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Everything posted by MMW

  1. I am curious as to why I would have to do that since his whole premise was that he was familiar with the contents of the board. Look, there was no "blowback". It is just a discussion. We all know there are lurkers on the board ready to pounce next time QF has a truly bad game. Some people have never warmed up to QF as our QB. Thankfully, Flowers have kept them quiet with his play on the field which is what Trumbull was saying.
  2. You said you haven't heard anyone even jokingly hint at looking at backups. The title of the thread was Anybody a wee bit concerned about Flowers? There are at least two examples on that thread. One was possibly a joke but who knows with @lotsofbull99 besides you said even jokingly. I am not trying to be pedantic but I would consider these examples of hints and jokes. The fact that there was a thread where we ridiculed it highlights Trombull's point. I agreed that I saw the same thing. I am not sure what the disconnect is here.
  3. They most certainly were calling for back ups. There was a whole thread about it. It was ridiculed but it still happened.
  4. The kids deserved to start the first serious after his special teams play last week. He was everywhere. I was ready to bench him for the season after the rigging call (I'm so fickle). That being said, the kid comes to play. I liked how he ran in the first series and think he has a bright future. If he can clean up the stupid mistakes I see him being a play maker. Ever hear the expression "pound sand"? It would be nice if we could play off his name with that someday if he is as good as I hope he is
  5. Yes, just my opinion. I should have stated that more clearly. Call it a prediction from what I've see over the years, nothing more. I used to be very high on him but that was stemming from extremely low expectations when he was battling Woulard. I hope the kids proves me wrong.
  6. Kean has plateaued. He is a solid back up. Coaches see it too otherwise they would not be alternating Chris O in (who threw some nice passes). To me that is a message that that position is open.
  7. They kicker was full of ****. They let him know that after the blocked punt. That was my favorite play of the game. As much as I liked their QB, their kicker was an *******.
  8. I thought the same thing. They made some nice plays and deserve the credit but there was a lot of acrobatics going on and lucky breaks. Their QB was nails. They totally deserve credit for that but it was all they could do against us and sooner or later their luck was going to dry up. We also made adjustments. We dropped 61 on them and could have scored 70 if we didn't take our for off the gas and they scored 31 thanks to some heroic (need a better adjective but whatever) plays on their part. This is a league opponent on the road. We used to struggle in those. I know the competition something something but we dominated.
  9. I know everyone likes to complain about attendance but I am pretty discouraged. I used to blame the product on the field, then we got much better so I don't know what the problem is other than our opponents. I kind of feel our problems run much deeper than that. A lot of people lost interest when the Big East crumbled and we sucked. It was like they gave up. I guess they were the casual fans.
  10. I like to come here because it's typically not political. I'm not going to debate this topic here even though as a veteran, free speech is important to me. Let's talk football or in this case league realignment. I seriously doubt we'll get 50k, I'd be thrilled with high 30's. I honestly don't know what it would take to get numbers for a league game these days.
  11. I would think this would be hysterical. The crappy P5 teams would get no sympathy from me. This is the natural progression from where we are now and none of the bottom feeders should feel safe (or smug).
  12. DJ fell down? Bull ****! The earth got jealous and crashed into him...once!
  13. I am pretty sure that is not how it works in the "Court of Public Opinion" and college bulletin boards.
  14. Yea, I agree. Since when do they care about dumpster fire football programs? So in theory we could swap UL for UCONN. I am not sure how I feel about that. I figured, I was just covering myself. I see them grabbing Navy before ECU. I think we should be all over Army and the AFA.
  15. From the article posted above: "But understand that this isn’t an NCAA investigation. This is a federal investigation, and the feds are undefeated."
  16. LOL, if those teams were kicked out (not happening IMO but let's play along) it would be far more like they join the AAC than we join the ACC (much less ECU).
  17. Just about anything can be a tradition - http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2373153-20-best-college-football-traditions
  18. LOL, thanks Boomer! These guys started a tradition in an empty stadium and in 2010-11 it seemed to die out probably due to our product on the field. To me this weird **** is what traditions are all about.
  19. According to sources, Tom Jurich was asked to fire Rick Pitino, refused, both were fired — Kent Taylor (@KentTaylorWAVE) September 27, 2017
  20. James, while John had had "had", had had "had had"; "had had" had had a better effect on the teacher.
  21. LOL, context helps too though. I wouldn't think he was going to fire Woodie after last year. He is too loyal - comma or no. Same with granma.
  22. The Bucs already do that and so does Rutgers so I do not like the idea personally. On a side note what ever happened to those painted and bedazzled towel wearing students? They used to run around the stadium at the end of the game high fiving everyone.
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