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Everything posted by The_Reaper

  1. Way to go Z... Now.. I have this sort of problem that you may be able to.... ;D JK!!! Way to go! I know this was a relief off your shoulders. What area are you specializing in? Reaper
  2. Terry you know the prayers are flowing here! I do not claim or recognize any cancer he may have and rebuke it! Devil leave this man alone! Your dad is going to be great! Just to let you know, I am down 20lbs. So if I can do it, everyone else can. Reap
  3. maybe it was too soon to put Grant Gregory on defense. Looks like we will be needing another QB with the Hill situation.
  4. IT is time these coaches start monitoring these kids. Isn't there an AD responsible for this? I know in the Ath Bldg. we have classrooms and tutors. WHY ISN'T THIS BEING UTILIZED? I'm sorry, but this situation should not exist. I am getting sick and tired of hearing that our athletes are not going to play for this and that, or our recruits do not muster up. Someone is not doing their job! Maybe that's why we have so many problems. It's time to start to look internally. AND if a student is having academic problems, catch it early so this situation does not happen. After all, we ARE paying SOMEONE to monitor this, AREN'T WE? Reaper
  5. My fat arsk he doesn't own a suit. Be for real. He's just a smart arsk rich kid who thinks he's jack sheat. Daddy's got more $$$ than you know who. If he cared, he wouldn't have dressed that way. And yes, that was my inference on the dress. I should have been specific. The other team members showed respect. Reaper.
  6. RockyTop-  The band is just as much a part of USF as your hillbilly band is to Tenn. It is surprising they at Tenn. can play at all considering all the teeth that are missing. And at least the H.O.T. plays more than "Rocky Top" over and over! And yes, intelligent people who still love athletics, DO CARE about the band. Again, the H.O.T represent USF.  What an assinine comment, Jeesh!!!  The Reaper
  7. looks good, but get hats that look like the Santa Clara Vanguard, or the Cavs. (Swashbuckler style)
  8. What an outrage! Old Logo, old Colors...Typical USF BS! Take this to the top if you have to, or I would even strike!!! The band is always getting screwed! The Reaper
  9. I guess they spent all of the money on the floor instead of suits to visit our nations President. Disgusting!
  10. Wade Boggs would be a nice fit, with Mike Scmidt as assistant coach.
  11. No Vicki Vodar! An Outrage!!!!! > Reaper :'(
  12. As of late and our offense Mikey, he is! Reaper
  13. No {Offense} is right Big Game!!! ;D Why don't you think he would be good? Too gunshy maybe? I don't know. To me he has the size and speed. Just a thought.  Reaper
  14. make PJ a running back. He has the size and the speed. I think it would make him a very valuable asset on the team instead of qb. The option would be preety sweet too! Reaper
  15. Gator, I am more of a purist I guess. I understand your point and it does merit credence. My take is I wish the NCAA tourney would break it down to Top majors (best 10 in country), Mid majors, and small D1's. THEN, play the winners for the title. May be a pipedream, but I think it may be exciting. As far as USF attaining the level as described, who the heck knows. Maybe someday. But like any school, they have to earn it.  Also, I think the BCS for football still sucks. I guess it's all a money thing there. It does need reform however. Reaper
  16. Like everything, it's on a need to know basis. Problem is......WE NEED TO KNOW!!!! ;D Reaper
  17. Gator, The point really was not superlative to just LSU. The tourney is skewed. My point is take the top ten and let them battle it out. Play it in the Olympic format, and not limit the outcome to maybe a bad day. UF had the easy road, to which you are correct, it was not their choice. They took the opponent as it came and they won. I mean, UConn or Duke were the top contenders all year. They by all means and purposes should have taken the cake. BUT a bad outing sunk both of them. Really and honestly, UF by all averages did not figure in the calculations. BUT they won. It just goes to show the skew. That my friend was my point. I applaud that a Florida Team representing the state won. It will all add an ounce of respectibility to what has become a barren wasteland for hoops. (Just go to a local BB game in HS and see what I mean.) But my allegiences remain, and my dislike also remains. That's what makes College sports so great! By the way, you saw my smilie!!! Reaper
  18. There is a picture in "Rockey's" at the Claw of the first snap of the first game. It shows a packed "Sombrero."
  19. Here's the thing Joe... If you wore a USF hat, short and shirt and attended UF or FSU, you think that you would not recieve crap? Dude wake up. My post was not idiotic. My post is my choice! Reaper
  20. They won a BB Tournament of which I still disagree on the winner to be the "Best College Team." It was a tornament. Just like a Thanksgiving or Christmas tourney. It does not signify the best team. If you put the top ten teams in a tourney that have been top ten all year, then you could say you are the best. Have the teams at least play each other twice, much like the Olympics. Then we'll see who is champs. The Gayturds would not have stood a chance.
  21. They aren't checking out any books at the library from me tonight! Count on it! Reaper
  22. Kid came into the library today, all Gayturd out. Hat, shirt, and shorts. I asked him if he went to UF? He said no, I go here. I said do you have USF shirts etc? He said no. Told him Gaynesville was up north and this is USF. He said yeah, so? I said let me see you ID to check out the books he wanted. He didn't have his ID. "No ID, no books!" I said. After pleading with me as he needed the books, I reminded him that we need his ID to check out books. He disgruntally pushed the books at me and stormed out, not before I said, "try the library in Gaynesville!" Jerk off!!!! Not on our turf buddy, not on our turf!!! Reaper
  23. Well, well, well. Look who comes back to gloat on the board. It's none other than the master sheephearder, "GatorFan." Welcome back, NOT!!! Question for ya? When is the license plate going to be demanded by the UF heard? AND are you going to keep it for ten years like you did for football? I guess that's how long it takes to comprehend by you folks. Now, before you hit the jealous rant you have used over and over, jealous over UF winning the title? Nope! Jealous of UF having a cake tourney, Yep! Face it, you had the easiest schedule of any team. If LSU were on their game, you would have had a tougher time. But, you did win, so relish it, and remember to tell all your little sheep about that famous day when you won it all. By the way, be sure to buy all those T shirts and remember to have your name put on the back. That way, you will be able to tell names, instead of counting sheep! Have fun my friend. Enjoy, drink, get rowdy, and remember to not puke on your shoes...totally uncool! But ya gotta do something with Donovan. Get the boy a hair weave or something. He is looking to much like a Munster and scareing the children. Until next time when we here from you, AMF! And by the way, 'Go "F" yourself ;D (Had to do it!!!)
  24. It all boils down to $$$$$$$$. UF has all that donor $$$ to get the best. Until we pony up the cash, get things and people that will improve our programs, we will still be behind. It all takes time. Look how long UF has been around ,and how long their athletic program has been in operation. Again, money talks, leadership leads, players come. Hey, look at how many more quality recruits we have gotten since the new athletic building. If you build it folks, ( the program and facilities), they will come!  It's time to stop thinking frugal, and opening the coffers. But it all takes $$$$!   Reaper PS. I have been ill all day with a sour taste in my mouth and gut! Hmmm? I wonder why?
  25. Excuses, The Gayturds charge 5 bucks. I hope you are not one of "Them." Reaper
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