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Everything posted by TromBull12

  1. Never mentioned luck. Just saying he's in his element. He wins and does well at that level. Nothing I'm going to write home about though.
  2. I will always wish him well. Just wouldn't trade him for Quinton. I personally enjoy mobile quarterbacks more than traditional ones.
  3. I mean his team struggled to beat a hobbling Navy... They won on a last second field goal after giving up over 40 points to a team who's average dropped to around 14... I'm sorry if he doesn't get my ringing endorsement. It was an entertaining game, but most teams in the AAC would've broken the spine of Navy with them being this crippled by injuries.
  4. Personally cheering for Navy. They had a tough break with those injuries and if not for the grave of God... Can you imagine if the roles were reversed...
  5. Did anyone mention the fact that navy scored? 10-7 now
  6. I'll also say that I believe football is a more popular sport.
  7. My concern is for the Bulls fans who have been so hurt in the past that they can't allow themselves to enjoy a good thing WHILE it's happening. Ex. Back end of the Taggart Era Hopefully if things go as well as they can, we can all enjoy the Strong Era and live in the moment together.
  8. I don't care who you are, that combo together is going to draw some local eye balls! I'm definitely contributing a set!
  9. You can quote someone but erase parts of what they wrote. So when you quote someone who posted an entire article, it's common courtesy to delete the non essential parts. People like me on phones find all the extra scrolling tedious/"evil" when you don't.
  10. "That's one big bad dude" is all I hear when reading some of these comments... I can appreciate the sentiment, just be mindful.
  11. This is a crazy theory that I've strung together by reading different post here on the Bulls pen, so with that in mind hear me out. He is and was in contact with both CCS and CWT. What if he could read the tea leaves around the league and helped get both men in a situations that worked well with both of their personal goals. He knew that jobs like Oregon don't open up ALL the time and with Taggart being a hot commodity with his 10 win season setting offensive records in the state of Florida and so on, Dungy knew Taggart wanted to play on a bigger stage. Dungy also knew that Charlie was a great coach with ties to Florida who want given a fair shake at Texas. So I believe he connected the dots for all parties involved, including USF, who needed 10 wins just to get some respect nationally. Dungy was playing 3 dimensional chess... When his Big 12 plan fell through, he activated plan B. Taggart gets the recognition, stage, and money. Strong gets a loaded team with an early Heisman hopeful for a path to redemption. And USF gets the name recognition, boost in publicity, and a great 3-4 years. Am I crazy or is this in the realm of possibilities???
  12. I truly appreciate the thought. It's all good though, it would have been a typical family of four, but spending any money on my not even two year olds is too much. Plus I'm all in but I'm not sure my wife wants that 8+ hour drive. I'll find a way, but again thank you.
  13. Man you already know I'm doing my best politicking I can muster!
  14. Then give them to me and my kids lmbo on a teacher salary during the holidays. Can't convince the wife to let me pony up the cash, but simply paying gas money might be different....
  15. I mean I guess anything over 50% is saying you believe he's going to sign. But if I we're to measure my own sense of doubt/anxiety at the prospect of him not signing on the dotted line, I'd put my odds at 60/40. 60% sure he will sign with a 40% chance he doesn't. There you have it...That's just how I feel.
  16. And here I was hoping for some Charlie Strong news...
  17. This is what happens when we live around and interact with people who think like us.
  18. Some people look for any excuse to be ticked. Good lord, how cam you go through life so angry all the time? Taggart did the best he could while he was here. Now he's doing his best while at Oregon. Sucks but it's business...
  19. Yeah this couldn't be more true. I can admit I'm no football guru, but some of you guys reaching for ways to justify your dislike for Taggart is ridiculous. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that no matter what talent level you have, you can't just flip an entire offensive scheme/philosophy in a week, regardless of how motivated you are to do so. You can't just take a whole bunch of athletes who have never done something in practice repeatedly, throw them on the field, and expect them to just execute without a hitch. No one performing at a high level does that. At best, we can assume they were practicing these things, but for fear of failure or putting his mentally fragile team into a losing situation, CWT was very conservative with his play calling. He didn't yet trust Flowers to be the qb we know and love today. Flowers said trust me/us 》CWT said OK I'll let you all do the plays we've done in practice 》Players showed they can be trusted 》History was made. I think that's the best any of us can do to understand what took place. To imply that CWT was on the hot seat and just flipped some switch in a week is ignorant at best. Adversely, anyone saying that CWT wasn't being conservative in his play calling to begin with, would be guilty of looking back with green and gold goggles. We can all agree we wanted more from the CWT regime. We should also be able to agree that he, at the very least, gave us what we needed. AND that is mentally strong, talented, hungry, winning football team, that will go down as one of the greatest in USF history. - Sad but grateful Bulls Fan
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