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Everything posted by hm101

  1. I'm trying here. Watching this team is borderline insanity. After that botched punt I'm just wondering if it's even worth it.
  2. Too volatile with covid Next week we may have the cleaning staff in unis. At least the rays are winning. But I still say take the Bulls.
  3. ECU has better BBQ than USF, that's it. And a better defense. But that's it.
  4. honestly I think we are OK. We are keeping up with their passing yards. only 1 turnover. down only 2 scores. biggest issue is a weirdly soft D today and stupid mistakes.
  5. 4th and 15 shoot me kicking penalty was an interference against the bulls and was debatable... usf dude jumped and hit the ecu dude and now that shoot me again
  6. awesome drive. love the bullet to 89. ford up the middle with a FUNCTIONAL OL to block. bam.
  7. I posted this after an incredible TD drive with some really accurate throws from the Freshman. Something we don't do very much. Bullets to the gloves. But he sunk back later in the game in freshman style.
  8. Has USF ever had a normal QB? You got Q, BJ, Grothe... running around and chucking it all over the place. On one hand I'm like let's just get another guy like that. On the other hand, that wasn't sustainable.
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