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Everything posted by ToroDeFuego

  1. UC may get in but I guaran-f'n-tee you that the Board of Directors did not stop in the middle of the meetings and call them and tell them to print a backdrop.
  2. Seriously? Our current students are so spoiled that unless we have winning teams every year they'll quit on us?
  3. I think there are a lot of reasons why it's hard to get fans out 1. This is Florida. There are more than a few people here that came from other places and many will not support their local team. 2. This is Florida. We live in a place where people have a lot of things to do outside. Nice weather, beaches and bars with TVs are hard to compete against. 3. This is Tampa. We live in a metro area that attracts a lot of college graduates from other schools that are not in a metro area especially UF and FSU. 3. The team is only 20 years old. A good amount of our alumni did not have a team to root for when they were here. Some still have to learn to love it. 4. USF is only 60 years old. A lot of schools have been playing football way longer than we have been a school. As our alumni grows we will get more fans. I'm not saying any of these are excuses but just facts. We need to somehow make games a place to be seen. Make them as fun to go to as Lighting games. I don't have the answers on how to do that but some of these will work themselves out over time.
  4. If the Big 12 really wanted to make some coin they would live broadcast the meetings today. Or better yet they would have made the whole process a reality show.
  5. At the very least we can make our voice heard. Tweet @CityofTampa and ask them to support USF football. After all, I don't think they visit this forum often.
  6. I disagree with that. The city of Tampa cares very much about the success of USF. USF's research, patents, medical facilities all bring national attention to the city and more important, money to the area. The better USF's reputation the more students want to come here. And like it or not, a winning football team improves that attention more than anything. Why do you think so many leaders took part in the Big 12 video pitch? They want USF do do well.
  7. JK has another headline about attendance this morning with quotes by Jose Fernandez. For my 2 cents, I'll just say that chastising and scolding has never worked to bring out fans. People tend to not respond well by blaming them for your problem. Just ask the Rays. I think the model to follow is the most consistent draw in the area which is the Lightning under Vinik. The atmosphere in that place is just electric. People want to go there because it's like a party. I don't know how to create it for USF games but it seems that getting Vinik more involved would be a good idea. I wish the city was more visibly involved also.
  8. Dagnabbit. I meant to post this in the general section.
  9. Taggart's son tucks an runs and then runs over the DB. Maybe this should be under Prospects and Recruits.
  10. It's hard for regular radio to compete with options now. I used to listen in the morning but to be honest half the time was filled with commercials. Since I got a new car I've been listening to SiriusXM. Sure would be nice to have a Tampa channel. Or even an AAC channel. In fact I think I'll keep bugging them on twitter for it @SIRIUSXM.
  11. I'm talking about the deal that paid for the stadium with the property taxes that I pay. It was a joke.
  12. The administration, looking for an excuse to fire the coach who constantly embarrassed them, got their chance when the most important man in the building choked a player. Lawsuit got ugly and we got Skip. Did I leave anything out?
  13. I'm pretty sure that it was Doug Woulard who negotiated the original stadium deal with the Glazers in 1996.
  14. I don't think there's an argument here. http://www.floridafootballinsiders.com/usf-bulls/best-usf-offense-ever/
  15. At least some people have noticed: http://sportsday.dallasnews.com/college-sports/collegesports/2016/10/12/potential-big-12-expansion-decision-coming-next-week-ways-conferencehas-already-lost
  16. USF just announced that in response to the criticism, that at the end of the games now Taggart is going to perform a Japanese tea ceremony while the PA plays some choice Enya cuts. Hopefully that will show the proper respect and compassion for our opponents.
  17. That was a textbook case of targeting. In fact I think the NCAA should put it in the rule book. Their coach complained about it for a full 20 minutes like a baby. In my opinion, that's poor sportsmanship. You may not like running the score up, but it's a sport. It's not like he clubbed some baby seals.
  18. Taggart should follow Charlie Strong's example. Woodie is in over his head.
  19. Well, of course. And a case could be made that's is safer to move the student athletes to a safer place in Tampa. Might also encourage some fans to evacuate who would otherwise stay.
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