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Everything posted by Ghostbuster

  1. - First 10 win season - Started longest streak of 30 points per game in the nation started (since beaten but was record at time) - Responsible for Gulf Coast offense, 4th Qtr "swag", "Bay Made" mantra - His last season was our first that we ended with Top 25 ranking - Left team in better place than he found it (we had another 10 won season after) - Recruited (? I think) and developed the most recent bulls hall of Fame QB I don't get the hate for trying to get paid while you can. Look at Leavitt, how did his devotion to the team over the next gig (could have had Bama right?) work out for him? Kicked to the curb when he didn't deliver the moon and a disgruntled player said some junk.
  2. Great for Gerry, sucks for Timmy. I understand not wanting to waste a year when you've lost the job once (who knows if someone else replaces you again next year)...but if Timmy really thinks his track record is better than Gerry's then he's just letting pride delude himself. As for the comments about it not being a "real" QB competition...tell that to Gerry who was on the grit list every week. McClain simply got outplayed by someone better, no shame in that. But don't try and tell me our QB1 was handed something for doing nothing.
  3. Deliriously optimistic (at least until some actual games are played). Q, Daniels and Grothe all were quarterbacks that made the team go and for whatever reason I feel like Bohanon can be that guy too. If the defense can just get a few opportunistic turnovers, I feel the offense (with all the skill players) can win some shootouts that would have looked like blowouts against us, in the past few years. I mean, right now we're undefeated, with a QB generating national interest, skill players on all kinds of watch lists as well, and we have a lineup of games against big names where we'll be the underdogs. If you're going to drown yourself in hopium, now's the time to do it.... so let's goooooooo!!!
  4. Was too late to delete last post...after cooling off a few minutes later. Was just upset because I was hoping to read a thread with some ppl excited so I could in turn have some positive vibes myself, then read that "swipe" and got frustrated. Apologies to all for ranting. Got no beef with you puc.
  5. For the love of God can you play another tune? This is a mental obsession, wherein every thread you just comment negative stuff that you have said multiple times already...(and usually it's the same stuff, in multiple threads, daily) The season doesn't start til September. Of course the record is still the same, of course we haven't started winning more. Take a few months off from sarcastically commenting ad nauseum about how 'we haven't won and the people in charge get rewarded for it'. At least until the season has started. It used to be mildly amusing every now and then but it's like watching William Hung on American Idol at this point. You think you're good but it's just pathetic and grating for most of us.
  6. I would argue the SEC is just as much to blame when it comes to killing that deal though because their commissioner negotiated the new playoff format while simultaneously poaching schools (and kicking off realignment again). The other big conferences said no to the deal because there was not only the appearance that the SEC was gaming the system they were creating (trying to have more teams with more shots in the playoffs), but also because the other leagues realized the SEC was making their first step towards a super conference that did not bother trying to play the other conferences. Hence the "alliance" that basically said 'we can have more high profile games across 4 conferences, from coast to coast! Do you hear that advertisers? We don't need to play the SEC. In fact they aren't trying to dump us, we're dumping them' What I'm getting at is the truth of the matter: The proposed expanded playoffs in 2026 would not have stopped conferences with media deals expiring well before then, from trying to get richer now by expanding. The B1G isn't posturing for the chance to have an extra team or two appear in a 2026 playoff game one day of the year. They (like the SEC) are trying to build a catalog of as many high profile games as possible, week in and week out, so advertisers can charge ridiculous prices all season long....and in turn pay their schools.
  7. They've been moving the goal posts on this project for years.
  8. They know they need to win now. Especially with all the conference stuff going on. No conference wants to add a 3/4 win team to leech off their TV money deal. Even if it's just one year, the guy's resume instantly makes him QB1; with it being his job to lose during the QB competition.
  9. Oh look....USF fans are unwilling to spend money/give clicks to USF related articles. Why oh why aren't bigger conferences chomping at the bit to get us? There's so much money to not be had! (And no I'm not singling you out and or trying to blame fans.....just making a silly joke. I know full well why some don't like the Times...they are famous for their focus on actual attendance numbers, troll articles in the past from Fenelley, pandering to other colleges...etc. But at the same time if no one sees a market for USF, then you get what you pay for)
  10. That's the internet for ya..... I remember this board just before Scott was hired. Everyone and their mother was saying they had a heard from a contact in USF, that Leavitt was in high level talks and would soon be returning as head coach.
  11. Too lazy to try looking up, but I thought I heard this type of change isn't easy to implement. As in you have to get buy-in from student groups and or state politicians/education boards in order to raise these fees.
  12. (Regarding the brand valuations) And people complain that analytics are bad for baseball....Look at what its doing to college football
  13. What's the statute of limitations on news regarding coaches that didn't pan out here? I say have it be 2x their service years....
  14. Mr. hyperbole doesn't recognize hyperbole when it's used against him, suuuuure. You got me, you literally did not use the word unhinged. My entire point is therefore null and void. Even though MKs behavior in no way shape or form matches the characterization you used in your multiple posts ranting about it; and the entire point of my post was to call out how disingenuous and stupid it was to imply as such....you did not use the word unhinged.
  15. Unless there are tweets I missed this is absolutely not close to an "argument" by some unhinged person who is losing control and picking fights with fans online. That's a huuuuuge reach to try and make MK look bad by framing it that way. And as far as spinning an AD who is actively engaged with fans and potential donors as a negative.... that's another swing and a miss. Frankly I'm more embarrassed for that matador dude since he was crying like he thought he got dumped. "she's not returning my calls...it's been a few days man. No I'm done! She can't dump me"
  16. Notre Dame, having just lost a coach to $$$, probably learned the hard way about not having the strongest conference/media deal. I bet they flip. When the ACC loses ND that might be enough to spook them into expanding. But I still don't see why they would want USF (and 3 Fla teams)....until FSU/Miami bail.
  17. That's certainly what the networks behind expansion want: 2 conferences that are seen as the only ones that matter (so then a big pay dropoff for the rest). Question is.... whether the super conference idea will actually work long term. Nobody actually wants it, it's just everyone has FOMO. But if you piss off enough people doing this, who knows what happens. Maybe eventually all the people not getting a piece of the pie get momentum for regulations against tv networks....maybe they don't tune in for playoffs and the super conference doesn't make sense monetarily.
  18. To be fair if you're already in a bad spot (poached AAC), any change in the college football landscape is going to be cause for getting your hopes up. He may have insight, he may not, either way he's smart to act like this is good for us/all according to a plan because if it does pan out he gets more credit.
  19. To be fair, USC was 4-8 last year and they got picked. (But I agree it is still a terrible time for a program with only 20 years of history to suck) It's all about money and USF was probably seen as more of a drain on the conference due to - No football investments - lack of sustained football success - lack of fan engagement/ticket sales/ratings. The potential for USF to generate money is there though. And the potential for a big rivalry (aka exploitable set of fan bases to make money off of) exists for UCF and USF....and the Big12 knows it. Hell USF and UCF both advertised it when they pitched the 'War on I4' as a package deal for the Big12. So if the Big12 feels USF is finally doing the bare minimum of investment in their program (IPF/plans for stadium) and can bring hype/ticket sales/eyeballs, they'll call USF up at some point. Especially if the Big10/SEC go to super conferences and the Big12 only has leftover teams with no shared history... they'll need *some* marquee games to hype up each year.
  20. I tend to agree...the only concern I would have in this hypothetical is whether the ACC could get a media deal better than the Big12 who would likely have an easier time poaching Pac12 remnants (as more pac-ees flee for b1g). If the endgame is about money and having the most amount of eyeballs on your product...the Big12 would have an easier time getting to a 'coast to coast' conference. UCF is already jumping on, and like I said the Pac12 leftovers might want to merge with a neighboring conference before they have nothing. If you are the ACC and your product has no 'night games'/west coast games, maybe you're less desirable. Flip side is maybe ACC would still have better name brands/fan bases even if the top 2/3 teams get poached, compared to hypothetical big12/pac12 merger.
  21. Oh jeez I totally missed it before...but did see a buncha tweets from 'Will' so that helped me see it this time. So I guess that begs the question.... Would you rather get into an ACC that -is expected to lose big names at some point (Clemson/FSU) - is getting marginalized more and more by Big12/SEC expansion OR a weak Big12 that - no longer has a marquee team but - is instead probably collecting remnants of other conferences to be the 'best of the rest'? Heck maybe it's Big12 vs ACC for the second tier of football...
  22. https://mobile.twitter.com/BullsNathanSBN/status/1542610100950630401?cxt=HHwWgoC84dbtuegqAAAA (I give up trying to embed) Hmmm..... I can't imagine posting something like this today unless it pertains to realignment. Or maybe AAU invite which could make us a viable Big Ten pick eventually?
  23. ::Sees USF in a Florida-centric SEC division::. Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue....but this guy didn't. Oh well I could use a hit of "hopium" right now, let me dream about that.
  24. USF paying 10 million to join a dying conference that is being raided is not an ideal or desirable outcome. *THAT* (AAC teams returning) is a better outcome than Big12 being poached again and only then getting an invite . If the Big12 falls apart completely and the others have to come back, that means USF avoids paying millions to join an AAC 2.0 conference. In this scenario, I doubt the 'twice poached' Big12 would get that much tv money to offset the cost for USF.
  25. I say this all the time and no one believes me but you won't get good coaches if you don't have good facilities. Here, have a quote from a coach that knows it: Watch how coaches take jobs now. Coach is down to these four jobs. Well, before, [the decision was based on] facilities or whatever. If the coach is smart, the first question should be what? Tell me about your [NIL] collective? https://www.si.com/college/2022/05/25/lane-kiffin-nil-recruiting-boosters-nick-saban There, Lane Kiffin talks about facilities and how the NIL is replacing them as most important thing for top coaches to look at in prospective jobs. From a certain point of view, Jim Leavitt was the worst thing to happen because so many just look at him and say "he did more with less". But that was a totally different era. The year is not 1997. More school have facilities today than they did back then. Money infects everything more today than it did then. Even if you went back in time and brought younger Jim Leavitt forward to be the coach today, he would still have trouble recruiting top players in Florida because other Florida schools are ahead of USF in the arms race. Would he get better results because he bled green and gold and didn't take vacations? Yes. Would his work ethic (and extra couple of wins) make us substantially more attractive to top recruits? No.
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