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Roaming Bull

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Everything posted by Roaming Bull

  1. Isn’t California working on that? Pay players, trade players, trade coaches, and so on. Soon things will be just like the big leagues
  2. That sucks. Got well soon Mike! We need him back to balance things out. Get well soon!
  3. Don’t you just love how good the game management is under CCS?
  4. Same issue as last season? This has been Strong’s MO. Field teams that are sloppy, lackadaisical, and match his level of enthusiasm. At least we’ve won a couple ball games. Life with CCS is about having
  5. Well the Taggart door should be closed now. Should we start firing up the bring back Skippy threads?
  6. Facts. They look scary good. That Ohio State game should be epic
  7. Beat ECU, Central State College, and pull a rabbit out of a hat against temple, navy, or Memphis. Seems completely doable, until you look at our coaching staff.........
  8. Yeah, he not very elusive and doesn’t make people miss. Sometimes I think he has a some type of injury, because he has awkward running posture. Like he runs constipated or something
  9. He could work. Considering what we have right now almost anybody would be an upgrade
  10. Humidity is on our side, so we will win right......
  11. Strong words will fly this weekend. I guess a reprieve is long over due
  12. I think the menu at Cheesecake Factory is larger than the two that were left outside the office. So maybe
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