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Everything posted by zarnozdabull

  1. I feel like we should've at least won ONE (ONE!) game last year. Even Willie won 2 after the Holtz mess. But no. CJS's coaching screw it up and he still hasn't won. That's crazy.
  2. I sincerely applaud the fact that you haven't picked up the pitchforks like the rest of us yet. Because holy crap we can't defend this guy anymore.
  3. Taggart was the perfect coach for USF at the G5 level. Sold them on twitter and #Dosomething while hyping being a cool ass dude. CJS is a dweeb who can't recruit a defensive player to save his life.
  4. I wish I could take my vote back. This guy sucks. How long does it take to not screw up, and win ONE FBS game? He's not the guy.
  5. Idk man we really shouldnt be THIS bad so deep into the CJS era. Look at what Pittman has done in Arkansas (a dumpsterfire of team for three years before) in his first year. Coaching can really make a huge difference and it shouldn’t take this long. CJS should at least have ONE FBS victory under his belt by now.
  6. I can't believe we went from almost tying the game to not covering in a matter of second. Well, I can, but **** am I mad. There goes my money...
  7. @puc86 , I apologize. You have been completely right in everything that you have said. Jeff Scott is not a good head coach. We will go nowhere with him leading our team. The lack of urgency, the complacency with losing, not playing to win the game, the lack of talent two years into his regime, not winning anything. Just not a well coached team at all. Wake me up when the next guy comes in.
  8. Well we are two recruiting classes into the CJS era (including the portal) so I mean no excuse for the talent to be this bad.
  10. Can we pull this off? Come on Leavitt, please, for old times sake.
  11. Is there any way we can dig up those Indigenous bodies when we build our $300 million OCS? I can't take much more USF football.
  12. To think, We could've hired Mario Cristobal or Lane Kiffin (who won big at FAU) right after Taggart...
  13. I'm starting to think CJS aint it, if this is two recruiting class worth of players on defense. Ugh.
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