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Everything posted by usfbullrider

  1. At least he didn't feed us any ******** after a loss. That goes a long way in my book.
  2. Skip couldn't coach a monkey to peel a banana.
  3. INTERVENTION time season ticket holders should refuse to enter stadium next week, just stay in the parking lot.
  4. cosh inherited a pretty bad defense but I agree we need a new regime even though Fitch has done his job THIS season.
  5. We've all be skip rolled once again this season. What an embarrassment to everything LRS worked so hard to build.
  6. I still think Big 12 will come calling one day now that FSU and Miami are staying in the ACC. Maybe I'm delusional.
  7. Not a made up post at all. He was on the skip holtz radio show yesterday 6-7pm. Refered to pressure on QB as 'twisting' and I just happened to listen when a caller asked the question about QB pressure.
  8. I think the refs tried to stop the holding but gave up totally by the second quarter. So frustrating.
  9. I'm paraphrasing skip here but, 'We tried that at Nevada and their guy took off for 35 yards.' So apparently Gary nova is equal to cody fajardo in that department? Weak sauce
  10. There is nothing quite like paying someone handsomely to lie to your face everyday.
  11. Great point but if holtz can't go .500 in the big east his career is over.
  12. If we had last years O line and this years WR corps how good would we be?
  13. Yes build for the long term, but in the meantime, leave it all out on the field every game like Leavitt used to. That's all I ask.
  14. USF has the option to terminate this year before his extension goes into effect if I remember correctly.
  15. Take away their penalties and our players are gonna be making plays in the backfield.
  16. Our defense is good but man it gives up a ton of yards and relies heavily upon a quarterback who will make unforced errors. It's painful to watch.
  17. It's a big problem. So bad it may be a glaring reflection on our coaches abilitites. If we can't run, and BJ can't disperse the ball quickly, then we are done and the coaches shouldn't get paid.
  18. 22 seniors pay raise for skip and co same ole **** I care about my bulls winning too much to invest heavily in the success of this coaching staff. I know it's one game but what I see is a complete lack of imagination from the coaching staff. And here I thought they were saving their wrinkles for the games that mattered. It's like they took the entire off season and did nothing.
  19. Rutgers was sloppy, we just plain suck at football. They need to get their **** right before they go on air.
  20. He is not a D1 quarterback enough said. Put floyd in and move him to tail back. It will at least make the game interesting and give us a shot at FSU.
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