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Everything posted by The_Reaper

  1. Ah yes, one stuck with little guy itis can always dream can't he. Back to CUSA Barney!
  2. Two of the boys in the picture are none other than our own board member Mattegunz and his brother Andrew! They are also holding the prized OLD SCHOOL Bulls Banner.
  3. Unreal! The ECU banter never stops! My Gosh People from ECU. The reason your school was not picked is simple. 1. You were not good enough, (except maybe for BBall. Your coach Bobby is a class guy.) and 2. You didn't have the $$$ to pony up! Guys, USF is a bigger, has more of a research and technology base, and can grow with the needs of the Big East situation. ECU just can not! Be happy you are in the CUSA. It could be a lot worse. You could be in the Sunbelt. If it comes to playing you however, it will be a good game no matter what. I guess we all should be happy to go bowling. The Reaper
  4. Mike, the point is this. In order for us to get the fan base we need, more people read newspapers than any other media. The power of the paper speaks volumes over radio, tv or any other media because it is "hometown." Grothe for instance will never have a chance at a Heisman nomination because our so called media will not promote him as a candidate as other schools would be for their candidate. Look, my point is this and always will be this. The rest of the media outlets are starting to see USF in a new light. The papers, especially the Trash(Trib), are totally biased and most likely paid to run FU most by the FU  SID. It is like the music biz. An artist's promo people from the lable pays the station to run the new single 8 times a day at certain times. The lable puts up the cash and it's a done deal. The papers do the same thing. They hide under the guise that there are more FU and FSU fans in the area. Yeah maybe. But the last time I say my map, Gaynessville and Tallahassee were about 2 to 5 hours away from Tampa respectively, while USF is in their own backyard. AND even though WE DO have respectable beat reporters, their hands are tied because of the editors "graft and bias." ST. Pete times signed a deal with USF to be the "homer" paper. So far, the only thing I have seen have been some good, but strategically placed articles by Greg. There was no way in Hell that the sports front page today should have looked like it did. I would have expected it from the Trash but not by the Times. I am sending emails to AD Woolard and to the USF SID for them to review the definition as to what a hometown paper is supposed to be like.
  5. In the immortal words... ********! Did anyone else see the front page of the sports section? Yhis is totally unacceptable for a paper that has it's bread and butter as the newspaper for Bulls Sports! Our SID department took one up the pooper by choosing this. How can apaper whose contract with USF go and put other teams on the spotlight? No respect at all. I guess they are following leads that the Gayturd Tribune follows. I feel sorry for Greg and Brett, because they do a fine job. But their editors leave something in the road concerning bias. I guess that is what Gayturd SID $$$ pays for. The Reaper
  6. Mark, that was the old banner from RJS that my friends were "awarded". It is priceless! Reaper
  7. Over sensitive? 83 where is your Bull pride? You called me out after my comment about the Trib and their coverage of the Gayturds! Now you are saying that if we do not get top coverage of our own LOCAL newspapers that we should not be so sensitive after the biggest win in our short history? Son, I think it's time to trade in your green and gold and put on the orange and blue you so highly tout! Sorry man but those are the facts!
  8. Did the season go by so fast this year, or was I on warp speed? To me, it seemed to go by in a blink. Now after the bowl game, we have to wait another year, which by the way drags its rear!!! BB season here we come!!! Reaper
  9. I know one thing. If they let coaches suit up for 1 play a year, Jim would be the first in line. Would have liked to see him play FB AND baseball as well. Great coach, great guy as well. Reaper
  10. Fat chance Mike. And Bulls 83, sorry to have hurt your gender. 12 years old I am not. A UF hater I am. Like it or not TS!!! >
  11. Got a call from Mattegunz and the boys. All were hoarse and doing well in the celebrating mode! Said the WV fans were about as equal to the So Diss fans of old. Where they sat, they were told to sit down after TD's or big plays, crap thrown at them and verbally abused all game. What was funny, these so called "great" WV fans left with about 5 mins left in the game. Losers!!! Hey WV take your defeats as well as your wins. You just had your rears waxed by a better team today!!! (This is with the exception to the WVU board members who trully are great fans and accepted the loss with class!!!) PS. Thanks go out to the USF alums who got Matty and the boys a hotel room for tonight, plus taking them out to a steakhouse in Trailertown. Now THATS what I call true Bulls fans!!! Thanks again, guys!   As always   GO BULLS!!!   Reaper
  12. Sending a letter to that Gayturd editor Nick is like sending a letter to Bush about Iraq. He even said many times that there are more Gayturd fans here than USF and that's why he post more Gayturd stuff in the paper. The guy is an assinine FU fan, arrogant as all of them are. I refuse to buy the Trib just because of his attitude. Sorry Brett, but your boss blows!
  13. Colin or anyone, Mattegunz and his bro are coming in (should be there by now). They have no place to stay. Anyone have room for some die harders coming in from Boone NC? Money is tight for them. He said they were sleeping in the 'ACCORD" Inn. They are willing to grab a piece of floor anywhere. So help out some Bull fans folks. Thanks! Reaper
  14. Aren't pick plays illegal? Seems like Louisville took the opportunity to cheat as usual. AND if it is an illegal play, why were we not in some refs face about it?
  15. Why the hell was Rod calling another Grothe draw? Doesn't he know that I want the quick sideline pass?
  16. Bucs stadium is correct. You sure don't see 10 story pictures of USF players adorning the outer wall of the stadium. You sure don't see any billboards that encompass the area that pertain to the Bulls, let alone on the welcome walls of the stadium. Community stadium my arsk! It shouldn't be called RJS, but Glazer Screw You Stadium at Bend Over Field! Reaper
  17. Another legend, not only for his contribution in collegiate sports, but life as well, has left us. RIP Bo. You were definitely one of a kind!
  18. Ah yes! The Gayturd rants. Love em boys Love em. Remember the cry of the Gayturd fan as they pass a farm. The animals all cry out(especially sheep) Daaaaaaaa-dy Daaaaaa-dy. Arrogance is too good a word for them. Try just plain ********! (With my most sincere appologies to the donkeys). Let them believe what they want to believe. I mean a University that comes from Gay-nes-ville!!! C'mon. UF fans are a dime a dozen, and worth about as much. Yes they have achieved a lot... but it took them about a hundred years to do so. They first had to learn to talk though and since then they never have shut up! UF...FU!!! > The Reaper
  19. Oh, I know, at the Big Hand Tall Store THat was hilarious!!!!! ;D Great line "Grunge" Props!!!!! Actually my son in law John and my daughter Kelly got it at the now defunct, blown away, hurricane ravaged, Party City in Punta Gorda about 5 years ago. It actually is a huge mask! Reaper
  20. It might not have been the line's fault. Seems to me he get's to the ball slow. needs to speed up his approach. This only comes with time. The D1 game is a zillion times faster than H.S. Reaper.
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