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Everything posted by usfbullrider

  1. You see how good this team is with a good pass rush. The players talent is not the issue.
  2. AW will have it made. He should easily surpass BJ's record for yardage, which in the future, will be Bridgewater's record.
  3. Skip hired Cosh so it's basically Skip's for making the bad hire and also micromanaging his coordinators and not letting them implement a personalized defensive plan. We are paying Cosh to do interviews basically IMHO.
  4. Can't leave your secondary out an island for the time we take to get to the QB. It's atrocious. Like Cosh said, our players deserve better but the players don't get off the hook either. The D-line has been the biggest dissappointment in the BE easily. I don't like the fact that Holtz didn't get his young talent involved until just recently and Chandler should've been starting just based off energy alone. He's done a pretty good job recruiting offensively but his defensive Juco guys have been busts so far. Elkino Watson/Giddens/Forte have regressed and they all have high potential. All in all it's sad to say, I like what Holtz was trying to do here, but he needs more experience and we can't wait around to let him learn off our backs and our dime. I wish he had more time but he just doesn't and I'm excited to see who can unite this community again and get our pride back.
  5. Usf is a good gig. Especially since we've bottommed out as far as w/l ratio goes.
  6. Skips talking this morning of shuffling the staff on 98.7. Don't think cosh will get fired until end of season.
  7. Skip has recruited good talent for sure but I just don't see it making a difference in the long run. Need a coach that keeps our players playing at a high level first and foremost.
  8. Skip has recruited good talent for sure but I just don't see it making a difference in the long run. Need a coach that keeps our players playing at a high level first and foremost.
  9. The effort was better I just don't like skip as a person being that he was laughing as popek was lying on the field in pain.
  10. I believe it just shows the coaches have no idea what leverage is. And it has to be demoralizing to everyone involved given the money we are paying.
  11. It's a useless formation especially when Murray never loses yardage on a run play from the eye.
  12. It's a useless formation especially when Murray never loses yardage on a run play from the eye.
  13. Can't read a defense not consistent falls to often doesn't mask play fakes consistently does use touch consistently doesn't lead consistently
  14. But. But. The guys on the bulls pen said you need atleast 4sec to make a pass like that
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