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Roaming Bull

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Everything posted by Roaming Bull

  1. This is premature. We need to give him 3-5 more years so he can get his guys in and coached up
  2. No I keep hearing that the program is fine. We are definitely doing big things. It’s just that our fans are being too negative
  3. You guys need to stop being so negative. CCS has a vision and you need to be patient. We’re going bowling NY eve style book it
  4. Of course they will. We’re going to 15 game regular season so we can get air time for our conference with what will be dubbed “sub week zero” games
  5. I didn’t know that M. White wanted to play fullback that bad. Willie should’ve let him block. Imagine how many more yards both QF and Mack would’ve had
  6. Very promising start to his career. I hope he continues to mature and continues to ball out. Hopefully we can get some more pieces in place and get out of this funk. Go Bulls!
  7. You say it has zero impact on the field, but Collin told me that he snuck into CCSs office and found evidence that he’s going to blame our next home loss on pink flamingos in the stands.
  8. We cutting nets this season. Idk which ones, but CBG is doing big time things with this program. Keep calm and Go Bulls!
  9. Skrewball pb&j shots. I’ll just leave this here
  10. We might be neck and neck with them though. UConn is the only team I pretty sure we can beat, but I’m not convinced that’s a lock either
  11. When did Taggart become our coach again? I must’ve missed the announcement about him taking over.
  12. But after this dominating performance who would leave? He clearly looks like he’s engaged and happy on the sidelines
  13. O lines don’t matter? This is post modernist football or something......
  14. Lol. CCS is bulletproof. He could flip the players so they play on opposite sides of the ball and nothing would happen. Fans would just have to accept that Ford would be corner, and BB would be safety
  15. Well if you check out the turnover thread we are now a defensive juggernaut, and should win out, I guess.
  16. It was a good game, but we should expect our team to have this kind of game against FCS teams.
  17. So are you saying this is the team’s identity? I did say that they are playing well, but the game is more of an anomaly given the recent history. I’m skeptical this performance will mean much, but I hope I’m wrong
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