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Everything posted by deters-

  1. the video is fine but the music doesn't pump anyone up. once the video ends they better be pumping in a good jam or the crowd will remain flat.
  2. I see your Titanic and raise you one Hindenburg.
  3. you do realize teams draft players for special teams and practice squads in the later rounds, right? Daniels could be a very effective RB at the next level or if he has any hands and bulks up he could be used as a WR/TE hybrid like Aaron Hernandez.
  4. ruck futgers and the wankers at cbs sports.
  5. started with the auburn game due to war eagle
  6. I'd be willing to bet its precautionary and if they go through walk throughs Wednesday they will play. If not, the loss of Webster hurts but Lejiste can fill in for Jenkins and we should be ok.
  7. yea i read that too, but with the injury to Griffin, I imagined D'vo and Gonzalez would step up seeing how he did last year and camp. Not knocking Welch, he's a good player, but Gonzalez can play. I will trust the coaching staff lol Gonzalez has been plagued by a nagging injury thats why they are going to redshirt him. It's all on Dunkley, Welch and Dvo to step up. I'd expect to see Marc play a much bigger role now as well.
  8. its on ESPN3 http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/58/south-florida-bulls
  9. coach said welch and dvo will be pushed into larger roles. I singled out Dvo because he now has the opportunity to show his stuff as a true freshman and get his career off to a good start.
  10. Best wishes to Griffin in his recovery. Sad to see him go down with yet another injury. He is a big boost to our offense and is a great clutch playmaker. Hopefully he can come back stronger next season and get a 6th year. Guy deserves it with everything he's gone through. Dvo, time to step up man!
  11. Yes. If we were somehow able to get ranked in the top 20, one could easily make a case for us to have gameday vs FSU. No way they would come here. I have not heard them speak once about the Big East. depends on that weeks matchups but one could easily make a case for it being here. Factor in what could be a top 25 USF and top 10 FSU along with the instate rivalry, sold out game, possibility of good tv ratings and the fact that it could have BCS bowl implications. makes it a no brainer to me if there isn't any other huge games that week. edit just looked and here are the "big games" that week. only one that stands out to me is the Ohio State game. Ole Miss @ #1 Alabama #23 Tennessee @ #7 Georgia #12 Ohio State @ #10 Michigan State #14 Texas @ Oklahoma State I thought I heard that gameday will likely be at the clemson-FSU game the week before. Is it likely gameday would want one of the two feature teams to be repeated in consecutive weeks? Now I know one would be at Tally and other in Tampa, but still. I think the best bet would be if USF and UL are both undefeated by that time, but that is SOOOOOO far way. Of course this wouldn't bring gameday to Tampa, but would still be neat. I hadn't heard that but makes sense as it's a big game for them. Gameday this weekend is at the Tennessee Florida game so you can probably cross the Georgia Tennessee game off the list. I'm gonna say Ohio State MSU gets it but if FSU doesn't get it vs Clemson, we could be in the running.
  12. Tennessee plays the gators next week. Think the gators will beat them. If they do then Ohio State>USF>Georgia and if they don't then Ohio State>Georgia>USF
  13. QFT. I like Hopkins as a player and he does have ability but I'd much rather have size and speed then just speed lined up at WR. Coaches need to design some good plays that utilize his speed but don't ask for him to do plays that work against his height disadvantage.
  14. Yes. If we were somehow able to get ranked in the top 20, one could easily make a case for us to have gameday vs FSU. No way they would come here. I have not heard them speak once about the Big East. depends on that weeks matchups but one could easily make a case for it being here. Factor in what could be a top 25 USF and top 10 FSU along with the instate rivalry, sold out game, possibility of good tv ratings and the fact that it could have BCS bowl implications. makes it a no brainer to me if there isn't any other huge games that week. edit just looked and here are the "big games" that week. only one that stands out to me is the Ohio State game. Ole Miss @ #1 Alabama #23 Tennessee @ #7 Georgia #12 Ohio State @ #10 Michigan State #14 Texas @ Oklahoma State
  15. Yes. If we were somehow able to get ranked in the top 20, one could easily make a case for us to have gameday vs FSU.
  16. Yea the Tv channel guide on Fios said he was the coach of Eastern Carolina. Fail.....
  17. I was gonna say turn on the Skip Holtz show tomorrow at 11:30am on NBC but apparently sometime after the Nevada game he resigned at USF and is now coaching Eastern Carolina again.......or so says my Fios schedule....
  18. haha all three of us posted the same shiz at the same time lol
  19. I missed the postgame broadcast and was wondering if there was a place to listen to a recording of it? Really would love to hear coach and the players thoughts on the game from the locker.
  20. link to said interview if recorded?
  21. It's amazing what an experienced group of true wide receivers can do for a qb .... And the O line did much better. That one weird play where he was forced out of bounds, he had perhaps the longest time in the pocket of an QB in any game I can ever recall seeing in the past 30 years. Knew the oline would play better this week. Props to all the offensive players. Hell we even had more yards than Nevada
  22. Broken neck and collapsed lung. Had to do an emergency tracheotomy on the field. He will undergo surgery in the neck few days. Depending on the break he could more than likely be paralyzed similar to the Rutgers player but far worse. With a tracheotomy and being revived having to be performed it ain't good news coming.
  23. KEY INJURIES: The Bulls suffered a potentially significant injury in the first half when receiver Sterling Griffin injured his right knee and had to be helped off the field. Griffin watched the second half on crutches, and Holtz said he'll know more about the severity of the injury by tonight. Griffin missed the entire 2010 season with a broken ankle. Cornerback Kayvon Webster injured his right knee in the third quarter and did not return, but said after the game that he will play in Thursday's home game against Rutgers. http://www.tampabay.com/blogs/bulls/content/notes-davis-hauls-winning-td-bulls-finish
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