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Everything posted by ToroDeFuego

  1. Yes. It is ridiculous. To have schools come in and pitch their program, turning it into American (Athletic) Idol, to drag it into the season, to not even make a decision if it's 2 or 4 schools, to allow ESPN and Fox to influence the decision. It's ridiculous.
  2. If the reporter conflates actual attendance with announced it's sloppy reporting if not an outrage. I don't see why that's so hard to understand.
  3. I've heard this a few times but I can't find anything definitive as to what schools report. Any sources? I saw one site that said the numbers are self reported by schools but no mention as to if the numbers are actual, distributed, etc. That's what drives me nuts, when reporters obviously use the lower, actual number for USF and then compare it with other numbers without referencing where they got them or how they were calculated. I have no problem with reporting them, but don't be sloppy doing it.
  4. I saw some passing efficiency rankings online so I looked up the complete lists. It's only two games but he's doing pretty well. Chase Litton is off to a great start but he's only played one game, against Morgan (and Morgan) State. 53/35 1 int 498 yards 6 ids 178.6 (rating) Efficiency: 14 (Chase Litton is #1) TDs: 11 (tied with tons of others) Yards: 29 Yards/Game: 32 Yards/Comp.: 7 (Chase Litton is #1) Yards/Attempt: 11 (Chase Litton is #1)
  5. I realized I worded that ambiguously but I couldn't edit it. I meant to say "I don't think it's fair to call all critics of him detractors". It's pretty obvious that there are some people on here that can't read any criticism of Flowers without resorting to calling the critics haters.
  6. I don't think it's fair to call any critics of him detractors. I like Flowers from the start. I think he is the best QB we have and unquestionably should be the starter. But I have always had doubts about his accuracy. It's probably the only weakness of his game but not something that he can't improve. He looked a little better this game than the first but he won't have the luxury of as many second chances against better defenses.
  7. I think some are missing the point. It's not that nobody is allowed to criticize the Bulls. To the contrary, constructive criticism is absolutely necessary and welcome. Any group or person that cannot accept it is not mature or rational. Rather it's the tone that Fennelly uses; one of derision and condescending disrespect. Most of the media in the area aren't horrible, they just don't seem to really care more than superficially to cover USF with insight. So I'm not losing sleep over what anybody writes but I have every right to have an opinion about it. Some people seem to think that the press should be exempt from criticism.
  8. I'd just like to remind everybody that UF, for their first twenty years, was playing on the baseball field with a capacity of 5,000. Sure it was a different time but let's not forget when we started. This program has done amazing things and it sucks that the local press goes out of their way to dump on it. I won't click on any link going to the Times anymore.
  9. Just repeat this every day: The presentation will be tomorrow so you got to hang on 'til tomorrow, come what may! Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you tomorrow, You're only a day away.
  10. Perfect demonstration of the difference of the media covering USF and UCF. This article uses a Bianchi quote extolling UCF and Orlando and then juxtaposes that with Tom Jones' fecal fest about our attendance. http://www.inquisitr.com/3491659/big-12-expansion-rumors-usf-ucf-serious-candidates-due-to-large-tv-markets-fertile-recruiting-area/?utm_campaign=SocialFlow&utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=Feed
  11. They already do some very questionable, I think unethical, things. This weekend OTL did a story about schools trying to get into P5 conferences (hmmm, sounds familiar) being financially reckless and abusing student funds. It's been widely reported that ESPN does not want the Big 12 to expand. This was a not very veiled advertisement for their position.
  12. My problem with this is the troll nature of it. The headline says "hopes damaged", not "may have been" or "probably" or even "should be". If he didn't talk to most of the people voting within the Big 12 and have them tell him this at best it's sloppy journalism at worst it's a flat out lie. Maybe it was an editor but it's still bad. He also makes no mention of wether any of the numbers he throws around are actual or announced except for the one that makes USF look bad. Some sources would be nice... assuming he has any. While he's at it let's see a story about the actual circulation/readership of the Times compared to what they announce. And adjust his paycheck accordingly.
  13. Still too soon with the (Holtz) New Era thing.
  14. USF pitch video: Edit: thought it was new but I guess it's the old one.
  15. Rankings this early are based on history of the team (stupid), what they did last year (somewhat valid) and new players/recruits (somewhat flawed). Since few national reporters ever bother to scout teams like USF and recruits lose status when they commit here USF will never get the benefit of the latter two let alone the first. The only way is to build a series of strong seasons like Houston is doing.
  16. Didn't say they would dilute the overall product but they would even the curve which is not what Texas probably wants. There are two issues here: 1. What is good for the Big 12 and 2. What is good for the individual schools. You can't discount the second, especially in such a dysfunctional conference. Ideally they could do what the Big 10 did in Rutgers. They bring a market, a history, money yet pose little threat to poaching recruiting or taking over Ohio St or Michigan in football. Attractive, yet non-threatening.
  17. Really hard to see how Alabama is not #1 after what they did. And Clemson very nearly lost.
  18. Maybe it's just that twitter brings out the stupid in people but to think that the Big 12 would eliminate a school from consideration over a lackluster opening game is ridiculous, eg. Cincinnati. And maybe it's me but seeing how good Houston was, If I was Texas, Texas Tech or even OU, I would be more determined to keep them out. All they offer is pillaging of the recruits. Big 12 already owns the market. If you didn't care about A&M leaving why would you want Houston?
  19. I like that he picked USF (maybe a dig at their "rival" UCF?) but the guy is delusional. Yeah, UConn can really draw... when they're good... and when the visitor is a national powerhouse... and when there's not 100 inches of snow... and when...
  20. Even the Bucs would wait until deep into the second round to draft him.
  21. "I do not think the scheme is anything special. If there was a special scheme, everybody would be teaching the same thing. It is way more important to coach a mentality. I think it is more important to teach these kids to believe in themselves and the people around them. They have got to make plays. I have not tackled anyone in 24 years, not legally anyway." - Tom Allen
  22. And Orlando Antigua was John Caliper's right hand man at Kentucky. Pretty impressive, right? How far did that get us?
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