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Roaming Bull

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Everything posted by Roaming Bull

  1. Yup. That’s a pretty good step up from where things have been recently
  2. Game day is just isn’t the same without Mike around. Neither is the prediction thread. Get well soon!!!!
  3. To open his post game press conference CCS is going to say he thought the team was going to wear purple today so he was bit confused
  4. Giving up hella yards and points in garbage time. We need to cut that out
  5. Nice stop Some years are better than others. This years team seems to know how to rack them up though
  6. Dumb pi He’s got to get his head around. Could’ve had a pick
  7. Not much of a controversy. I think we need to give this kick another shot against a better opponent and see what happens. He’s definitely looking like a gamer
  8. is it the crappy opponent making us look good, or are the players off the bench better then the first stringers?
  9. The constant changing of uniforms is an unneeded distraction. Every Saturday our coach shows up to the stadium and doesn’t know which team is his. The anxiety this is causing him makes it impossible to perform his coaching duties to the best of his ability. Coach is requesting that he select a single uniform that will be worn for the entire season
  10. Man that article really paints an interesting picture of things. Is this the athletic department’s version of holding a sign outside of shopping center?
  11. He’s angling for the coveted spot of greyhound spokesman
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