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Everything posted by The_Reaper

  1. ARRRRRGHHHH BEEEEEE MATEY!!! The Purple Pirates are set to mutiny!!!
  2. Or throwing out some students who were standing up and cheering like crazy for the Bulls. Pure BS!!!
  3. Severino needed some minutos so he could get his 'Letter"
  4. Taaaaa-rooooo Bullgirl!!! Just look at FSU or USC band! They play when they want and as often as they want!!! And they are good. I think too many constraints are put on the band and the students as well. Oh crap here we go again!!!
  5. That is true Wolly. But it is the apathy of the students, the poor marketing job done by the USF marketing dept. and the gestapo tactics and strong arm of the Tampa Sports Authority that keeps fans away. If someone at USF doesn't get the marketing of our sports teams up to par, both on and off campus, we will be another Temple!!! WE ARE TAMPA'S UNIVERSITY. NOT UF, FSU, OR WHOMEVER THE FLAVOR OF THE DAY IS, WE ARE USF!!! A couple of billbords here and there and some radio spots just don't cut it IMO! Example: hear any promotion about the upcoming basketball season? I have not seen any.
  6. I noticed that too Ricky! He really kicks with authority.
  7. See Brahman. I agree! It really gets annoying after a while. OVER AND OVER AND OVER. Also the inside the 20 "GREEN ZONE" is bad too. He has to "define" it everytime they do it. Why not just say the Bulls have entered the Green zone and leave it at that. Or have one side the green zone and the other the Gold zone. And stop trying to sound like a WWE ring announcer. JMHO Reaper
  8. It will be a good test of who wants it more. If we go in on a roll, we may have the momentum on our side. Plus it will be a BIG turnout if we win the next 2.
  9. I don't know if anyone else is getting sick and tired over the moronic sayings of our announcer, but the bell tolling, and DEEEFENSE and some of the other stuff sounds like HS. It gets a little tiring. I like the first down....BULLS! stuff but... oh well Anyone else feel this way or am I still feeling no pain from last night? Reaper
  10. No wonder ECU had a bad OC  He's a GAYTURD!!! ::sick:: oops there I go again!!!
  11. Mag you are the best. I feel the same way. Be there for the kickoff and stay till the clock reads zero's. Reaper
  12. **** rednecks! Takes a real man to punch a mascot!!!
  13. It's all about da Money!!!  Money Money Money Mo-----ney!  "Snoop DoG Well instead of beer and brats....bloody Mary's and breakfast!!!!!
  14. Bradley, the thoughts and prayers of many, including myself and my family go to you and your family. This battle is just another extension of that 3 point line in life. YOU TOO will conquer this. Be well my friend. Be strong! The Reap
  15. Any news on the soccer game against St. Louis? Inquiring minds @ the USF library want to know. Thanks Reaper
  16. !. A O Co-Ordinator looking for his shot 2. Exercise? I will be doing a lot after Dec. 14th though!!!! 3.. Has to be Huckleberry Hound 4. Oh Yea! 5. When in Chicago, Lou Malnati's or Jakes.. Here, Windy City is good! Has to be Chi- Town style pizza though! By the way, there are 3 kinds of Chicago Pizza...Thin and crisp, deep dish, and stuffed.
  17. Sounds like a dancin chicken routine to me! Or should I say dancin "Squiddy!" ::knighted:
  18. My flag flies proudly, my thoughts were directed at 11 am to those who have fallen, my hat is off to all who have served, and my heart is with those who serve and protect us today. May God bless you all and thanks! The Reap
  19. Hey wtf it's an open scrimmage for gosh sake. It gives the kids at leo a chance to play in a larger venue than the crackerbox they play in, and it gives our guys a tune up with other competition besides themselves. It's good for all.
  20. Was Huggins sober when he made that statement? Or was he recruiting again? :
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