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Everything posted by belgianbull

  1. FSU looking silly crying about not making the playoffs down 28-3. Georgia had a much better case being in the playoffs. I do know they are missing a lot of players but this is still a major bowl, and their biggest bowl in quite some time.
  2. I still have a smile on my face even though its two days later. What an amazing way to end the season.
  3. I think we bring the pineapple kryptonite next year. I think we will win 9 games including a win against Miami
  4. Been busy so to be honest I really haven't followed the team the last couple of weeks, so verry happy to see we now have won four in a row, including a win against FSU. Will follow the team regularly when AAC play starts, and hopefully we will be a .500 team, perhaps even better. Just a lot of positive vibes right now around USF athletics.
  5. Always a bit worried, but I think Brown has a good thing going at USF. Here he is the guy, the face of the team. This team under Golesh can be good enough to compete for an AAC championship, and a top 25 ranking. We play a good enough schedule next year where he can showcase his talent on national television. We do need to figure out a way to get him a decent amount of that nil money; enough to show that he is appreciated here.
  6. Congrats to USF Bulls on a great game and a great season. This team showed up tonight and played a complete game. This game is one I will remember for a long time and hopefully is just the beginning of a new era under Golesh.
  7. That is very true. This HS recruiting class is top notch and this doesnt happen by accident, especially considering that we were down for 4 years. Getting this class together took a lot of work and kudos to Golesh for being able to get it done.
  8. Good year for football. Golesh has brought some life back into the program. Verry excited about all the new recruits he is bringing in, and hopefully we can finish the year strong against Syracuse. Next year will be be more challenging since our schedule is filled with tough games ( Miami, Alabama, Tulane, Memphis, at FAU, UAB,, at Southern Miss...). Hopefully we can see something similar happening in men's basketball.
  9. HS recruiting under Golesh has been impressive, but they might need some time to develop. We need to recruit the transfer portal hard.
  10. Now playing UAB, Tulane, and Memphis. Only negative not playing UTSA. We knew we were no longer playing SMU. Much more interesting and competitive schedule than before.
  11. Not if we are rolling. Don't know when the Tulsa game will be, but if we are doing well more fans will jump back on the bandwagon. The schedule we are playing, if we can get us some quality wins, we could be back to being ranked.
  12. The only negative I see in the new schedule is that we no longer are playing UTSA. Glad to see no North Texas on the schedule. I expect bigger crowds for our home games compared to this year since Navy, UAB, Memphis, and Miami are more attractive opponents compared to Rice, Charlotte, and Temple. I like our schedule.
  13. That's great news. Its good that we are playing both Tulane and Memphis since those right now are the two premier teams in the league. Much more competitive schedule than this year if you include our game against Miami. Why the changes?
  14. I am kinda still with mixed feeling regarding the design. Happy we are getting a stadium, and it looks nice, but still in shock as to the 340 million not getting us at least what Colorado State, Houston, or San Diego State got. It looks more on par with Tulane. I guess that's where the market is. It kind reminds me years ago when living in London going apartment hunting and coming to a realization that my decent salary could only get me the tiniest of a one bedroom apartment. However, i think if you told me two years ago we were getting a stadium and than showed me the renderings I would have been mind blown and happy out of my mind. So that's where I am at. Stoked for the new stadium, and cant wait for it to open. Its not perfect, but it will still be great, and it will be our little stadium, which we can always improve over the years.
  15. Easily the highest rated class we have had since perhaps Taggart, perhaps even before that.
  16. Definitelly something I am missing from living in Florida is the Jamaican food. Curried goat, rice and beans, and plantains was my go to meal on a weekly basis.
  17. Just took a look at Rivals and ESPN recruiting page, and i must say HS recruiting under Golesh is beyond impressive. A + on recruiting HS.
  18. While I am happy with the initial renderings that's where probably some of my disappointment lies. I thought 340 million could get us something nicer than to what was presented. But that's on me. This is probably something closer to what North Texas, FAU, and Tulane got vs San Diego State and Colorado State. Still happy though since we finally getting a decent looking stadium, and can't wait until it opens.
  19. My initial thoughts are that it looks pretty good. Would love to see more details and different angles before giving a definite conclusion, but I am liking what I am seeing with these initial renderings.
  20. if thats what we are getting for 340 million than I think we are being had.
  21. FSU did not get snubbed. Alabama, Texas, Washington, and Michigan had better resumes than FSU. ACC ( mostly due to Clemson having an off year) was down this year. FSU's offense looked awful against an average Louisville. Current form at a given time is something that the committee looks at and there is no doubt that FSU this weekend underperformed the teams that made it.
  22. Golesh seems to be a decent hire, but should have pushed for Chadwell. What that guy has accomplished with Coastal; and now Liberty is beyond impressive. I am glad we passed on the FAMU coach
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