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Everything posted by The_Reaper

  1. No More HS coaches! We need tried and true coaches in D 1 level. We are the big time now folks.
  2. Can we take you on in a game of H o r s e ?
  3. a difference if Coach Mac had not "diciplined" Holmes last night? It seems to me another form of dicipline might have been used, when you could have possibly won your first game. I can see it if we had a bench. But at this point in the venture, what ever happened to running laps? Reaper ???
  4. Ravishing? Rueben!!! Don't stretch it that far!!!! ;D Reaper
  5. Bullzfan, Yep! Are you and your crew up for the UCONN game as Reapers? Man it would be so cool! Let me know!!! Reap
  6. You old F%^t!!! Ooops! I'm there too Brad!!!! ;D
  7. The times that I have come to the games, I have been told by the ushers that I can not sit in my usual seat,(that I have had for the last 4 years), because I am NOT a student anymore. I told them I am on staff and I have sat there for years. Still they ban me. The only way for me to sit where I am welcomed, is to have anyone wave and come up and get me to sit with them. AND it is only if I have a student companion tix. Can someone help and old Reaper out? Thanx! PS Look for the new Reaper facelift soon! Also am looking for an all out DEATH ROW revival for the UCONN game. Let me know who is in! Pre-requisite: Mask and Dark Cape. I am getting the RIP Gravestones ready! Reap
  8. Thank you Thank you!!! Unfortunately, I know from whence he came. Knees are a crazy thing. Unfortunately for Z, it will be a mucho difficulto road for him, judging by his past with the wheels. I only wish him the best. I really can't take all the credit for the prediction. I consulted my magic 8 ball. I just asked it if USF basketball will win at least one big east game. It said............................................................. stay tuned! ;D Reaper
  9. Maybe he needs to get a little more pro active in games. Start yelling at these refs like other coaches do. Maybe get kicked out of a couple to try to light the fire. Maybe then officials won't walk all over on us!
  10. Remember this about all 5 star recruits..." It's one small step for man, one giant ACL tear for mankind!" It can happen to any of them at any time! Reaper
  11. And they all banged a girl named Jessica from North Carolina ;D
  12. I know! But give it the week and just think how much better you will be! At least you have squishy feet due to the Vikes!!! I know I did!!!
  13. 10-4! Hope they gave you some good Vikeys!!! 750's work wonders ya know!!! ;D
  14. We need pics of the new Lucas Crib!!! Gotta see how the "Upper Half" lives like in AZ. ;D Seriously, would like to see the house. Knowing you, you painted a big USF on the roof and UF Sucks!!! ;D!!! ;D Reaper
  15. Plus, a good place to take recruits of any sport
  16. Congrats Terry!!! Like to see some pics of the new Lucas Estate!!! Man, I won't be able to recognize you with the new look! NOW, (Reaper fatherly advice time! STAY OUT OF THE FIGHTS! You have that expensive grill done, don't ruin it! ) I am trully happy for you! You deserve it. (But if it was the hottie you brought to Charlotte, OOO Wow! Tough one to let go! Reap
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