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Everything posted by commbull

  1. Last quarter was disappointing. We held on--couldn't score--only barely held them when we needed to. I wish we'd controlled that quarter too--would have been a better sign for the future.
  2. Either a stop here, or a score--even a FG--on our next possession. And we have to have a next possession (can't lose an onside kick).
  3. I knew him only through his postings on Greg's blog over many years. Didn't always agree, but always appreciated his thoughts and his passion for USF. I'm still in shock at this news. What a terrible loss. My thoughts are with his family.
  4. Anyone watching Stanford whip Arizona State? That's how our offense is supposed to look. Helps to have their defense too.
  5. We lost by 18 to a team they beat pretty handedly. I'm hoping to see the passing game improve. The canes have issues in the secondary... Handlely?
  6. I agree - Bench seemed to have better control behind center, barked out calls and at least looked like a guy that wasn't afraid to run the offense. I still say just let White start and build for the future. At least he would find out what it is like to have 2.-2.5 seconds to throw and maybe next year when he has time he would be like Holy Crap - I got all day back here. Of course he may get killed back there - looks pretty thin to me. But so did the guy from Cinci a few years ago(forgot his name- torched us for the TD run right at the beginning of the second half)if he feels bench is the man for next year and beyond then roll with him. if he thinks white is then burn the red shirt and gain the experience.play him against smu, memphis, houston, etc. just the bad defenses. otherwise we'll just be doing the same thing over again next year. not sure why people think red shirts are so precious or that white is so valuable we'll need him for a full 5 years (hope he is but until we see him play against live action we'll never know).Floyd used a red shirt. Nothing against the guy but I'm not sure we need him on scholarship for 5 years. a true freshman is leading the country in passing this year. Both of our previous 4 year starters couldn't play a full 4 years because they used red shirts unnecessarily. (I know BJ was "technically" hurt his true freshman year but I think that was more taking advantage of the rules.)If we hadn't red shirted BJ, Floyd or Eveld would have been starting LAST year .... You redshirt White because, in case you haven't noticed, USF hasn't exactly been having to fight off qb recruits wanting to come here. Hopefully CWT can change that but until he does, you want to keep an experienced qb around as long as possible. If we don't have another and better QB than any of them within four years, we'll have drifted into complete irrelevancy. I don't have an opinion on using White's RS, but I sure hope that preserving it isn't crucial to the future of our team.
  7. Whether you agree or disagree with the firing, he wasn't canned because of what he did on the field. I think he was ... Booster(s) wanted him out because we hadn't win a title. I think so too. There was a lot of clamor about the team having reached a plateau, and that CJL was what was holding us back from going even higher. Being #2, of course, was silly--we weren't the second best team in the country and everyone knew it--but we were a good team and we were relevant nationally. In an effort to make us even better, the administration seized on that disputed episode in the locker room--it became the pretext for firing CJL. The idea was that our team would become even better. Well, we saw how that worked out. He'd have spent his career here if he'd been allowed, and with the money and facilities we have now, this would never, never have happened. Unlikely we'd be in AAC; we'd be 2-1 or better this year; and we'd have won more games the past three years--especially last year. But CJL has moved on, and somehow we have to too.
  8. Agree. I remember the loss to Oregon in El Paso. That was very disappointing, but at least it was to a top team. Now we're being embarassed by FCS teams and ones at the bottom of the FBS--which puts us squarely at the bottom of the FBS.
  9. I wish I thought we were, but it seems inescapable that we are NOT better than either of them. We lost, and neither were fluke losses or even close games. We need to face the truth here: We are worse than McNeese State and FAU. That's a long, long way to fall in four years.
  10. He's gonna get at least 3 years. No reason to think he can't turn it around. Taggart was left with scraps, that much is obvious. 3 games is not enough to evaluate Taggart as a coach or his ability to turn the program around. if we go 0-12 this year and only win 1 or 2 next year we can rethink it... but 3 games is not enough time to make a call. the type of offense Taggart runs-- power run game-- cannot be executed with an OLine that refuses to block. Maybe we should run a different offense--one that uses whatever talent we have?
  11. Starts with the administration--the university president and the athletic director. They have put an exciting and upwardly trending program in the tank. Possibly the worst football team in all of FBS. What can we say.
  12. Wow. . . . Three years ago, I never thought I'd be watching on the internet as 0-2 USF struggles at home against FAU and our conference partners, UCF roll Penn State. Fire doug woolard I just shake my head.
  13. Thanks a lot Greg. It's been great. I trust that your move and TBT's change aren't related, even though they've been linked here. Best wishes.
  14. Not quite: In the thirty-plus years I've been following USF sports, Greg has been the best, ever, and by a longshot--for either local paper. Very sad day for us USF fans.
  15. I'm not happy with crappy play, but I saw improvement from last week to yesterday in several areas. I'm hoping that continues.
  16. I'd think they have to be on the way by now--2pm Friday for a noon game Saturday. I was going to say that surely he's told the players involved who is going to start, but maybe he wants them both to be in a "starting" frame of mind? He has to know, though.
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