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Everything posted by 80mins

  1. Ha! Some of you may remember I spoke of a buddy of mine who is a USF alum, works at UNC, and was rooting for the Heels for the game. Well, he's also an alum of Eastern Michigan. I'll have to point out to him that both of his teams are on the bottom 10 and have 1 win between them. ;D
  2. Conference doormats, huh? 2005: USF 4-3 (BE) to Cincinnasti's 2-5 2004: USF 3-5 (CUSA) to 'nasti's 5-3 (this was the year we pretty much threw at the end) 2003: USF 5-3 (CUSA) to 'nasti's 2-6. for the 3 years we shared a conference, we were 12-11 to their 9-14. The truth is out there.
  3. We are the youngest by a few decades. The closest are Texas Tech and Miami in the 1920's.
  4. We really do. Miami's problems don't give us a strong recruiting class in avaccuum. But if we are going after some of the same kids, PARTICULARLY if their parents have doubts (keep in mind that we're recruiting the Millennial generation here) and they can go to a winning (knock on wood), young program in "South Florida" that's not the U, it could do very well for us. There is no reason for our staff not to capitalize on this.
  5. Yeah, the U has a rep. Yeah, these were underprivileged black kids from Miami. But there are two reasons why the media was all over the Miami game (actually, 1 and a corollary): 1. Nobody cares about the Dartmouth game. 1a. There were no media cameras there.
  6. Maybe we'll pick up all the Yankee fans in Tampa who don't want to see the team that beat them take on that other New York team (if that's how it shakes out).
  7. Ha! Reading that thread is like looking at a time-lapse photograph.
  8. Result-wise, I agree, but I personally had more fun at the bowl game except for the final score.
  9. I'll tell you what... those pics remind me. It was truly a beautiful day out there yesterday, and a beautiful campus, and God really did make the sky Carolina blue. (but we still owned the GREEN field!)
  10. Heh... just noticed that my tickets are for the "SOUTH FLORDIA" game. I'll just let the West Virginia jokes write themselves.
  11. my WVU tickets just came in.... we're in section 100, row 7, seats 7 and 8. Who else'll be there?
  12. I was with a buddy of mine from UNC and his mantra was "at least we're good at basketball..." For the Heels, I think a noon game the night after late night (on top of a struggling program, etc.) was not the best for them.
  13. There are others that make no sense; for instance, UNCG in Greensboro is the South, yet NC A&T, right across town, is in the East. Go south to Charlotte and you're in the Midwest. I would have said it was conference-related (even though the Big East is *gasp* in the East!) but it appears most of the rest of our conference is coded properly. Interestingly enough, Denver's in the South.
  14. This is my first time having seen the Oracle article. Did the Luda concert ever come to fruition? If not, there's no way that shoulda leaked...
  15. Sounds about right... being a (Golden? Scarlet? Black?) Knight? Heresy!
  16. Quoth Bunting: "The best way to describe, in my opinion, South Florida, on offense is, they're hockey on grass. They're all over the place. They are playing speed football... The quarterback is doing an unbullievable (emphasis my own) job for them... I haven't seen anything like this since a guy played out here for us called Darien Durant"
  17. Haven't booked a hotel in M-town yet. My trip is also in the course of travel--stop before is MD for Thanksgiving, stop after is Luray Caverns in VA en route back to Greensboro
  18. Night before the game I'm sleeping in my own bed--hanging out here in Greensboro with some friends I've got coming into town. I'll make it to the Hill that morning and hang out on Franklin St.
  19. I'm going to be "tailgating" in the bars on Franklin street with a Bull-educated, Tar Heel-employed friend of mine and a few others.
  20. I've been in touch with my friend a Chapel Hill (USF Grad) and it looks as though our plans are to "tailgate" in the establishments that populate Franklin Street--the strip adjacent to campus--where spirits are high and alcohol is legal.
  21. Ha, more like knock some sense in to him. He's a USF alum who now works at Carolina and apparently drank the kool-aid. that's my boy though.. It's all good, it gives me a built-in hecklee.
  22. me and 4 others (though one'll be in Carolina blue)
  23. I agree that it's interesting to see folks' histories... and it always bugs me when folks say you can't have more than 1 team, particularly for those of us with multiple alma maters or places of employment or even significant others who attended other Universities. the UM/U of M dichotomy always got me too after moving to Florida becasue I would think Maryland first (even though I call them UMCP or College Park just to remind them they aren't the only Maryland in town) and Michigan second before scolling down my mental rolodex to Miami. finally gotta through in the obligatory BOO to Maine (sorry America East talking)
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