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Everything posted by Dogma

  1. Can't wait for the NCAA to hammer UM. LOL I wonder how soon that will be? Right now, would be nice. Last I saw, UM said they weren't expecting a ruling before signing day of 2013.... No... I don't remember where that was. A Miami Herald column from earlier this week states “a high-level UM official said the school hasn’t been given an updated timetable by the NCAA but will not be surprised if it doesn’t receive its punishment until after National Signing Day in February.†http://collegefootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/06/14/report-miami-doesnt-expect-ncaa-ruling-until-2013/
  2. Great job man!!! Insane how much has changed in only the past couple of years
  3. It's exclusive to the event Only other way is if someone eBay's theirs.
  4. thanks Dogma make it look good, if you need photos I can help out dig some. YES PLEASE! Even the USF Athletics page has ZERO pics of the Sun Dome's exterior, only 1 rendering.
  5. GEEZ MAN... How quickly you forget : http://news.usf.edu/article/templates/?a=3284 A Quiddich arena!!!
  6. Or maybe just that fact that they some of them were missing actual hoops and the court is full of pot holes. Could just be they are repaving and improving the courts. If that is the case, that would be quite unfortunate. I've been wanting them to get rid of those courts for years. They need to move those courts to somewhere else on campus, closer to the dorms. Walked by there today. They've resurfaced the entire court and have installed some new goalposts (no backboards yet) Awful decision to me. Oh well. Thanks for the update. Man, A lot of people are jumping the gun on this. Woolard mentioned that an indoor practice facility is NEXT on the list, he didn't say that they are already or about to start it. It takes a while to come up with the plans AND THE FUNDS to build a new facility. I think people might be comparing it to the golf building, but that one had a particular donor willing to shell out the $$$ to get it started NOW (perhaps partially to be able see his son using it) Woolard just mentioned the indoor building being next on April. As Greg Aumen said in his article: "Such a facility, done the right way, would likely cost in the neighborhood of $14 million, and Woolard and his staff are now challenged with raising the funds to make that happen" That may take a couple of years given our economy (which hurts donor support) They need to know how much money they will get before they can start planning the building, much less start breaking ground on it. In the mean time, they aren't going to let a particular portion of land, especially one as visible and used, as the basketball courts just get run down. It doesn't cost too much to keep it maintained, given that there's current budgets lines for such issues.
  7. SWEET!!! SWEET!! OK..I like to compare how our new facilities stack up against our competition Of course naturally, I also look up UCF.... Wow... man! I thought I hit the wrong page, but this is the actual picture on the main site of their golf facility: If you think I'm kidding: http://www.ucfathletics.com/facilities/ucf-golf-practice-facility.html The slide show only enforces it.
  8. +1000 At that age, getting the attention of dream schools, plus their fans (like this board ) Added the free trips... why give it up so early. I would definitely live it up the most I could, this type of experience may only ever happen once.
  9. ??? With our recent classes Plus what we are rumored to sign this year that will be red-shirting, or sitting out (Woulard,Lynch, Montgomery, etc) I don't see such a sudden decline.. In fact I'm pretty optimistic
  10. Agreed. Perhaps he's seeing how much message board buzz he gets by a simple tweet.
  11. Its not. Just a local classless company trying to make a quick $ Similar to the shirt about N.O. after Katrina.
  12. Needs to think things through and realize this is his home Plus why go a school that's about to be hit with sanctions Just as a point of clarification. Only one school on that list appears about to have sanctions leveled. And they shall remain nameless. but it rhymes with Icky Spouse. Yeah;.. I guess I wasn't specific I meant why would he waste time on a particular school on his list about to be hit with sanctions
  13. Needs to think things through and realize this is his home Plus why go a school that's about to be hit with sanctions
  14. Rumour and speculation, until you provide a source. I am the horses mouth ... Thought so. Welcome to the Bulls! Let's go get in that national championship race! Pic removed BAD FORM
  15. Happy Father's Day. Although we "celebrate" for one day.. we appreciate you always!
  16. Renewed my seats at the last minute, this past Tues CAN'T WAIT
  17. Who's he? Governor of the State of Florida when USF was created (served 1955-1961). He signed the House Bill 1007 resolution to create USF Quick history http://www.usf.edu/about-USF/usf-history.asp If your a history buff (or just really into USF info/trivia,) I'd recommend getting University of South Florida: The First Fifty Years, 1956-2006 Great read on the beginnings of USF and makes a great coffeebook
  18. One son, Jeff, left the the program last year (all name/no talent perhaps?) While Marcus, their supposed messiah that was supposed to bring in huge interest and talent, and a huge Nike deal, is rumored to be leaving the program
  19. you still have anger issues i see Nope. Wrong again (as usual) :-)
  20. Is this per game? If it is then thats outrageous. FSU guaranteed students a ticket to every game for $25 to join the student booster club. Its for the whole season ...It's still wayyy overpriced for quality.
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