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Everything posted by BULLZ

  1. Not gonna lie, it REALLY ticked me off seeing JK write that in the article, get another job then. I dont understand why you would insult your own reader base. What an idiotic thing to say. When other people who are misinformed say something it doesnt bother me because I attribute it to ignorance.
  2. We wouldve won that game with Leavitt. Hands down no doubt about it. He knew what to do when the team smelled blood.
  3. We need this guy, badly! So why did Jeff Odom tweet this today? Taggart says they're still waiting on the statuses of Asiantii Woulard and Glen Bethel. #USF
  4. can he be on the roster without being at the school? or was he just added recently? is it safe to say that being on the roster= eligible?
  5. According to Joey Knight: For those who have asked: OT Glen Bethel, the heralded juco transfer, not at #USF for summer session. Status for fall still unclear for now. This was on August 4th that he tweeted. According to the arizona western college website: https://www.azwestern.edu/Office_of_the_President/downloads/2014-2015_Academic_Calendar.pdf Summer classes ended July 31st. So if he is doing a class after the 31st he probably has a special arrangement with a professor that is outside the normal academic calendar, which could explain the delay even until now. Praying and hoping he pulls through in time! RETWEETS10 FAVORITES9 7:50 AM - 4 Aug 2015
  6. I had a class that ended July 17th and only got my grades last week for it. Sometimes its reallly late
  7. Cherry and Woulard sighting https://instagram.com/p/6m4y-fQ5qX/
  8. Anyone wondering if theyre taking this long it could be a good sign? As in if they were gonna deny him they wouldve just outright denied him on the spot, maybe deliberating this long could be a good thing?
  9. I dont know if anyone else pointed out or noticed but 3 out of our first 4 games will be nationally televized! Sat, Sept 5 vs Florida A&M 7:00 PM ET Sat, Sept 12 @ FSU 11:30 AM ET Sat, Sept 19 @ Maryland 12:00 PM ET Fri, Oct 2 vs Memphis 7:00 PM ET Also, any other way well be able to watch the First Game against FAMU besides espn3/stadium?
  10. One or two people have said that but it was not known - publicly, at least - until just before camp from everything I have seen. And then the message was just a couple more days to get transcripts in. If he is still not admitted then this is FAR later than normal even for a transfer. Looking like an Eric Mayes situation to me but we will see. We need him. IDK... from everything I hear they aren't worried about if he'll get in... it's just a timing thing with the class, getting the grade posted, and getting the official transcripts to USF. I think this is normally done early in the summer but he needed a class... so this wait is normally not an issue but because it is so late, the processing time isn't running longer, it is just happening later in the summer. Eric Mayes was completely different, he was literally missing high school credits required to be eligible by the NCAA... it was not the school that said he was ineligible, it was the NCAA clearing house. Bethel is fine there. So he and Mayes are apples and oranges... not at all the same situation. Exactly
  11. its still in the first week of camp. Its been known he was going to miss the beginning of fall camp. The first week is still well in the beginning, so nothing new. I know he'll be fine. Summer classes sometimes are so ridiculously slow, I wrapped up a summer close to a month ago and still have not gotten my grades officially to oasis or uploaded to my transcript. No need to worry yet.
  12. I dont think Johnson is going to "start" the season but guess what, if for whatever reason in a game Mack starts getting bottled up, next guy is gonna step in without any hesitation. PLUS I expect Johnson/Tice to get at least 30-40% of snaps that way they keep each other fresh. Especially after big runs. Staying fresh is HUGE. We have an enormous advantage at rb this year, it is def not a problem, I personally hope we get both of them on the field at the same time, because theyre both special talents
  13. Blaming the team's lack of success on player's feelings toward one another is lame and insulting. Saying WKU players care more about each other than Bull's players is insulting too. Does he really believe that or was blowing smoke, I don't know. But if he's going to talk about it going slower than he thought it would he needs to man up and shoulder that responsibility like he did after that first loss year one. All the people on here saying emotions in the locker room don't have anything to do with success on the field have obviously never played a down of football
  14. The title of the thread is 'Why don't we run the triple option?', I'm just trying to point out why it's easier said than done. Our current starting right tackle is a former walk-on converted from the D-line lol. Absolutely I agree 100% we have the guys to run it. Weve been recruiting for a power run system so while we may not have the absolute top lineman we have decent enough lineman to create a push between Bethel, Gibbons, Thor, and the other guys. The whole "we have a starting D Lineman walkon" as our starter is crap, that oline hasnt been updated since spring where Thor was out, and we didnt have Gibbons or Bethel..... Guys Im not talking about creating an all world offense Im talking about using the players that we have WHICH WE DO, in the most effective way. Between Flowers, Mack, Johnson, Tice, Swanson, and a few of these solid lineman we got, and this up paced no huddle offense were implementing if we ran the triple option I think we could see some success tiring out defenses and keeping them on the field not allowing them to adjust personnel. Big defensive front guys get tired quick, and if they get tired, there goes the line.
  15. That was almost a year ago....... .....and besides im referencing the success had by georgia southern a school that gets no name recruits and their ability to run the system not Georgia Tech who can pull in top athletes. so its a different topic
  16. It's hard to recruit Florida for an offensive line required to run the triple option. Taggart has been trying to recruit those offensive lineman for the last two years (for his run heavy scheme) and it just hasn't happened. You can run a WR at QB in the triple option, but it's all based off of 5 guys that can create great 'push Heres the thing, what youre saying sounds right on paper but in reality you honestly think GEORGIA SOUTHERN a no name school had recruited better players for their line than FLORIDA? Florida gets the best athletes in the country year in and year out. So no I dont buy that, POINT IS IF GEORGIA SOUTHERN CAN PUT TOGETHER THAT SYSTEM WE CAN TOO.
  17. Honestly we have an extremely athletic qb in Flowers, an extremely athletic set of rbs (Mack and D'Ernest), A year and a half ago when GEOGIA SOUTHERN beat Florida they didnt complete ONE PASS (WHICH IS WHAT OUR OFFENSE LOOKS LIKE) but they beat Florida 26-20. I feel if we implemented some of their offense we could at least put points on the board right away. What do you think? Sounds practical and like it could work here and work well
  18. And to follow that, we lost our best QB to transfer with no real competition coming from the other two? Hard not to bet on Bench starting this year. IF that happens, my money is on Flowers transferring or switching positions. No way he stays if Bench beats him out and Woulard continues this heir apparent track he is on. He wouldnt transfer, Bench is a senior and would leave after this year anyway
  19. I dont think people understand how much our team emotions are going to play into the season. Weve always played best as an emotional team, with a chip on our shoulder as the underdog. This team has been DYING to be good again, its looking for any glimpse of light to believe in itself. We win the FAMU game, as stupid as this sounds, thats going to build confidence in this team. Its going to allow players to believe this year may be different. Starting the season with a W when youve had back to back to back losing seasons IS HUGE! That will get players a little more pumped for the year. If we go into the FSU game and hang with them and its competitive I dont care what the score ends up being because after that this team will believe in themselves, they will know they went toe to toe with the best of the country and fought. If that happens, the underdog persona will start coming back and the team wont see themselves as a "losing team" but a team that is building towards something special. Im telling you, this stuff means more than most people give credit, when you believe in each other in the locker room and when you play with heart, recruiting stars and all that crap start to lose their advantage. In CFB ANY team can beat ANY team under the right conditions.
  20. Well considering no USF coach ever won the division, I dont think this is the expectation. He needs to win 6 to stay, imo it depends on how the team finishes the season too. If we finish hot with a win streak he stays, if we lose the last 3 hes gone fast.
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