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Everything posted by The_Reaper

  1. I love it. It just goes to show ya that this is purely a money battle, not a sport battle! Big business is being exposed and they are scrambling like rats to find dry ground. You just watch. Their partners in crime, the NCAA thugs will interject and throw a "new rule" in to save their collective asses at the last moment. Just like they did to us on our first bowl attempt when we were an indie! >
  2. Guidance counselors at USF? Now that's an oxymoron!!!
  3. I'd rather pay the rent than jockey for position with the rats when I take a wiz!!!
  4. Gotta give the props when they are due. A nice game calling of O plays last night. Some nice misdirection, some nice pass routes, and end arounds. So props to Hobbie or whomever. A job well done last night. The Reaper
  5. Royal was breathing fire after the incident. If this is how to get him to be the animal he truly is on D GO FOR IT!!! Reaper PS. Terry spoke to the Sarosi. he said to tell youi hi and KMA. Said he had fun last night!!!
  6. The backers are not to keen on Foley as AD. If it came between Foley and Stevie, guess who the backers would choose. That's right! The once and new sheepherder, Stevie boy. (jmo)
  7. He's going back, and it would not surprise me his kid becomes one too! Package deal. He is going to ask the farm,( literal intention intended), and he'll get it from the boosters. New car, new home, new co-ed hookers and sheep, new everything, plus a salary king midas would be jealous of. Just my take. But as long as I said take, take this Gayturds ::sick:: The Reaper
  8. i AM NOT GOING TO VOTE! TO SAY THE WHEELS WILL COME OFF IS NOT, I REPEAT not SUPPORTING THE TEAM AND YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED. What is past is past. Let's look for the positive and support them. This is not last year !!! The REAPER
  10. Are YOU ready for some football? G&G all the way baby!!! The Reaper
  11. And also Bien, it opens up under the basket for those easy 2's. I am with you on this one! Reaper
  12. Awesome to see!!!! BULLS OF THE FUTURE!!!!!!
  13. "A play of words is worth a thousand voices: as long as they pay for season tickets"   Reaperism.
  14. I have come to the conclusion in my own mind about what is happening this year. This is our first 'downer" year in our young inception. WE WERE DUE!!! Sure, all of us would love to see us succeed year in, year out. Yes, all of us bleed green and gold. And yes, all of us want to see changes happen. BUT, changes can only come from within. I know CJL doesn't like what's happening. He is trying to change it. You see, it's like tweaking a fine tuned engine that all of a sudden has developed a ping. You try different things to find out where the ping is coming from, but you still can't find it. So, you go back to the beginning. I think this is what we are doing right now. Sure Hobbie's calls are crap and predictable. But either he trys different things to make it work or he goes back to what he knows. Maybe this IS all he knows. In that case, let the upper echelon take care of the problem, as I am sure THEY will. I have spoken to many members of the team. They are down right now, and think the fans think they suck and won't support them. We need to remember one thing. We need to support and give encouragement to our teams. Remember, these are still college kids who are trying there best. It is the job of the upper echelon to correct the other mess. All in all, our opinions are just that...opinions. Just like rear ends, everybody has one. It is good to vent, but use the same energy to support. I know I am changing my tune. Let the chips fall where they may. GO BULLS!!!  The Reaper
  15. USF 21-17 328 Peyton Coaches are scared they will be fired! Players are mad that people think they suck. USF will be victorious in the upset in the "Dump" It's guts and glory time!!!!!
  16. 05' BS English-BS English Lit. ( Onward to teaching!)
  17. Wait a minute! Bar anyone having a meltdown, quitting, bad grades, and I'm homesick, we should have a good season. I think this year we will be the sleeper. We have 16, yes16 schollie players. I think we will be in for a great surprise this season. Go Basket-Bulls!!! Reaper
  18. It will be very interesting to see the play calling tonight. THEN after, we should get outside opinions from other people to see if OUR comments are warranted. It will be intresting indeed! Reaper
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