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Everything posted by Calibull

  1. This is the most fun I've seen him have since he's been the coach. I think not worrying about the offense has been a relief for the guy. Lead by example... I'm liking what I see, I can't wait to get to tampa in a couple of weeks.
  2. I'm excited enough that I'll be at the spring game this season. Flying back to Tampa in the 27th and I'm going to stay until the 14th... Looking forward to seeing the new offense and see who steps up on defense. This is the year so see some guys making moves...
  3. Charlie Strong is not going anyplace. There is absolutely no indication nor reason for him to handcuff the offense. The silliness expressed on this board sometimes... guy hasn't coached a game and Strong told him he can run the offense as he see fits and people already have him handcuffed. "If indeed this does happen".. da fug? Sounds a lot like Taggarts 3rd season to be honest. The one the team made it's big turn when many here wanted Taggart fired. lol different characters same cast...
  4. I'll be in Florida for the spring game. I'll wait until after spring ball before I start making any predictions. Two years ago people were pretty pleased with the defense... last season was just a bad combination of no depth, size, and experience. I think the defense will be fine... I'm more curious about the offense. I think potentially they can have a great year. Say what you want, they showed glimpses with a slug like Gilbert calling plays. I'm thinking Bell is better and the system he brings is his own. He understands it's principles and why things are designed the way they are. It originates with him and those guys tend to find success when their systems get good athletes. Say what you want, Bell has won at every level he's coached and has had prolific offense doing it. With the talent coming back they could actually do something pretty special. I think Strong relinquishing that half of the team to Bell will work out well. Say what you want, Strong knows a lot about defense and was a great DC. Him just focusing on defense and not worrying about the offense will be better for the team. Also McMurphy is garbage and his preseason bowl predictions are never correct. Not even close.
  5. I don't believe you he'll be lined up at RB and you'll walk this back how?
  6. I have been very impressed with the effort of the ladies this season. There is great effort and really good coaching going on right now. We have just been decimated by injuries. I have been impressed.
  7. I didn't ask you that... I like it and that's really all that matters to me.
  8. People (not you) are acting like we've not been good for the past few years. We beat them one other season, we've been pretty good for a few years now so this doesn't surprise me.
  9. I'm wait and see... but we'll get more money so that's always good. It's crazy people are prematurely trashing it without knowing anything at all about it... except some conjecture which is likely off.
  10. I'd still have to say this team. The 2011-2012 team had played together the season prior, even though they finished with an abysmal record. This team, most of these guys are playing together for the first time. They had to find chemistry on the fly, that is difficult Also, this team has more hustle imo ... but that 2012 team was my favorite team until this seasons.
  11. We have an excellent coach and a team that has continued to get better as the season goes. We've tightened up in most aspects of the game and won this one, as you pointed out, without one of our best players. These guys are accepting their roles and winning how good teams win. Guys step up when they need to but more importantly they seem to understand the flow of the game now. That's been the most impressive thing to me. They adjust in game and go with what's working. They're not forcing it anymore. Gritty well coached team. I like our chances.
  12. Nobody in all hell would want a class of 25 two stars. That would literally be a shatty recruiting class and the entire staff should be replaced for incompetence. In recruiting terms it's a stupid question because I'd rather have 10 3 stars than 25 2 stars. I'm not sure you understand the ratings...
  13. Makes up for the Charlotte game that got cancelled earlier this season. Will likely draw more people now anyway... also the guys could use the work. +1
  14. The new transfer rules have changed the way many coaches recruit. I didn't like it at first but I do now. It's almost like a waiver wire... except voluntary. There are some pretty good ball players still available for teams with room. This is where I think we can find a real gem.
  15. I don't think anybody wants 25 2 stars... it's the lowest valuation. Unless you meant to say25- 3 stars... That would be the only way the comment makes sense.
  16. "dumb" is a very under appreciated word. Aaaaaaany measure? So... anyone happy Yetna still has both legs?
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