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Paisa el Toro

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Everything posted by Paisa el Toro

  1. So is anyone going to stick to the topic of this thread and shed some light on Simmonds? I know there has to be at least one rational person out there that can post a little blurb about the pro's and con's of the latest addition to the coaching staff.
  2. I'm not sure how the seating situation would really pan out if we had suites in the dome, but if the suites would attract some of the corporate sponsors that have those floor seats that invariably stay empty, unless it's a big game, wouldn't that free those seats up to people that would WANT to sit there for every game? Would we have to reconfigure the seating system for donors/corp. sponsors? I'm all about getting people that want to sit in those seats in there, and if that means putting some corporate sponsors, which don't really send any bodies to the games but provide money, into some really nice suites, then I'm all for it. We still get the money, the corporate sponsors get their lavish enviornment for when they do decide to come to the games, and those floor seats are open for any donors that want to purchase them.
  3. How about getting back to the topic of this thread instead of bashing Smith and RMC ad nauseum? Can anyone shed some light on this Simmonds guy? He seems to have produced some quality teams with Jefferson H.S., but what does this mean to USF?
  4. It's from 4:30pm to 7:00pm: http://www.usfalumni.net/cgi-any/newspages.dll/pages?record=782&pagegroup=main&htmlfile=newspages3_main.htm
  5. I agree on locking guest posting, as well. See all you locals at the Bull's Ring this Wednesday.
  6. Keep voting guys. Just delete your cookies and keep voting.
  7. I'm going to take some time off from studying for the Fla. Bar to make it out to this. I have a feeling there will be some big announcements.
  8. Vote now for McHugh for the Thursday Throwdown. He was acknowledged during the halftime of the Duke game. VOTE NOW!!!! at the bottom of the page http://sports.espn.go.com/ncb/index
  9. Other famous Chips besides Soncrant are basketballer "Thunder" Dan Majerle and comdedian Tim "Home Improvement" Allen. I met a lot of cute girls from CMU when I lived in Michigan, but other than that, why would anyone from FLORIDA want to live in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan? Mt. Pleasant gets a lot of snow, i hope he likes it.
  10. How about we recruit fans from out of state to sit on their hands in our on campus stadium while the whole coaching staff dons gray sweat shirts and complains about 8 year old hoochie mamas? What's the record for longest thread in BullsPen History?
  11. I want kids that want to be Bulls. If he committed to us and is still visiting UL, then I'm not so sure whether he's so gung-ho about coming to USF. If his scholarship was indeed pulled, then I don't think it's such a bad idea to send future recruits this kind of message.
  12. It takes me 10 seconds out of my life to glaze through your inane messages. It must take much more than that to keep writing them over and over again. Tell you what, you are better off talking about your fetish for Jim Leavitt's grey sweater than trying to be funny.
  13. Any word on Thadeus Lewis? We could use another QB.
  14. Here's what I think, and it's just my opinion, but a one or two star H.S. football player from Florida is better than a similar rated athlete from Ark., Ga., Va., and any other state other than maybe Tx. and Ca. We will continue recruiting Florida because the talent is here, we are still in the process of building tradition, and it's much more cost-effective at this point of the evolution of the program. We don't have the luxuries of a UF and FSU at this point, just have patience.
  15. Yup, that was me going a little crazy. The game almost gave me a heart attack. ;D The game was so exciting, I even considered tackling Big Bloomtown next to me if we pulled the upset, but then the rational side of me kicked in and said there's no way I can take big man down.
  16. Sol was having his very own Block Party the first half of the game. He played an excellent defensive game. I also have to give it up to Buckley, he played much more aggressively than he has in the past. I'm glad to see him taking more of an initiative.
  17. This attempt at a weak joke hasn't become any funnier after now reading it about 10 times. To my knight bretheren, thanks for showing your concern and checking out the USF website. :
  18. I think the refs wanted to hand that game over to the Nova. They called a horrible game!
  19. We'll need you because I'm constantly being told to sit by the alumni in our section. The old guard of USF needs a good jolt of energy and excitement. Seriously, it's frustrating to see everyone just sitting with such an amazing game on the line. My brother and myself got on the jumbotron a few times, he was sporting his "Bullies" T-shirt and I was the one doing my Jerry Tarkanian impersonation with a white t-shirt in my mouth.
  20. Well, you know what they say, "Put your money where your mouth is."
  21. The kid has a nose for the basket plain and simple. Whether it's a jump shot or a dunk, it's still two points (unless it's a shot from behind the 3 point arch). He hustles, gobbles up rebounds around the glass, and has a crazy long wingspan. I like the way he plays.
  22. This is pathetic, but it doesn't surprise me. USF is not the same school pre-1997. I know for sure that I caught the USF bug during the very first football game that I went to against Kentucky Wesleyn. We will have a more active alumni base as long as athletics continues to improve. After the games that Georgetown and St. Johns had today, I hope that USF can pull the upset against the Nova. Remember, anything can happen. Support your Bulls
  23. With regards to the Villanova game this Tuesday, anything can happen. That's the beauty of college basketball, upsets are always a possibility. Last night's USF/SHU game was a bitter pill to swallow. USF is an injury depleted team that was hustling throughout the whole game, and then three of its starters foul out with four minutes to go. The basketbulls played their hearts out. The fact of the matter is that we had noone to handle the ball when Seton Hall pressed us hard at the end of the game. It's a reality and a fact that I have come to grips with. We just don't have a solid point guard playing on the team right now. Capko is servicable at best and Dennis' & Holmes' natural positions are at shooting guard. To all those darksiders out there, instead of rubbing salt in an already gaping wound, why don't you just come to grips with the fact that you shouldn't expect much out of the team? Call me crazy, but my idea of a fan is not someone that kicks his team when they're going through obviously tough times. You are all entitled to your opinions, but, **** it, support your bulls!
  24. Absolutely. These kids are playing tough when they're focused. They deserve our support.
  25. I have an idea. How about supporting the BasketBulls? It will make you appreciate FootBull that much more, I know it has for me. See you all at the Villanova game on Jan. 24th. I'm sure hope we upset them.
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