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Everything posted by The_Reaper

  1. I still say Jimmy Hoffa is buried under the Meadowlands. I lived in So. Jersey for 8 years. Got smart. Went to the Pennsy side in Langhorne. Monmouth Co in Jersey was my 7UP territory. And yes it's true about the mafia. Big time in both So Jersey and North Jersey. Always fighting for control of AC. When I lived in Medford NJ, the police found a body in the trunk of a caddy at the local Shop Rite down the street. My buddy out there's ex FIL worked for the Philly mob. Real life Sopranos here. See Youse guys later. Reaper PS. Oh by the way... Rutgers sucks! did have a friend play qb for them once. Jeff Rebholz for you R fans out there. Reaper
  2. Mike Jenkins was some where else tonight. His coverage was horrible, and he was beat more time then defend. His idea of pushing rather than tackling took the cake! Poor performance tonight.
  3. I have to agree with you all on the "off" night by Moffit and Jenkins. We all have seen these boys play much better. Also, we need to cover the 10 yard pass just under the D between the LB's and D backs. The LB's were beinng frozen and p[laying the qb too much tonight leaving that 10 yd open for all those 3rd downs. This has been a bone of contention all year. Every team we have played has used this weakness against us. You would think the D coaches would see this and adjust. CJL was on one of the D coaches after the 2nd quarter. Anyone see this too? Reaper
  4. Who cares about the nay sayers. A W is a W!!!! We will beat em all! Short or tall, big or small, we will beat them all!!! Reaper
  5. Why doesn't Bianchi write about how UCF fans are animals, incredulous fans, and the rudest and I say rudest people on earth. I said numerous times good game to many UCF fans, Every one of them said F$$K you! One even made a remark at my granddaughter, (who a lot of you know wears a little USF cheergirl outfit). This moron goes and says the F you to me and says it "looks like she will be a USF whore too!" It was all I could do not to kick this punk ass kids head in. My buddy from Orlando who is a big Bulls fan had to hold me back. I mean, c'mon. Can't you Knight fans accept a loss and not go after little kids? If not, you leave not only a bad name for your school but to your credibility as human beings. Poor showing people. Also, my friends wife is in a wheel chair, and was thrown water at just because she wore a USF shirt. Real class people!!! I think it's time you learn manners. Kind of tells everyone what a great job YOUR parents did!!! The Reaper
  6. I would be a little more relenting if we had scheduled an Iowa, Wisconsin, or even a Texas A&M. But no where, I mean no where are we going to get better by playing 2nd rate teams. I'm sorry. But I feel the program took a major step backwards. 1. It will hurt fan base. USF fans are getting pretty upset by us playing NON D1 teams at home. I know we need tune ups, but these teams are not tune ups. In order to play at a level of competition, you need to schedule competition.( ie look at the attendance for the two games we just had. PITIFULL!!!) Need I say more! 2. Recruiting. This is a major blow to recruits coming. THEY SEE what type of competition we are playing. Look at our old pals So. Miss. They play top notch caliber teams. That's why year in and year out they are good. So what if they lose out to a powerhouse. It makes them stronger towards the middle and end of the season. I am sorry to say boys, the days of the "trailer" mentality is gone. We may not be short sighted not wanting to play UCF. I for one think this game should continue. But we are blind if we replace UCF with mediocrity. Reaper
  7. I mean, what's the big deal? He has distributed 300 tix for 300 Bulls Fans. It's not like this is a sellout. C'mon! Just because it's a 5 spot for the tix? Hell most of you spend $50 in Ybor for 5 drinks. Gimme a break! Man up and pay the extra and quit whining. ****! We are sounding more and more like UF fans everyday!
  8. I feel something is wrong in the conditioning. Too many of these type of injuries are occurring. I think a study needs to be done. This has been a recurring problem that seems to never end. Whether it's the floor, practice, conditioning drills or whatever, something needs to change. Other teams do suffer injuries, but not to this extent or magnitude. We have this high tech training area, but it is going to waste. AND why are so many athletic trainers leaving for "greener pastures?" Answers! Answers!
  9. Is the shuttle for anyone or just the alumni sponsored event?
  10. My problem is this. Since when in D 1 football do players call the plays? Before the last TD, T Rob tells the OC to call his play because he is open against the coverage. Isn't that the job of the OC to see if plays are open against teams? Isn't it the job of the OC and his staff to watch for coverage, to see what areas are open? If he continues to run Grothe against some of the Big Boys, he is going to be hurt and then where will we be. Grothe is not a full time RB, he is our QB!!! Sorry Rod, but you have got to change it up and be aware of what is happening. If your staff can't do it, SEE YA!
  11. Andre really is not the arena type of player. He needs the wide open spaces to play where he can do his magic. I feel he would be a star in the CFL. Faster paced, easier plays, spread offense, and where a runner of his capabilities would be a perfect fit. I think the NFL with all the complicated offenses are to much for Andre to handle, which has been his demise. CFL is most definitely my choice.   Reaper
  12. Steve, where else in college football can a student get felt up by security, tasered if they want to celebrate with the team, get accosted for throwing a football in a parking lot, and given the bum rush by security for looking at a State Trooper Auxilary Dyke who provokes action all the time?
  13. Yes we got the props but earlier, Lou, I am an old fart, Holtz called us Southern Florida. I guess any props is better than no props!
  14. It's not nice to be jealous Bullhonkey! Terry, you deserve it. Anyone who has done what you do for USF sports should get an award. It is through you, us "old guys' can live vicariously! (hey, always remember our victory shots after basketball games!) See ya at UCF game. Reaper
  15. I stand behind CJL. If he is concerned about getting it done right, then leave him alone. Sometimes the media ask the same questions over and over. (Sorry Greg and Brett). CJL wants to get it done. Wait like the rest of us to find out who the starters are. I know the whole idea is to break the story first. But just wait, we on the board will get you the scoops first, as we are the lifeline close to the sources!!! So hang in there guys, and GO BULLS!!!
  16. Joe, the whole idea of having players smoking weed during the season is proposterous! Think about it! Do you want our team to be known as the Pot Heads instead of the Bulls? I sure as heck don't. Maybe that is why Ponton was fumbling so much last year! Maybe that's why Julmiste kept getting winded on Defense? If you smoke the dope, you WILL pay the price. Co=ordination, lung capacity, stamina are all health issues. Remember, we are just one step away from jailtime for making that "one" mistake. These kids have an obligation, and that is to play football, stay in the best shape possible, get a great education that is paid for, and be a success in life. Smoking dope and being an athlete is the biggest oxymoron I have heard! Reaper
  17. Wife and I went out on a DQ "date" last week and stopped by to see the HOT. All I could say is WOW. Huge numbers playing loud and proud. When they played the fight song, I almost dumped my Bnaner Split. It sounded that good!!!  Reaper
  18. What a true dissapointment. It is getting a little rediculous of what these "atheletes" are doing. They not only let down the team, the fans, and the coaches, but they let down themselves. I guess smokin the rope is more important than the word "team" to these guys. I say, cut them loose and give a deserving and dedicated kid a chance and a scholie. Let these guys play for Ganja U. I am all for giving a kid a chance at righting a mistake, but 2 or 3 times is pushing the limit of personal stupidity on their part. Reaper
  19. At UCF they ask, "What's a lightbulb?" But are lied to by O'Leary when told what one is. Which in the end still leaves them in the dark!
  20. I will also be there. See you all Saturday!!! PS. Bull Backers...the time has come. The Reaper will be joining your forces on Saturday.... FINALLY!!! :
  21. Ain't it great!!! Crazy like a Fox he is! It's all about the "tude". You will think twice when you look at a crazy person. CJL is 'da man for da Bulls" Keep it going coach, the others are all jealous! Reaper
  22. The Reaper and Mattegunz say that Simms should come to USF. We don't wanna see Brouce Mompremier messing up his pretty face in a year or so.
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