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Everything posted by CousinRicky

  1. Playing 36 holes today. Teed off at 8:30. For those of you not in the area the weather isn't ideal for golf. Rain showers on and off and once the front moves through (12 - 2) temps will drop through the day with wind picking up into the 20mph range. USF off to a good start at -6 thru 7-8. Coach said he fully expects to win this one as the field isn't overly strong and Tampa Palms can be a tough course especially for those not familiar with it. Once the front goes through we'll try to get out for the 2nd round this afternoon before the women's selection show. If you are in the area try to stop by. The guys really appreciate seeing people in USF gear out there. Final 18 scheduled for tomorrow.
  2. The games I've been to the defense is shaky, especially infield. Villar can hit the ball but makes every ball hit to 3rd an adventure. Coco didn't play SS yesterday and the young guy didn't impress. 2nd base seems to be fairly steady but not spectacular in the games I've seen.
  3. Only game we got to this weekend. After a shaky start Wisely settled down nicely. I always thought Ragsdale was a pitcher and don't remember him being so tall. This team does seem to hit a lot of line drives. Quite a few balls that were hit hard ended up right at someone. Plenty found open spaces as well. Duke hit a line drive to the opposite field that almost cleared the fence. Ragsdale's shot to the opposite field was similar but did clear it. I'm not sure where the innings are going to come from with a Tue & Wed night game this week assuming the Fri & Sat starters won't pitch at all and we used a few guys yesterday. Chance we'll get to the Wed game.
  4. NCAA advised USF to prepare to host. Doesn't mean it WILL happen but a lot of people are optimistic.
  5. An article about the most annoying fans. Only a couple of surprises in their to me. https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/ncaabk/the-most-annoying-college-basketball-fans/ss-BBJNdja?li=BBnb7Kz&ocid=mailsignout#image=1
  6. When the Gator job opened up his wife told me that she wanted to stay in Tampa - not that he was offered but she like the area. I certainly hope he stays. Can't imagine anyone better that we could sign.
  7. They are much improved with Abe as their coach. I don't necessarily see them blowing by us though. The game at their place this year was definitely stressful. Like any other sport we don't have any right or monopoly on beating them. They're a bigger school and have made a lot of good hires. Only been following WBB for 5 or 6 years and, other than normal fan's questioning of a coach's decisions like when to take a time out or get a player out of the lineup, I think Jose has a really great mind for the game. The time I got to be the guest coach on the bench, being able to see him at practice and in the locker room, he really impressed me.
  8. And then there is this post from NAS Whoop d’ doo....He’s had 18 years and still hasn’t gotten past the second round of an over bloated 64 team tourney. How many teams that are ranked above USF has he beaten in the past 5 years. Geno inherited a UCONN team that had 1 winning season in ten years..what did he do in 18 years. IMO, UCF is going to pass the Bull by once Coach Abe has had a chance to get her own recruits in place. If you’re tired of my posts, then WTH are you reading and replying to them.
  9. Just need to remind people of the 1985 'Nova v Georgetown game. If you can shoot 80+% for the game you have a shot.
  10. We need Trip to parse the sentence structure. Is it 3 daughters and 2 grand daughters that played giving us 5 possible or is it just the 2 grand daughters who are daughters of the daughters who would then have different last names? OK, I'm just screwing around now. I give up on finding who they are and what teams they played for. But the question as to why he is a USF fan still remains. I would think he'd be a fan of the team or teams his daughters/grand daughters played for.
  11. You, sir, seem to have retired to have time to find that information.
  12. That first period was pretty stressful. Seeing Kit go 0fer for the quarter worried me. We were having wine with dinner so switched from the bourbon to the wine before we ate.
  13. I'd have to go back and find it. That would be harder than the other research.
  14. You could enlighten us you know. Or maybe we'll think you sent us on a wild goose chase. There is no bourbon on the desk. Speaking of which this women's game has me 2 ounces in already.
  15. Don't think a practice field has a lot of interior walls and electrical outlets running through it. I'm sure it will be all a player could want or need.
  16. It had me thinking and I didn't spend a lot of time. Used this thing called der Google and I guess DuckDuckGo as well.
  17. I believe during the telecast that a talking head said that USF has assisted on 60% of their baskets this year. That sounds really high to me. Not a lot of one on one stuff.
  18. So, I believe our own NAS has said he's had 2 daughters win a national championship. I've been searching and can't come up with much. I found this but it seems too recent http://www.sunjournal.com/womens-basketball-reynolds-sisters-are-double-trouble-for-cmccs-opponents/. Since he his hesitant to tell us which team they played for I'm wondering if any of you computer guys can come up with possibilities. Immaculata College comes to mind but can't find rosters. I don't think Katie Lou Samuelson's sister has won a NC and would hope her parents aren't on the Bullspen. There were sisters on a 1943 AAU national champion but don't think Ned is that old. https://books.google.com/books?id=R0rCTsqz18oC&pg=PA54&lpg=PA54&dq=have+there+ever+been+sisters+who+have+won+a+women's+basketball+national+championship?&source=bl&ots=VNF222BVMV&sig=HyYysAnpmilJFEYP6mnwryywFBw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj21obM7tPZAhUrc98KHbYIAyw4ChDoAQguMAE#v=onepage&q=have there ever been sisters who have won a women's basketball national championship%3F&f=false Here are two that won an AAU national championship. https://www.poughkeepsiejournal.com/story/sports/2015/07/29/national-champion-hand-sisters-bring-basketball-aptitude-marist/30863211/ We need Stat Boy from PTI on this one.
  19. Yet has a better chance of making the NFL than QF.
  20. Let's assume he isn't being picked to be a QB. Is that time good enough for teams to want to take a look at him at RB or slot receiver? That time doesn't show his elusiveness. He was never the fastest guy on the field but dang he could make people miss.
  21. Did anyone else receive an email regarding the women's selection show? In it, we are invited to watch at the 5/3 Bank Arena Club. So at least one part of the Dome has received naming rights.
  22. Just the U is fine for those familiar with USF. But if they are trying to put a brand out there for others to see I'm not sure the U is enough. And this is what the marketing people will have to decide, What is enough?
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