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Everything posted by Calibull

  1. Which one? That doesn't actually narrow any particular prediction down. It is literally my default when I'm not sure about a team we have.
  2. 27 wins would mean we won the conference tournament.
  3. i just thought we could win 17 games with the schedule we have. Now I think we can win the conference tournament. I think we will... People are acting like it can't happen. Oh... it's so happening this year. This next win at SMU will make some start to bullieve.
  4. I was waiting to see this game before I actually went it. But I think they'll win the tournament this season. People thought I was crazy when I said we'd get 17 this season... honestly I thought 20 but mellowed down my expectations. It has some to do with the players... but mostly the coach. I'm not buying this team can't or wont win it. So while I understand where you're coming from... sit back and watch how right I am.
  5. We're going to win the conference tournament...
  6. Not surprising... I also thought Mazzi stood a chance but thought it was still a long shot. He'll make a team though.
  7. Collins is playing in the same offense he played in last season. It's just more talent this year and also his roll isn't to do that. Team first, he's played excellent defense and has contributed to the teams success. I think the worst thing that happened last season was he scored 30... I think many assumed he could do it at will. Also, last season he was the best guy we put on the floor, this season he isn't. Collins will be fine, these guys are young and different nights they'll need different players to do different things. No doubt in my mind he'll have a game where he just goes off... but he doesn't have to do that for us to win.
  8. you're assuming we'd be an one and done. Also, I'll always take a bid in the NCAA over the NIT no matter what. More money and it says your team is good. Better for recruiting and better if you're building to make a run.
  9. I didn't know we had so many D1 athletes posting on the board. Wasn't all that long ago when USF was un CUSA... One could argue we're still in a revamped version of it. Congrats to Kean, I hope he does well... I've known who UNCC was since I was a kid.
  10. I feel like this team will end up with 22 wins. 5 more than my preseason prediction of 17 when errrryone thought I was crazy. I'm not ruling out winning the conference tournament. This team is capable of doing that.
  11. I just think she'd up her stock and given the severity of her injury, I just think she'll be back. But she has a redshirt if she wants to exercise it.
  12. She'd probably make more money also... she'd be a big fish in a little pond.
  13. The one thing I will say about Q is I stood next to him and he was taller than me. I'm 5'11 1/4. Wasn't significantly taller, but I'd say he's a least a little over 6'0. In comparison when I stood next to Flowers (the other Q), who was listed at 6'0... I was like... he's not even my height. I was taller than him.
  14. She's not going pro this year. They're already talking about using it as her redshirt. It's not very common women go pro coming off severe injuries. I get that she's super talented, but nobody is drafting a player when they don't know what they're getting. Because of her injury she literally has to show scouts she's back, which means this year will count as a redshirt and she can show what she can do on the floor next season. I think sometimes we get fan bias and assume a player is ready, when they're not. Not saying this is the case with here, I was just speaking in general terms. Also so many young players getting significant time will bode well for next season team.
  15. Yes... but it doesn't take 4 years to be an all time great at USF. Especially if they make some kind of crazy run. I feel like he's just a leader and facilitator. I can't really think of a point guard we had in recent history that gave us more than 2 solid years. He's already going to break the single season steals record 2/3 of the way through the season. I feel like next season he could very well be an elite guard. He has the talent around him to make that jump. point guard that is
  16. I knew something like that had to happen when Q reacted like he did. He's normally so even keeled and poised. That's so disrespectful. I hate that crap. No reason to do it, it's just competition. If you are upset you're getting schooled, play better.
  17. He hadn't reached peak speed yet... so he was/is likely going to get faster in college. I do see him giving up track and I don't see him getting slower until his 30s...
  18. Polk had ACL surgery and his knee wasn't right last season. He injured it late in his redshirt season. I mean they talked about it several times during the spring because people hoped he'd play last season while Strong actually indicated he was not rushing him back and he was likely not going to be ready in time to play this season. None of these things I wrote about is a big secret. And Taggart ruined Jimmy Bayes
  19. Johnson originally committed to Taggart and Strong honored the commitment. I wouldn't exactly call him a Strong recruit... he more or less got stuck with him. He also is undersized and slow.
  20. Rarely do teams undersign classes. It's normally due the normal attrition that comes with recruiting kids from high schools. It was extremely rare for a school to undersign unless they had NCAA or self imposed penalties due to some infraction. Normally it's because of guys flipping or not being qualified.
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