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Cow Pie

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Everything posted by Cow Pie

  1. Its a total lack of prep... Skip should of had them out in Nevada about 3 days before the game to get them used to the time zone, altitude, and everything else. If we end up losing this game then it will be pathetic.
  2. Its apparent that Skip and Co. failed to prepare for this game... any other school would have sent its team out to Nevada a few days early to get in some pre-game scrimmages, so they could acclimate themselves to the altitude and atmosphere. Preparing in Tampa for a game in a mountainous area is a total failure to prepare. If we can't beat Nevada then we have ZERO chance at winning the BEast.
  3. IF Nevada beats us tune into ESPN College Wrap up tomorrow and you will see how much Mays hates the Bulls...
  4. Obviously this reporter failed to research USF's history and how we have been really good at stopping team with mobile QB's... ala WV...
  5. This UCF-Ohio State game has m worried... UCF has been able to hang with them for a while... I'm hoping that the suck-eyes pull past them at some point.
  6. Not a bad idea... if I lived closer I'd end up going.
  7. The campus Beef's is the biggest failure on campus... everything Outrunner said is spot on...
  8. I hate to break it to the Nevada fans but Mark Mays is a Pitt mark and he HATES USF... he hates USF because Lou rags on him when Pitt loses, and May rags on Lou when Notre Dame or USF loses. This is a back handed comment against USF due to the fact that Lou really ragged on Mays during College Wrap up last Sunday.
  9. Not to knock your program, and with all due respect, if we can shut down WVU who runs a pistol then we should not have any issues shutting down other teams that use the pistol. WVU is no push over. Again not knocking the Pack, just stating my observation.
  10. I think all of the cable providers have it... Brighthouse has it but its one of those higher up 100's channels... Unfortunately knology here in GA doesn't have it. Well looks like your Hooters bound then...
  11. Pitt does not count since they are considered by most to be ACC scabs...
  12. I think all of the cable providers have it... Brighthouse has it but its one of those higher up 100's channels...
  13. 1) For those not traveling to Reno, what are your pregame and game plans? Changing a few diapers, taking an online exam, and then chugging down a few beers while I watch the game at home. 2) Will you make a road game this season? If so, which? Not unless we make the St. Pete or Champs Bowl. 3) With the Big East's Week One in the books, do you feel a Bulls BE Championship is now more likely or less likely? Too early to tell... we will know after the Rutgers game. 4) On this 15th anniversary of Bulls Football, what is one of your earliest - or favorite - memories of the program? Going to the FSU game is favorite... earliest is the Citadel game. 5) Best place to visit - Tamplona or Reno de Janeiro? Reno... been wanting to go there for a while.
  14. International bowl and Louisville 2010 if I remember correctly. Hmmm... NIU has a canine mascot and so does Nevada... coincidence I think not... this must be our Mike Vick outfit
  15. Wrong board .... and woefully misguided. Not stating a political slant or saying that the unemployment is Obama's fault, just that he changed the numbers and that the unemployment rate is higher then most think. Some say 8% and think that is nothing and is almost average... but when you see the real numbers its a horse of a different color. Also the story is from CNBC, which is a Democrat media outlet... its not like its from Fox or Christian Science Monitor or something. LOL ... no, he didn't change the numbers. Where the 8% figure comes from is the one that's been used forever .... but the other one is legit also, just adds more criteria and does indicate a higher rate. Touche... you appear to be correct... Obama did not, but Clinton and then Bush did change the unemployment calculations that Obama currently uses. In any event the numbers need to be changed back to the way they had always been reported so Americans can understand that we are still in the midst of the worst economic depression since the 1920's -1930's. http://harpers.org/a...2008/05/0082023 Politics aside if you have a bad economy then everything that is connected to the economy suffers... as slick willy says "Its the economy stupid".
  16. I was planning on going to Reno until we went and had a kid... unless the game is in-state, in Alabama, Georgia, or South Carolina my wings are clipped for the next 3-5 years at least
  17. A USF fan is predicting a UCF win next year. I'm calling for our third string QB to throw another TD on them. Re: Prediction Reply All I know is that UCF is going to get their first win against USF next year. Not looking forward to that, but maybe it will spark our fan base a little bit if there is one. AW will be a freshman next year yes, but I still cant see us losing this one. Is it at home? I havent checked. If it is at their house then maaaaaaaaaybe. I would imagine that Judy has lobbied hard for the first game to be in Tampa. If it's in Orlando, I'll be surprised. After UCF begged to get in, I'm sure they wouldn't be able to throw a demand like that out there. If they do it off of history then it should be in Tampa since the last game we played against them was in Mouse-Town at the Bounce House. Also anybody know if the two schools have got together and made some kind of rivalry trophy... kept hearing that something was in the works a while back.
  18. I floated the idea by the general manager of the store and got a "eh" response... apparently they are happy with the cheap plastic party hats they sell...
  19. Or at least until the NCAA shuts me down again... http://tampa.craigslist.org/hdo/for/3255958142.html
  20. Wrong board .... and woefully misguided. Not stating a political slant or saying that the unemployment is Obama's fault, just that he changed the numbers and that the unemployment rate is higher then most think. Some say 8% and think that is nothing and is almost average... but when you see the real numbers its a horse of a different color. Also the story is from CNBC, which is a Democrat media outlet... its not like its from Fox or Christian Science Monitor or something.
  21. Snyder did a great job at shutting down UF when we played them... had it not been for our QB tossing a fist full of INT's to the Gayturds then we would had likely beat them down. Next to the UGA vs Mizzou game, the A&M vs UF game is the only other non-Bulls game I can't wait to see... I hope you guys hang 100 points of those ass clowns.
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