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Everything posted by USFBulls727

  1. This has to be the craziest thing I've seen in years.
  2. Little do they know, the slippery field in the first quarter played a big role in dashing our playoff hopes. Cost us at least two touchdowns.
  3. I really wish we took the chance to score at the end of the half, because everybody knows that one or two more touchdowns against San Jose State would have vastly improved our chances to make the playoffs. We should have kept QF and the 1st team offense in there throwing bombs throughout the game. Totally worth the risk.
  4. Exactly. That is a realistic goal for the season. Playoffs probably aren't.
  5. You forgot to add a ranked Memphis team in the CCS to this fantasy scenario, but make no mistake, any scenario with us going to the playoffs is a fantasy scenario. I'm just looking for us to beat the Temples and Houstons of the world, and finally winning the conference. This schedule won't get us to the playoffs no matter what happens. Extremely unlikely we even have a legit argument even in the absolute best case scenario. The odds are 100-1, but might as well be 1,000,000-1. A two-loss Alabama would probably be ranked comfortably ahead of us.
  6. Sutton, along with Temi Alaka, are guys I am totally unfamiliar with. I've seen E. Mack, Bell, and Sands mentioned quite a bit on this board, but don't recall Sutton's name mentioned. Where is he in the pecking order?
  7. The Gulf Coast Offense was Joe Kinnan's brainchild, was it not?
  8. Agreed. This offense could still be very good, but not quite what it was last year. Still enough talent to make opponents lose sleep, but I was surprised how many times QF & DJ were absolutely bottled up by what was supposed to be a below-average defense. I had hoped that maybe we would retain T. J. Weist (he's actually still available I believe), to run the offense. Hard to imagine a system that is more suited for QF than the Gulf Coast Offense.
  9. Seemed there were often gaping holes for Flowers/Mack in last year's offense that just weren't there against SJS. Will probably only get better going forward, but something just didn't feel right with this offense, despite the fact we put up 548 yards. Wondering what people here really think of QF's chances of even being considered for the Heisman. He put up amazing numbers last year, and really wasn't on the radar.
  10. I was thinking the same thing. Just hoping we can get the offense to run a little more smoothly, and that the defense continues to improve. Our path is pretty clear cut. We're not going to the playoffs, but win out, and an NY6 bowl is ours. The ranking is what it is.
  11. I believe #21 Virginia Tech & #22 West Virginia play each other next week, so one of them may leap frog us. Really difficult to say which way we go in the polls, but dropping a spot might not be out of the question.
  12. That was Juwaun Brown crushing the RB in the backfield. Kind of a poor man's version of the Jadaveon Clowney hit on that Michigan player a couple years ago
  13. That 4th down stop was huge. Who knows if we even come out with the W without that. Thankfully that was San Jose State we were playing last night, and not Houston, UCF, or Temple. That TD run by DJ was nice as well.
  14. The Gulf Coast Offense maximized QF's talents. This new offense will not. Still enough talent on that side of the ball to win most games, but I doubt QF will be in any Heisman conversation much at all the further we get into the season. This seems like an offense Kean of Olakudun can function in though. On another note, I must confess, I'd never heard the name Temi Alaka before he caught that touchdown pass, and don't recall hearing his name again after.
  15. Too lazy to look it up, but it seems that the vast majority of explosive (30+ yards) plays last year came from Flowers, Mack, and Adams. Mack and Adams being gone could very well be an issue. There was more to them than their 40 time. Mack had great vision, and there was a noticeable drop-off when he wasn't in. Adams ran hard, and was great on the jet sweeps. We may have guys that have similar 40 times, but that doesn't necessarily mean that we can plug them in and get the same results. I suspect there will be a slight drop-off in explosive plays, and the overall effectiveness of the offense. We'll find out soon enough.
  16. For the money, and you do this without hesitation. Will definitely help out in recruiting, attendance, etc.
  17. I suspect that at best, this could look something like Tom Allen's 2015 Defense, which might be sufficient to get us to the CCG (hopefully), but this unit has to be, I would think, a question mark for most...
  18. Absolutely, but this is mostly the same unit as last year. Just going off what I saw last year, they can't stop the run or pass, and are horrible at tackling. That's all I've known them to be. Will be interesting to see how much he can coach them up.
  19. Anybody remember what they were saying about the 2016 defense in the weeks leading up to the season? I'm sure there was some excitement heading into the season at the potential of that unit, but we all saw how that turned out. I do expect there will be quite a bit of improvement this year though. Can only get better on that side of the ball.
  20. Anyone know of a reputable online gambling site, or whether or not you can place sports bets at the Hardrock Hotel in Tampa? Would it be legal in Florida? Not a big gambler, but I may bet on a game or two this year (as well as the Mayweather-McGregor fight).
  21. Will are getting a lot of early press that WMU didn't get last year. I suppose that, and a fringe Heisman candidate can possibly give us a slight bump with the pollsters, but #12 is about where I see us finishing the regular season.
  22. DJ flew to San Jose, and his arms aren't even tired.
  23. Might as well had made the poll for the second best ever to wear #9
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