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Everything posted by BullyPulpit

  1. Take all of that "hope" you have of beating PITT.....bottle it up.....and throw it out. Go check out the NCAA By-laws regarding 6-6 bowl teams. Oh, and by the way, we owned you in three games. We here at USF play 4 full quarters of football and the final scores are what counts. Can't wait for number 4! Then maybe all of the ECU fans will realize why USF was taken over their program by the BE.
  2. Start voting again Bulls!!!! The 13 plays are up and they are eliminating the bottom 3 each week. The voting then resets the following week until the Final 4, with the winner announced at the BCS Title game. This is for $100,000 for USF and huge continued national recognition. If we all vote 10 or 11 times, making up fictious entries, it could make a difference. Send the link to your friends and ask them to help out too!!!! STAMPEDE
  3. In his blog Greg mentioned that Leavitt was recruiting down in Fort Myers for an unknown recruiting stop. Doesn't that stud RB Powell live in/near Ft. Myers??? Wouldn't that be an exciting backfield (Grothe/Powell).
  4. That was me at The Lucky Dill in Tampa. I just wish I had bought my tickets 15 minutes earlier when they were $40 cheaper.
  5. I am tired of hearing about Slaton fumbling on the one yard line. The only thing it cost them was time, which wasn't even really an issue for them in this game. They did score a touchdown shortly after the fumble. Now if we had gone 99 yards and scored a TD I could understand, but that play cost them nothing.
  6. You could say the performance of our team is like night and day.
  7. This is a big step towards ending the year ranked in the top 25. We only need 5 above us to lose and for us to win impressively in our bowl. If Ga Tech loses in the ACC Championship, then only 4 to pass. It is essential that we finish the year rank and begin next year in the top 20-30. This way, after we slap around Auburn, we can make our march toward the promise land.
  8. Awesome.....just awesome. www.usatoday.com
  9. I posted on this earlier today. Game time temp of 48 or so, dropping to about 44 by the end. All in all, it bodes well for us, as earlier in the week we were looking at low to mid 30's.
  10. It looks like things won't be too bad for our Bulls. Game time temp should start out around 47-48 degrees and should only get down to about 43-44 degrees by the end of the game. That isn't too bad, especially since it won't be too windy and shouldn't be wet. A topless Grothe should be able to manage.  http://www.weather.com/weather/hourbyhour/USKY1096?begHour=11&begDay=322
  11. I wonder how much "dough" this cost them.  :-X I don't know, but I am sure the "dough" will "rise" in the second and option years if the bowl generates enough heat.....
  12. How high in the Harris Poll do we go if we beat Lousiville: a.) In a close game? b.) By more than 10 points? c.) Like we did last year? Using Kansas State as a barometer, I would say: a.)28-30 b.)26-27 c.)22-25
  13. That's good that they found a title sponser. After listening to some on here about the prospects of going to Alabama I was going to suggest: The "Stop Your Pissin' and Moanin', Your Team Could Be At Home Right Now.com" Bowl, but I think that PapaJohns.com Bowl works a little better.
  14. Seeing as how the ticket would be apart of a package to send the students, the student would have to pay the package price of $60 or $70, whatever it came out to. So I do not think the problems that occurred with the UCF discounted tickets would happen again.
  15. Or, alumni could buy the ticket and the Student Bulls Club and Student Government could subsidize the cost of transportation and hotel. I bet the trip would be really affordable if the tickets were "donated" and the only cost was bus fare and hotel....what, maybe $60 or $70 per student?
  16. I am not saying that they are stupid, but they also want ticket revenues. If you noticed, I addressed that in my original post, but every little bit still helps.
  17. That is exactly what I am saying. If you are going, buy an extra ticket or two. If you can't afford the entire trip, still buy a ticket. Look at it as a donation to the school. If you can't afford to buy a ticket, I understand. I am not suggesting that everyone can or will. Also, there are more alumni on this board than current students, so this idea is more germane to them anyway.
  18. Why doesn't everyone buy an extra ticket or two. Hell, even try to get a friend or relative to go, but even if you can't, buying the extra ticket(s) will help. Look at it as a $35.00 donation to the school's perception for each ticket you buy. Even if we only bring 5,500 or so to the game, if we sell 10,000 tickets, the bowl will be happy. I know they won't be thrilled that the extra 5,000 in sales did not come and dine and stay in their hotels, but who cares. Just a thought.
  19. This would have no impact on USF. It just means that the first non-BCS selection from the BE will go to the Sun Bowl instead of the Gator Bowl. Another good thing about it is that it keeps the BE's 2 years open with the Gator, in the event we are in a position to go in the next three years. (Although I still have BCS aspirations)
  20. Please for the LOVE OF GOD, tell me that these idiotic fans are not attacking our 3 players suspended for pot for serving a SIX GAME SUSPENSION EACH. Just take a look-see at what shooting at an innocent woman with a paintball gun gets you at Loserville. NOTES -- Wide receivers Chris Vaughn and Scott Long were back on the team and made the trip for the Rutgers game after serving a one-game suspension, but neither was in uniform. They were arrested and charged with second-degree assault on Oc. 22 for allegedly shooting paint balls at a woman leaving a haunted house in downtown Louisville. "They've done a nice job on everything I've asked them to do and their attitude has been good," Petrino said. "If we're in a situation where we need them to play, then they'll get an opportunity.". . . Hmmm....a situation like down 10 to USF in the 3rd Quarter with our LB's making Brohm's life a living hell and our DB's shutting down Urrutia and Co.???? A situation like that and these ONE GAME SUSPENDED THUG-ASS PUNKS will get to play against us. Stay classy LOSERVILLE!
  21. Great analysis Jim, except for one thing.....You have three teams going to the Motor City Bowl (Cincy, Ark. State, and Central Mich). While I think that would make for an interesting game, I do not think that is allowed.
  22. Dude, you made a mistake and he made a whitty statment, take it in stride. You strike me as being high-strung.
  23. Not so fast my friend....a 4-0 USF team next season would likely be Top 15 (Auburn road win)
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