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Everything posted by Friscobull

  1. I agree with you, bulletin board material, we lose again this year than we lose the series edge.
  2. He could definitely play and from Tally so I hope he can find a few diamonds in the rough. Maybe get a guy like him, undersized but fast and under the radar.
  3. I live here and got to see it first hand so not sure what you are referring to but glad I was able to educate you on his past. I am not hating on him simply making a prediction on how this goes down. He is bringing in cash and will create a buzz and if I was a JSU alumni I would be happy to have him, they became somewhat relevant overnight. They are an FCS team so really don’t care what happens to the team. He really is not a bad dude overall from a handful of people I knew that knew him, I simply come on here to make a prediction which will probably come true, it is what I do.
  4. I still give Switzer’s SB to Jimmie and Jimmie’s team Barry was not worth a flip IMO.
  5. Nope he would have had success and bolted for a bigger job thinking he was the man. He would have never been the answer.
  6. That sucks, Utah’s top rusher who was a freshman died over the holidays In Dallas, we may have had him if this had not happened.
  7. At least the kids are being protected from a virus that has a 100% survival rate among college athletes so it makes it all worthwhile.
  8. We are trying to make a tournament that is a less than 50% chance of happening so not going to lose sleep either way, but you have a good point.
  9. We did the same but differently. My parents lived in TB but had many kids and grandkids spread across the country. My wives parents were within driving distance in Central Georgia and we had their only grand children but I chased the money and left Tampa for Texas. It worked out as well, love them but they are a lot, became less mobile later on and it cost me. End of the day wouldn’t change a thing, NEB summed it up, to each their own.
  10. I think your remaining transfer list is more a wish list than what is actually going to happen but appreciate the info regardless.
  11. I was referring to the Prime Prep Academy fiasco, if you are unaware of that then read up and educate yourself. He picked up a bunch transfers from other schools, big deal, he will have some success and then the school will be investigated by the NCAA and the prime time experiment will end, that is how I see this thing playing out, I may be wrong but I doubt it.
  12. If he does than that will certainly crimp his ability to climb the ladder in the coaching ranks, and he may be good with that. I liked him more for being a local guy and appeared to connect well with the kids, I was not a big fan of him with the Bucs, he was so so IMO.
  13. You are correct we did have someone delay entry, we have the room just not at specifically D Line, no rule that I am aware of using a scholly originally slotted for a D-back or RB. I realize you want to keep your classes somewhat even to avoid large ebbs and flows but I find it hard to believe if we found a strong transfer that we could not make room for him. Maybe I am missing something.
  14. I realize that however I was simply asking if he saw our QB play? It was a Segway into another related topic, I was gonna bring the conversation full circle and provide some in-depth and breaking news analysis however you have stolen my thunder, so carry on.
  15. Well said, brevity has become somewhat of a lost art, nice to see some still taking this approach. Did you see our QB play last year?
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