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Rabbi Bull

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Everything posted by Rabbi Bull

  1. actually, Mizzou State didn't get blown away by Creighton, it was a close game up until the final minutes of the game
  2. Good then you admit that UNLV/TAMCC/UAB/MissSt are not bad losses. You have to admit that if you say that name doesn't matter, only qualitymatters... all 4 of them are heads and toes above Wake this year, and all 4 will be in the tournament this year, in all likelyhood, uab being the one question mark. I'm glad you cleared that up FL... you are finally seeing the light that we aren't as bad as you thought. not so fast my friend, we lose another game and you watch what he posts on here.  he will be back to his Mac bashing ways We really do need a Saracasm smilie...  yes, i know, i just wanted to say "not so fast my friend"
  3. not all of the good guys were hobbitts, you got elfs, dwarfs, wizards, humans, the water people, the trees
  4. Good then you admit that UNLV/TAMCC/UAB/MissSt are not bad losses. You have to admit that if you say that name doesn't matter, only qualitymatters... all 4 of them are heads and toes above Wake this year, and all 4 will be in the tournament this year, in all likelyhood, uab being the one question mark. I'm glad you cleared that up FL... you are finally seeing the light that we aren't as bad as you thought. not so fast my friend, we lose another game and you watch what he posts on here. he will be back to his Mac bashing ways
  5. i did this a few years ago when i walked into the bruce b downs store, and saw no bulls gear, but a ton of fsu and uf stuff. i called their corporate and found out that they pick where they put gear by random selections, i told them get bulls gear, otherwise i won't be back to eat there, and i have yet to eat there in over 2 years because of it.
  6. he won't be released, not yet at least, and not if he keeps winning.
  7. yup, and Marc if you have season tickets on the court, to "the real bulls bball team", than why have you only been to ONE game of theirs?
  8. wow didn't even realize this, my bad, i should read the titles of threads a little more clearly. :-[
  9. how bout adding to that list the 2005 win against #9 Louisville, and the win vs WVU in 2006 at #7 WVU, and also our first bowl victory.
  10. we support him because he is our coach at this time. and we choose to support the coaches and players that are at usf through the good or the bad. you guys on the other hand are not doing anything, and are not doing any good by running your mouths on this board. we all know how you feel already, WE DON'T CARE, and it gets annoying to hear you all whine after every loss. you don't like the way the program is going, than don't come to the game, we would rather you stay home, than come to the game with a brown bag over your head.
  11. it looks like they are just repping the top 3 teams in the conference.
  12. florida state backed into the ACC title game last year. they were lucky to make it there.
  13. i helped pick most of this out, and i got my trip to the bowl game.
  14. there is more than one person who plays Rocky, so they rotate throughout the game.
  15. i have to disagree with you here Jenna on the message board thing. we have been on that message board on facebook for weeks before the bowl game started, nobody joined after and started talking smack that weren't talking smack beforehand. and the only reason we were on that board talking smack was to defend usf. i don't agree with some of the signs that people had, but there is nothing wrong with smack talk being done before or after the game, especially with how much smack talk those ecu fans did on that board.
  16. that cheer was being done while he was on the ground after getting hurt. it seemed very eerie the way it was being done, but you gotta love the julmiste cheers, i'm sure he appreciated it, and he deserved it.
  17. this is a great picture, i saw it and just broke out in laughter, i wish i were able to go down into the lockerroom to help them celebrate
  18. i say a dining hall, it would add alot to the football program believe it or not. if we were to get an OCS i'd like to to go very close to the athletic center, so the team can run out of it before each game onto the field.
  19. i didn't know buckley's first name was Brian
  20. i was out there for a little bit, it was fun to talk **** to them, ended up leaving the area of Dave's at about 10:15ish, so i missed the arrests, but the ecu fans were pretty dumb. i mean what can you say when somebody mentions 3-0? definately a bunch of rednecks that came from Greenville.
  21. i just was listening to the alma mater on the HOT website, while looking at the words on-line and the HOT doesn't play the whole alma mater, why is this?
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