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Everything posted by Friscobull

  1. Just because trips is ancient with a slight bout of dementia does not mean he is stupid, I know he is a flaming liberal but he still makes a coherent point once in a blue moon.
  2. Just send me 200 dollars and I will take care of it
  3. An incredibly stupid take, that University and he is going to cash in one last time, good for him.
  4. Kinda scary that you remembered that, I watched it then however that dude was not memorable unless you played for the other team which there is nothing wrong with that Cuz, all good.
  5. Basketball players not Rhodes scholars, they dribble a basketball and make a shot every now and then, any other expectations maybe a little too much to ask for.
  6. What does it matter where it is from, no games is no games.
  7. I am not saying he was on the actual hot seat but his trajectory IMO was headed toward an eventual term vs a promo in the next couple of years. He was not exactly a hot commodity in the up and coming coaches to lead a SEC rebuild but I guess Danny felt differently and he is the boss.
  8. Unless we start winning it really does matter much, but I agree a loss by c does bring a certain level of satisfaction
  9. This one is a head scratcher, I thought he was closer to being fired than promoted. I am surprised people are talking death penalty for their football team, either way the loss of scholarships will make them even more non competitive than they already are. Dude is destined for failure
  10. The nice thing about getting older, your expectations drop and you are more easily satisfied. Good luck in your quest!
  11. Small states, small volatile sample size. law of large numbers provide a more statistically relevant result which supports my hypothesis. More people live in my neighborhood than the Dakotas (sarcasm font) and more people under one roof accelerate the spread in Utah, large families and multiples wives (sarcasm font). What is your hypothesis Trips.
  12. No **** Sherlock that was the point, nothing to do with lockdowns, GOP states etc. All with the amount of people living on top of each other.
  13. Illinois and Rhode Island, cool which one flipped Red? Wisconsin has a dim for a governor as well I think so not sure what you are referring to. 40 million people locked down in CA, 50 million in Texas and Florida wide open so that little experiment does not support your statement.
  14. I am only worried about the two that I spent most of my adult life in and that we are better than Cali and Smazza.
  15. Texas and Florida in the top half of least cases per 100k while wide open and California is in the bottom half with overly aggressive restrictive measures. I think some bragging by the two great GOP states is in order IMHO.
  16. Actually started P45 last week, I can lose 10 or so easily, we shall see the gym alone wasn’t getting it done. In their defense, their career span is short and 2 of the 4 were transfers so who knows if they do and their decision.
  17. It would be nice if I lost 20 lbs too but don’t hold your breath.
  18. Waking up kinda salty, I like it, never too early to start ruffling feathers.
  19. Addition by subtraction, we brought in transfers that couldn’t beat out McCloud last year so I am not getting my hopes up yet, hopes are not being in last, how are expectations have dropped.
  20. If it was a home playoff game you would be pulling up to the tailgate about now and would be drinking so pretend like you are at the stadium, grab a beer, go throw the football around outside and piss on a bush to get the full game time experience.
  21. Just win baby, don’t care at all if they have no interest in school and just want to ball, tired of watching a losing program.
  22. Fortunately I am not in Tampa Bay so I can give you the play by play with my best color commentating material, you are in for a treat (not meant for women or children).
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