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Everything posted by Bull-Hornz

  1. I 100% believe that most do not. Moreover I would say a majority are not equipped to properly care out the analysis. The time demand of being a CFB at some where like USF is extremely high, and while some can get a degree in an area that can lead to a promising professional career many, and I will go out on a limb and say most, do not.
  2. I am not so sure that the college FB player fully comprehends or understand how to evaluate the risk-reward ratio. While there is always the risk of injury in all sports (such as a 100 mph projectile striking you in the face) the risk of life altering injuries is most likely orders of magintude lower in all the sports you mentioned above.
  3. LMAO (see vid below)!! My kid is currently playing soccer and tennis.
  4. Funny you say that I read an article the other day bc I thought the same thing. My grandfather in law played iron man FB for Georgia with just the leather helmet. Anyhow the article I read stated that it isn't any safer and the injuries shift to spinal and neck vs concussions. In the same article though another person stated FB was still more dangerous. Edit: Link to article referenced above http://www.telegraph.co.uk/film/concussion/is-rugby-or-american-football-more-dangerous/
  5. Watching the game today when the targeting call was issued on Adams really highlighted what we have touched on in other threads. FB needs to evolve. While I still have a primal feeling when I see a J. Lijiste type hit, we need to remember that these are kids and they are quite literally putting there lives on the line. While the Adams hit wasnt that bad, if the defender is an inch or so higher he could have ended a bright young man's career. I actually had to explain to my 3 yr old son why daddy doesn't like football and how his brain is one of the most valuable part of his being and he needs to protect it (ie not play football). Hitting as a method of tackling or blocking needs to be removed from the game. The D player must make a motion to wrap up, lock up, or strip the ball. The lack of doing so should lead to a penalty. We have to protect these kids, as most will not make it to the next level, get no compensation while the risk for live altering events is high and others make millions. I think without these major shifts of how the game is played the future is bleak for a game I really enjoy.
  6. Really a solid game by Q today. Keep it up Q and the rest will take care of itself
  7. Agree. While I still get amped when I see good clean hits, its getting hard for me to justify my excitement other than being primal. If football has any chance of surviving in the long term it will have to actually begin to penalize hits and rewarding fundamental tackling. We have seen the beginning of this with targeting calls and unnecessary roughness. I could see a progression of this line of thought to a rule that would penalize a player for hitting a player without making any attempt to wrap up or stripe the ball from the offensive player. As far as blocking you would also have to remove hitting/leveling a player without locking up as a form of blocking. This really starts to change the game but makes it a game that I could see my son playing. As it stands now, I wouldn't approve of my son playing football and in fact I might have to stop watching it as often.
  8. I would say that we haven't played our A game yet. Basically haven't executed in all phases of the game for 4 qtr...yet
  9. Lol...I thought the same until I hit play. Though if they are going to do throw backs at some point I feel like it would work best if the uni's and helmet had a retro look.
  10. Agree about letting FSU get us away from what we do on O the first half. CWT actually mentioned before the game that the D was out of gas bc the O couldn't sustain drives last year. He might have tried to change how we play a bit too much to help out the D which ended up back firing the first half. I too noticed Q heaving for some air the first half, interesting. Anyhow if my assumptions are correct CWT and company are making big strides in very little time. I am looking forward to the cincy game and USF to bounce back similar to FSU did with us. You can tell CWT has these kids mentally tough as they played a full 60 minutes of football and we weren't gassed like last year in the 2nd half. If the Bulls were able to manage that first qtr on D a little better and hit a few critical passes in the 2nd qtr the game could have had a much different complexion. Proud of our Bulls and lets go get it next week!! Keep doing what you are doing and bump the haters!
  11. I think this maybe a little oversimplified but I am sure both of those reason are legit. The other I might add is long term stability. Take your lumps as CRW learns with the aim that he will not jump ship a la Allen.
  12. Watched the game again (thank @python815) and FSU D is vulnerable. We outscored them in the second half when we went back to what we do well. Jimbo wanted to run up the score and shutdown our O the entire 2nd half but was unable too and believe it or not there are positives to be had from this game. Unfortunately our D is not up to snuff to take down a high caliber team that likes to run. I think CRW has a lot to learn as a DC especially when playing against a team that you can't out talent. Makes the coaches have to out scheme and we just aren't there. Our O did enough to keep us in this game even with the mistakes which will be tightened up as the year goes on. The lack of blitzing is concerning and something Allen dialed up often (maybe too much lol). From one extreme to another...
  13. It looked like Mack got his eye poked. Hopefully he is back next game.
  14. I think that CRW is def learning on the job but the D I thought did adjust. We outscored FSU in the second half even though Jimbo wanted to run up the score on us. I think the stragety was off at the onset though. We should have focused on stopping the run from the beginning and we linedup 4 pretty much the entire 1st qtr and were hanging back... The D fought the entire game and I expect them to improve throughout the year.
  15. Wow Brad...I knew you didn't like him but careful you don't get banned off the board for that type of language (FIFY)
  16. That's really cool! Way to go USF. Back in my day we sweated out a gallon of beer and liked it (in my best Trip impression)
  17. Great article! Is the TBT and local media taking notes...(looking at you JK, MF, etc)
  18. I think I get what Army is saying...while one can qualify a rivalry such as a friendly rivalry...I think a necessary ingredient is the passion that mentioning the rival brings out in fans. The one who mustn't be named, like it or not (CJL), has always evoked a strong gag reflex, even when we hadnt played much football against one another or the series was very much one sided. If I had to pinpoint the reasons for the rivalry, it most likely has to do with proximity, competing for the same resources, players, students, carry over from high school rivals etc. Growing up in Tampa I have plenty of friends and family that made the mistake (lol) of choosing the wrong Mikey mouse school.
  19. One of the ugliest green shirts I have ever seen lol
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