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Everything posted by NewEnglandBull

  1. I disagree. If we run table (not bloody likely) then we would jump any G5 ahead of us. That would include “current” #9, #17, and another (Cincy) on the cusp.
  2. I would hope even those of lower mental capacity would support the notion that **** is wrong....
  3. Let’s say we do lose all four...which there is no way in hell that happens, you are going to fire a coach after two complete seasons? Come on man, this ain’t Nebraska! Who the hell would want to come here to coach knowing they have a two year window?
  4. Would have loved to see those two with Bell this year...another version of the three headed monster. I think it’s pretty clear now Bell is headed for a medical redshirt.
  5. 500 is a good and fair goal. But it will require a lot of non-conf wins which is possible with the schedule we have. I for one am looking forward to the season.
  6. Would love for a group of students to do this.
  7. I get that, it’s just hard to see how Hou hires this guy. The offensive philosophy is better than the person who uses it.
  8. Don’t let that influence the fact the Kendal Briles is a scum bag and was a key figure in the Baylor **** case. There are many who lived in Houston who are refusing to go to the home games.
  9. I was actually wondering if it came from a magazine or a website? Maybe the alumni magazine?
  10. Nebraska thought the same thing 12 years ago and still have not recovered
  11. So what exactly is your solution? And please for the love of God do not see fire the head coach.
  12. You apparently know nothing about the past five years of USF basketball...
  13. Fire a coach who is 17-3? You have officially lost your mind. Who exactly would want to come here in coach after we are fired someone was like a winning record? Nebraska did this about 15 years ago and have still not recovered.
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