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Everything posted by The_Reaper

  1. Hey Card what's the deal on this Brohm? I know there was some heavy controversy over in your camp about the QB position. It seems as though a little nepotism and pressure from daddy and brother is forcing this freshman to play. It seems like LaFlors is getting a raw deal. What's the scoop? Reaper
  2. To bad he didn't add an addendum such as this... "But now to turn to the O.C. at South Florida. Now that's a different story..." Great article a pure truth from Bret!!! Glad it was said. Reaper
  3. Cardadistance, I second you on the no injury clause. Here's to what I hope is a barnburner between us both. Reaper
  4. Are we not playing Penn State and UCF next year, along with our NBE schedule. I think going up against the grand old man of the north will be pretty exciting myself. (And NO I WASN"T TALKING ABOUT O'LEARY!!!) Reaper
  5. I have begun drinking already!!! ::toasting:: ::bottle: ::beersign: ::drinker::
  6. Thanks Gridiron. You are right! That type of action is cheap and not accepted in a fine football program. Thanks for your insight. I hope other Army fans saw it and are repulsed by it too. Thanks again. Reaper
  7. I am getting really tired of the TSA, the Glazer Nazis, and local law enforcement regarding "the rules." They are there to just hassle fans, and not do a **** thing when appropriate times call for them. Point 1: My wife went to the washroom only to find an overly drunk girl who was in alchohol poisoning distress. My wife, being the RN she is went to attend the girl and asked someone to get help. The girl who went out to get help went to 4 county cops who IGNORED HER!!! She then went to some parameds she saw at the concession stand, and they came in, but stood around watching my wife take care of this girl. It wasn't until she asked for help did they jump in. When they carted the girl off to the hospital, did the cops stop her friends and ask for ID"S to see if they were underage. Point 2: When leaving the game against So. Miss, my wife tripped over an unmarked curb and severly hurt herself. There was a cop standing right there and did nothing, said nothing. In fact he turned the other way. Point 3 When we came to the game, there were seats open by the pirate ship. We were told that these were reserved for physically challenged people and their families. We said Ok and proceeded to move over to others we saw which were regular seats. As we were moving over, a blue shirt "usher" said "if you don't like it, you can leave the game." I turned around and said what did you say? He said if I didn't like it I could leave. Mind you, not one in our party said anything to provoke a response. All we said was ok, and moved over to the other seats which were fine seats. I told him why don't you get a real job and moved over to the seats. Next thing I knew I was summond by a county cop who pulled me aside and asked what the problem was. I told him the story and he said just go back to your seat. BUT all night long I had a cop keeping an eye on me and my family. My point is... I know they have a tough job to do. But I think their priorities need to be adjusted to helping patrons, instead of bullying patrons. I support the police, as I come from a family of relatives who are and were on the job. But the treatment given at our football games would make all of them who are passed roll in their graves. The Reaper
  8. Absolutely NOT!!! Getting rid of the man who has gotten us this far is ludicrous!!! Now replaceing other key personnel, like OC, yes! And after this year, I think that is what is going to happen. I think MikeG, what Jon was trying to say, is that with Marquell, it seemed to him that the quick hit no huddle baffled the opponents during that era and was a boon to our system. These post Quell days however, the same offense is being run with a much slower paced execution. I would have to agree with Jon on this one and question why. Clock control is one thing, execution is another. I have seen neither/ But to even talk about getting rid of Coach is rediculous!!! Reaper
  9. Steve, I agree with you in some way. It is the being held hostage by the Glazers and the Tampa Sports Authority that I can't stand. YES, we do need our own stadium. But we need someone to step up with the $$$ to build a nice facility, rather than a mediocre stadium. This comes with winning and recognizability. Thus, your statement is correct. I say in the next 5-6 years down da road. Until that time, we will continue being held hostage!  Reaper ps. you coming in for Homecoming?
  10. We could always use the Forum. No hockey this year>>>>>
  11. Wasn't LaFlors the one who wasn't happy and had thoughts of bolting for maybe us? I think a little nepotism with little Brohm is evident. LaFlors didn't look that rattled. But who knows.
  12. Sorry...No Gayturds allowed on campus!!!
  13. How about UFSUKS? Or UFBAAH OR UFBLOS OR USF 43 Just a couple suggs> PS was great to see you again bro! Reap
  14. It's the CUSA refs. They are the retreads and rejects from the other conferences. Football, basketball...you pick. They all suck.
  15. Hey 3rd Ward, did your doublewide get damaged in the hurricanes?
  16. Oh well, enough of this rant. On to more positive thinking! I'm done with this one. Go Bulls!!!! Reaper
  17. Bien. Please re-read my statement. I SAID WE SHOULD NOT FIRE CJL! AND I also said that the penalties are NOT the ONLY problem. If we do go to a bowl, great!!! Awesome!!! But things are not right in Bullsville right now, and CJL will get a handle on it. And IF, IF he doesn't, HE will have to answer to a tougher AD this time. I am a CJL fan thick and thin. But in order to play with the big boys, we need to start thinking and acting like the big boys. The 1-AA attitude is over with, along with all the antics as well.  Reaper
  18. The thing is Mike....It Ain't just one game!!! Reap
  19. Bien, It's not let's fire CJL. My point is that something has to be done that is not working for 3 YEARS to correct the penalty problems. Even if they were winning, but leading the nation in penalties, I still would question why. Coaches teach, players listen. Evidently neither are doing anything this year, as in the past. Fundamentals at this level have to be taught! If not corrected, the fundamentals of committing a penalty will be the norm. It will be done over and over again. If taught correctly, the penalty may be few and maybe far between. But, as Mike said, this is not the only problem. It is my hope that the situations be addressed. And I am sure CJL will get a handle on this...FAST. If not, he has to answer to a new AD. Reaper
  20. Just picked up one for $40.00 on E bay!!! YES!!!!
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