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Everything posted by Friscobull

  1. They were not playing large scale Texas HS football and they went bankrupt, big difference between 6 and 3A ball, if they played Carter, Desoto, Katy, west lake it would have been embarrassing. I knew guys that played with him in HS, not a bad dude, no drugs and alcohol however I still think prime time is not the brightest bulb in the basket. This will end badly.
  2. I will not argue that, the critique was simplistic, but If a coach is not responsible for getting a team ready to play then what the hell do they get paid for and yes I took offense for you calling me stupid you senile old bastard.
  3. Used to warm up with 225 and do 10, do 3 or 4 of 275 and one at 315 just to have 3 plates on each side to flex. In the end who cares, it means nothing for someone not on the field, nope not a false memory but in the grand scheme of things who gives a ****.
  4. His team was not ready to play on Wednesday, that would be underwhelming and that is on him. The entire team is his guys, I know he took Collins and Brown while trying to put out a dumpster fire but it is his team and they have underachieved in my book. I am with you though on the recent get, Murphy is really exciting and Chaplin has shown a raw talent that is exciting as well.
  5. That really is pathetic, I maxed at 315 in college at a weight of 185 drinking 5 nights a week and hitting the gym 4 days a week. How can a big guy like that only push 335, does he have really long arms?
  6. I hope everybody understands that I am not calling for CBG’s head, the team is watchable most nights and is very competitive. I still like the guy and think he has done a nice job, he is fortunate the bar was so low before him. I am disappointed but as a USF fan that is normal, it is nice to at least have expectations even if we don’t meet them if that makes any sense.
  7. We are not a consistent team, Yetna has been disappointing which I attribute most of that to his recovery. Collins may be hurt but has been inconsistent, Brown was terrible last game but overall about what we expected. I think Castenada has improved, definitely in shooting. Chaplin has been a nice surprise and has exceeded expectations. I can see why Tchewa transferred, he needs some work but has potential. Durr is about what we expected, Murphy is gonna be lights out but makes freshman mistakes and turns it over too often. Luke Anderson is non existent and Williams is serviceable like we expected. I once again had on my Bulls colored glasses and thought they would be better. I think the biggest reasons are Yetna is not Yetna, CBG has been underwhelming and Collins really has not become the force I was hoping, he plateaued and turns it over too much. I am beginning to think Brybull was right all along on CBG.
  8. I would agree with Jonesy on this, that background makes you are subject matter expert on this board. Some of us only have our high school glory days and thousands of hours of sitting on our ass watching the game while consuming large quantities of beer and complaining that we would do a better job coaching a particular team. (I am not referring to anyone in particular )
  9. Overthinking it, he was a nobody that was not good in his position, not exactly newsworthy. I am sure the University is bloated with incompetent bottom feeders, most college administrations are.
  10. Good point and this is a problem, however if we could just score more runs while giving up less than we may be able to overcome this issue.
  11. You follow one more MLB team than I do. It appears we don’t have enough hitting or pitching but otherwise are not in too bad of shape going into the year, I hope you found my take intriguing.
  12. His knowledge of college baseball pales when compared to Jtrue and Chapel, for him to enter that conversation was comical and that is the reason why I poked fun at it.
  13. Not sure if I would like to see more of him but I would definitely like to see less of some of the others, to say we were flat is a massive understatement.
  14. Our offense is offensive but D keeping us in, need a big stop, Judy looking hot!
  15. Part of a doubleheader with the women who normally lead off but the men will today. It has been somewhat commonplace this year around the country, It is a terrible time slot though that we can agree upon.
  16. I have always pretty much dismissed the stars after their initial recruitment. It is a very inexact science in the first place and then you have someone transferring which to me is worth a star or 2 deduction. They may have something or they may not, only time will tell. We had a couple 5 star transfers, BB was average and Chris Dunkley was good but certainly not 5 star material.
  17. In jest, NEB and myself are not well versed in college baseball and the conversation was above our heads due to our lack following the team or the sport closely so I cracked a joke. I will attempt to explain my posts in more detail and in layman’s terms so an intellectual dullard like yourself can follow along. ( now that last comment was me being a bully, see the difference?)
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