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Everything posted by hm101

  1. From 247: "The first-year head coach also mentioned that the three corners have been the only corners available for first-team reps in practice. So, in addition to playing a full game, those players are forced to manage an extremely full week of practice." USF depth issues almost kept Bulls from playing Saturday So let me ask all the negative keyboard warriors here... what the hell is CJS supposed to do here, pummel his corners? Double them up in practice and whip them into playing harder game day? I hate dignifying the absurdity on this board with a response sometimes but if you're going to act like a know it all, then I would expect you to know it all. What SPECIFICALLY would you do as a head coach here? Own up. Let's hear it.
  2. What's everyone doing for the game? I'm probably just going to eat fattening food and cry into the tissue box. USF football is basically like my Gilmore Girls.
  3. What I have heard is that we have a narrow and deep fan base and what we need is just to broaden the net. And unfortunately the on the field product couldn't be worse at a worse time. And I wholeheartedly agree with the spirit of the thread. Yes, we could blame the past all day. But more productive would be to acknowledge where we are and be constructive in moving forward.
  4. Exhibit A why everyone can/does have a part. A recurring 9 dollars a month gets you Bulls Club membership. Unless you are truly struggling there's little reason not to take the leap from the keyboard to true partnership with the department, and if a few hundred did this it may not be a game changer but it would absolutely move the needle and help.
  5. Yeah I think it's 25k for like a small office or something. It is my understanding that when we are further along in funding they may have smaller funding opportunities. I was looking at the list today and it looks like the sauna room ("Whirlpool/Recovery Area") is open for naming. I'll go in halfsies with you if you want. Uncle Rico and Cousin Ricky's Sweat Lodge.
  6. How much do the naming opportunities for our IPF start at? I have 25k in my head but that seems high.
  7. We certainly looked as good as we have all season this past game, and while just anecdotal, it's improvement. I just wanna beat University of Delusion aka University of Clown Football aka "We have a bouncey house and a lazy river and a national championship". Aka UCF.
  8. We played well. That's sustainable. Winning lucky like we did under chuckie the first 7 games a year or 2 ago isn't. Wasn't.
  9. Well burned what a few minutes there... I'll take it, with a 2 score lead.
  10. Omg a drive... and close to fg range. Trying not to get excited yet though. And that sack is exactly why
  11. It's π™‚π˜Όπ™ˆπ™€π˜Ώπ˜Όπ™”! Noon Memphis, Tenn. ESPN+ (https://t.co/RX2ISAEZLl) 95.3 FM / Bulls Unlimited (https://t.co/0V4KmXd0my) https://t.co/y8JHaGqDmo #US2F https://t.co/p7VnpXV9Bo
  12. Gold baby yeah lets do it lets eat ribs and beat the tigers
  13. Still no one has been able to explain why in 7 years Joey Knight has never once said Go Bulls, but all his Bucs tweets say #gobucs
  14. I actually don't mind espn+ at only 6 bucks a month
  15. That means our 5 losses are as follows: 2 against top 10 teams (ND, 4; Cincy 6) A Tulsa team that is 3-0 in conference A bad 2 pt conversion play call against Temple The only real head scratcher is ECU but weren't we out 11 people? I don't like being 1-5 any more than anyone else but that's some good context for this year. UCF, Memphis, and Navy are hopefully good shots to turn it around. They seem beatable.
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