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Everything posted by MMW

  1. Welcome traveler. Are you here to to learn about South Florida University?
  2. Later adding, "Oh, and I can't wait to win a bowl game. I hear that is awesome!"
  3. Yes and no. UCF went undefeated and we see the ceiling. All the teams playing for the NC have at least one loss so the message is they don't need to be perfect to play in the NC. All these G5 schools are killing themselves to achieve perfection when their big prize is the Peach Bowl - maybe. So who is to blame? The system is not about finding the best team although that sometimes happens. They want to make as much money as possible. It is all about attendance, alumni and eyeballs. Ratings and attendance is the prerequisite that none of the G5 have met. I am being cynical but its also the truth. Before asking Harlan or Aresco to hold back the tide consider the market. I really think we are seeing a waning interest in the sport due to CTE and other pressures. ESPN does not have bottomless pockets and the next 10 years will be interesting. The P5 have positioned themselves well and they want the G5 to go away. ESPN agrees.
  4. We don't travel well and these bowls have this crazy idea about making money. This is the same thinking when it comes to complaining we are not in a P5. Our attendance stinks. We are our own worst enemy. Blaming Aresco and Harlan is ********.
  5. They could have just come here if they were looking for vulnerabilities.
  6. I was actually trying to throw him off the trail.
  7. Did Tags recruit any kids from Florida all the way across the country to Oregon? Kind of messed up if he just leaves them there. Not that it's not a great opportunity and school. The way he's going if they transferred to FSU he might be gone before they're eligible. Maybe he can tell them what school he's going to after FSU and meet them there?
  8. Interesting. Is he up for any of these open positions?
  9. I am just curious who you guys would like to hire to replace Strong?
  10. This is actually important IMO (assuming it is true). They did not expand but if we made a strong case that can rattle around in the back of their heads over time. The Black Friday game was also a huge help for both programs and it didn't matter who won.
  11. How log was Kiffin at UT before he left? I know at the time it was pretty bad but coaches tenures, especially successful ones, seem to be getting shorter and shorter. As for CWT and FSU? I am over any resentment I have towards him but it would hilarious to listen to the Duck's whine about it. It would almost be like our big brother kicked their ass.
  12. In the immortal words of Taylor Swift - We are never ever ever getting back together. I have nothing against CJL and would kind of love to have him back but you don't fire a coach for hitting a player and bring him back.
  13. It just occurred to me that Brad and Apis may have him on Ignore.
  14. In the end, the loss to Houston (and the 4-24 play) was not really important.
  15. Would FSU have the $$$ to buy out Oregon? Or would they be using Jimbo's buy out money? It would be interesting and would not negatively affect us as far as I can see.
  16. We have has some bad luck on 4th downs as well. 4-24 and forward fumbling.
  17. It says people are reading my blog. Nothing more.
  18. That needs to get sorted out along with punt blocking and first down dive plays (either we need to get better at them or try something else until we do IMO).
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