. That problem goes a little beyond just an OCS when you're 0-12 against FBS teams in the last two years. But yes, an OCS would be nice. Enjoy your visit. Also, if you're the brewery type, check out Dunedin. Like 10 or so breweries all walking distance from each other on a trail and the town is awesome. Definitely worth a stop.
  15. They played Ok State pretty **** close. Don't overlook them, they are probably better than us. P.S. the fact that I'm saying this about playing Tulsa makes me mad at the world.
  16. You ready to see all 20 students in attendance rush the field or what?
  17. This is how I feel reading threads like this after watching 1.5 years of CJS's coaching and decision-making: Numbers make it sound all good but actually watching the game and seeing some of this decision-making and lack of desire to win for a season and a half is the worst thing ever. I appreciate your positivity though E.T., mine ran out.
  18. That’s the problem. He doesn’t have a single defensive commit in this recruiting class four games in. I bet there is at least a couple of high 3 stars somewhere that would commit if you told them they would play starting game one of their college career (our talent is so bad on defense that this is a promise you could definitely keep to a talented enough high schooler) rather than ride the pine somewhere else. Meanwhile, we have two QB commits. Wtf are we doing?
  19. But I mean, is it really that hard to field a good college football team from a major research university located in Tampa, Florida? Is it really that hard to find 11 dudes on both sides of the ball who want to play D1 football to consistently beat the likes of ECU, Tulsa, Tulane, etc.? Does it really require that much competence? Why is that so hard?
  20. Good point! CWT was able to win two FBS games with a talentless team that had a historic loss against an FCS team. True! CJS hasn't been able to beaten one FBS team in two seasons no matter what.
  21. A++ trolling by Cincinatti here. Masterclass. It's amazing what that program has been able to do, seems like they don't miss when it comes to hiring head coaches. Only took Fickell two years to get them from 4 wins to double-digits. Ahem.
  22. I expect you to go for it on 4th down with the momentum at some point to try to win the game at LEAST ONCE IN YOUR LIFE and stop being scared. I feel like Taggart did that perfectly. Let's go all out, play to win. But ****, Coach Scott loves his punter and is complacent on losing no matter what the game is dictating. Loser's mentality.
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