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Everything posted by goingbackbull

  1. The primary purpose of the movement is to call all police officers and white people in general racist.
  2. Blue Mountain State Funniest TV show ever with lots of boobies. The model for the future USF Goat House I'm going to build after we build the stadium.
  3. Isn't the college of business being moved to the new football facility
  4. Sadly we couldn't sell out an excellent high school stadium
  5. I relived my younger days and partied on Bourbon. Next time we wont do it. Had lunch on Sunday in the Irish Channel, that was a really cool area
  6. and Tulane's stadium is really cool. That is all
  7. I think there used to be a DJ in Tampa called Skid Marks
  8. Dave, I tried to get St. Stephens alumn Jacob Westberry (I know his mom) to get noticed by USF, but didn't have any connections anymore. I was friends with CJL best budddie who was the OC at North Texas. He said good things about his tape but really had no interest. Jake seems to be doing decent at Fresno as he is the Long Snapper.
  9. I really think it is a simple answer. There still is no college "vibe" at USF. Even if you live on campus, the only thing you do on or near campus is go to class. (you could do sports other then football but that's another issue) You can't walk from your dorm for a night out and stumble back home. Not enough students have lived on campus (the are adding beds but still not enough) A lot do live in the apartments near campus, but they have no reason to be around campus after classes. My hope is (yes along with an OCS) the MOSI land is repositioned into a huge mixed use development with tons of housing for students with retail,rest and bars.
  10. Don't sleep on Chaplin. Word is he is the best athlete on the team and showed some nice moments last year. If Luke Anderson can shoot like I've heard and Brown can get a little more consistant with his outside shot, this team is an NCAA team
  11. I have the greatest cougar story of all time as a student at USF. Hope to get drunk tailgating with you boys so I can tell it.
  12. I need one. When I build the GOAT HOUSE next to our on campus stadium that will be perfect for it
  13. Watch out for Luke Anderson, we finally get a shooter who happens to be 6"8 Him and Yetna at forward with Durr that is getting better and better, will be the best front court in the conf. Back that up with Brown who is playing great. Mack has some potential if he can get a little quicker and in shape. Next year will be the most talented team USF has ever seen.
  14. I"m not but add to the fact that next game is Sunday at 7pm that place will be empty
  15. Just got home from the game. USF shirts and hats everywhere. Not only was it stupid coaching mistakes with bad calls and keeping Q on the bench but a horrible marketing move too. There had to be at least 3k people with USF gear on and everyone of us left unhappy. We need to let Trestman know he lost all of us
  16. Is anyone going to the game today? I'll be there in USF gear
  17. HMMMM go see Joey's tweet at the shrine bowl by his former center at UNC. He kind off mentions the he has a "Cannon" of an arm
  18. One of his former coaches on an other board says he is going to Cinci.
  19. Wants to be a Bull, not sure if we will offer
  20. This team is not that far off. OLine will be solid. Better coaching and a year older. Losing Norman and Attberry are not big losses. Receivers will see the biggest improvement. Running backs with the Oregon Transfer and Ford back will be top of the conf. The new QB is more then serviceable. On D the D Backs are solid. LB is serviceable and I’m sure will bring in a transfer or 2. The Tackles will be decent. The ends are a little concern but their is potential With a little luck on the injury front this team can play for the conf championship
  21. The only reason he wasn't on staff was because he didn't have his degree. He just graduated so now he can be a college coach
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