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The Great 8

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Everything posted by The Great 8

  1. Arkansas in the first qtr hangs almost as many points as we did the whole game. Our OC is a joke. Call the entire game like you called the second half and we easily run away with this game...
  2. There will be more USF fans... That said, I'm a season ticket holder and have my tickets outrageously priced on Stubhub if some dumb Nole wants to pay for my season tickets the next 2-3 years, I'll let them.
  3. ^ Good stuff. Didn't GoUSFBulls.com have some sort of feature last year on how the Bulls in the NFL did each week? That was a good series..
  4. I mean, hell, sPitt lost to an FCS team and got decimated by Cinci. Then beat VT. We can't do similar? Just asinine. I won't be shocked to get blown out, I won't be shocked to win.
  5. It's like we've never seen this team "fluke" into a big win. Did everyone forget Notre Dame last year? Turns out, we weren't the better team, but we still won.
  6. Turns out, Dunkley hurt his knee against Nevada. Not sure I've seen that mentioned anywhere on here yet. Sorry if old news. We need someone to step up and replace Sterling, he could be it.
  7. Against FSU this year, we're gonna miss his contributions. That DL had 3 NFL draft picks. The only sure fire draft pick we have on the DL right now is not eligible. The other probable one was on that line last time we faced FSU.
  8. ^ Everything you listed after 1 is a result of 1. It's a good thing we have a deep roster of LB's/DE's to coach up. Oh wait, there's a complete dearth of talent after Forte and Co leaves?
  9. Nippert is universally made fun of outside of Cinci fans who like to tout their "cozy" stadium as nice. If we win, the laughs of red seats go away. If Cinci wins their stadium is still laughed at.
  10. This. Watch it man, don't call out our recruits or recruiting. Old man Bill will be on you faster than his wife after viagra kicks in. If we had Leavitt or Strong the program would be in a better place. Skip is finally getting "his guys" in... Sadly, that means we have no exceptional LB's, RB's, DB's, DE's, or QB's (if Asiantii bails) in the pipeline. All he's been "good" at is WR, OL and interior DL.
  11. It's interesting how posters disagree with one another. It shows the complete lack of an identity on the offenses part. If we did point 2 against Rutgers I think we win the game. They were giving us the 5 yd short stuff the whole game and we never took it, until the end. I believe the commentators even commented on it. As fans, we have no idea what our identity on offense is. I guess it keeps opposing teams on their toes for the first 5 minutes of the game too; seeing what we're going to do that day. Unfortunately, they can figure it out pretty quickly afterward since we make no adjustments. If we had coordinators with the ability to make adjustments "on the fly" we'd actually have a pretty dynamic offense. Just take what the defense gives you, not what you came up with pre-game the entire time.
  12. I would agree, but we would have had more students. It'd be negligble gains, we already have the largest student section in the Big East and while it's attended well, it's not sold out ever. I find it hard to believe that students are that much more likely to meander to the game because it's at an OCS (>10% gain? No way). While not a "suit case" campus, many of the students have their own car or know someone on campus that has a car. They can make the 15 mi drive pretty easily (and do). We increase our attendance by getting more season ticket holders or casual fans. You do that by winning and/or not playing a snoozefest style of ball.
  13. Dunkley hasn't shown very much to make such a judgment imo. To me, it looks like he's just a pure speedster not incredibly adept at route running or catching. Maybe we unleash him against FSU? Praying for some sort of ace up our sleeve for that game or it's gonna be ugly.
  14. WTF? We don't need an OCS. We need to win more. The 15k buyers of tickets that didn't attend on Thursday wouldn't have shown up just because it was at an OCS. Holtz and Co have the made gameday experience boring even when we manage to win... and we hardly ever win at home anymore against a BCS team... 1. Win 2. In the absence of #1, tarp off the "empty" sections and move people in upper sections down. That's it.
  15. Honestly, I think our secondary has outperformed where I thought they would. I realize Nova was like 95/100 on 3rd down but it was because of a lack of pressure from the front seven. You can't expect Baker/Webster to cover guys for 5+ seconds that they were left on an island all night. Our D-Line is overrated. Mims and Grissom are the only ones doing consistent work right now. We need to bench Lanaris and play him in obvious run downs only. Put Cliett or Juene out there and blitz the hell out of them. They can be a poor mans Jacquain Williams for us, blitzing and being quick enough to cover.
  16. I didn't notice much of Marc, Welch, etc either. I think it's just a matter of Davis/TRex/Hopkins "hogging" most of the snaps last game.
  17. I see more Teddy Bridgewater from Asiantii, but he's really young, he could eclipse either Geno or Teddy. Dude has a great work ethic and will be surrounded by hungry receivers who've missed trying to make plays for a guy that can keep his eyes up field.
  18. You mean like how WVU kicked our butts last year? Are they really THAT much better this year? We seem to have improved just as much on offense as they have. I think we'd give them a run again; particularly if Giddins doesn't get personal fouls and/or Daniels doesn't fumble the ball with moments left.
  19. Those people seem to forget that we doubled them up in yardage last year and beat them the year before. If BJD isn't running for his life the whole game, we should win by a TD or so.
  20. You're overrating your defensive prowess against us: Last year *WE* snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. The previous year we dropped 28 on you and won. 2008 and 2009 were downright ugly for us. 2007 we dropped 27 and got raped by the refs. and your awesome 2006 defense let up 20 and only won by 2. Based on the above, I'm only aware of 1 game where you dominated us with BJ at the helm. His first year no less. His second year he beat you and his third year he should've beaten you. If you play a similar game to last years again, you lose by 2 TD's. All I'm saying is, if for some reason the secondary cannot handle man coverage, Rutgers is going to lose big. Otherwise, they have a good chance of leaving Ray Jay with a victory. Personally, I think they do hold up well in man coverage, but that USF still wins .
  21. That Dline is pretty tiny, Rutgers. I question the ability to stop the run up the middle without putting extra in the box. If that's the case, we could run over you or beat you over the top if you try to plan man outside and get burned. (Your secondary could contain us though...)
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